Super Gene Optimization Fluid - Chapter 824 - The Inconspicuous Illegitimate Son

Chapter 824 - The Inconspicuous Illegitimate Son

Chapter 824: The Inconspicuous Illegitimate Son

Whether it was to Xia Fei or Xia Zonghai, a single level 3 Law Emperor was not a problem. The Law of Speed was so heaven-defying that opponents of the same level who encountered a Skywing elite could do nothing but curse their own bad luck, particularly in one-on-one fights. The lightning-esque speed was a nightmare for all enemies.

Be it Xia Fei, Xia Zonghai, or Xia Wuye, nobody was worried about Wu Yuming. The Moonwards were gone, and a sole illegitimate son, no matter how capable, could not stir up any big waves.

After breakfast, Xia Zonghai went to the Law Enforcement Board for his chess match, while Xia Wuye slowly began to sweep the Wind Garden as he usually did. Meanwhile, Xia Fei headed into the training room so that Xia Laoshi could teach him to apply his artificing skills.

Just after noon, Xia Fei and Xia Laoshi emerged from the training room. The entire morning spent matching metals had been a little like running an experiment. Using the properties of the metals, they had been trying to smelt them into the most suitable materials for weapons and armor.

“It seems like you’ve already memorized all the books I gave you. Very good. Understanding the properties of metals is only the first step toward becoming an artificer. The next step concerns the designs of weapons and armor and the selection of various materials for their production. I’ll give you some books to read. At the same time tomorrow, we will began studying the various kinds of tools,” Xia Laoshi said.

Xia Fei nodded. He now had several hundred more thick books in his spatial ring. These were reading materials for his next step in artificing. Comparatively, the job of an energy master was simpler, as all that was required were crystals. However, artificers had to concern themselves with hundreds of millions of metals, which was quite the hassle.

Once his lesson with Xia Laoshi ended, Xia Fei went straight to courtyard to find Xia Wuye. Wuye was already waiting with one of the clan’s spies. From Wuye’s introduction, Xia Fei learned that this middle-aged man was the deputy supervisor of the Skywings’ spy network, Xia Yang. As for the chief supervisor, though Wuye had not said directly, Xia Fei could already guess that it was Wuye himself.

Xia Wuye was from outside the family, so the fact that the grand ancestor had given him as important a job as managing the intelligence network showed just how much he valued Wuye.

Xia Yang was a rather cheerful man. He had thick eyebrows, large eyes, and two small mustaches trimmed in the western style, like two drooping willow leaves. When he spoke, he exuded a masculine aura, not like those people who usually did intelligence work, usually walked around with glum expressions, and had constantly darting eyes. Xia Fei immediately had a good impression of him.

“Young Master Fei, let’s go. We have already found the nail. All we need is for you to hammer it,” Xia Yang said with a laugh.

Xia Fei awkwardly said, “Just call me Xia Fei. We’re all family, so there’s no need to treat me like a stranger.”

Xia Yang firmly nodded. “Very well. I’ll listen to you. Anyone who has the right to live in the Wind Garden is a supporting pillar of our clan. Whenever there’s a problem, all of you are required to take the burden on your shoulders. This respect is all deserved.”

Xia Fei chuckled. “The intelligent network is just as important. With your efforts, we won’t know who our enemies are.”


With the help of a spatial compass, Xia Yang and Xia Fei arrived at a shabby, mid-sized airport in the Exiled Grounds. There were several old warships on the tarmac, none of them too large. The largest was comparable to an Alliance cruiser. Two of them had even been disassembled and could not fly.

“The Exiled Grounds is impoverished, and advanced tools like spatial compasses and spatial gates are very rare. Most of the time, warships are used to transport people and goods. Such airports are rare to see in the Law Realm, but there are many in the Exiled Grounds,” Xia Yang explained.

Xia Fei nodded and asked, “Where is this Wu Yuming guy?”

Xia Yang answered, “Our investigations showed that Wu Yuming left half a month ago on an old-fashioned Law Realm cruiser. We don’t know where he went, and since all the warships here are unregistered, its difficult to find his movements, but according to the latest reports, Wu Yuming asked about being resupplied at base yesterday morning and arranged to land at this airport sometime between this afternoon and dusk.”

Xia Fei was startled. Half a month ago? That was exactly when the Moonward Clan bought the Rending Yang Fire from the Boundless Heaven Trading Association at a high price!

For some reason, Xia Fei had a bad feeling that made his heart uneasy.

“There’s still time. Give me the rundow