Super Gene Optimization Fluid - Chapter 619 - The White Jade Ape’s Pedestal

Chapter 619 - The White Jade Ape’s Pedestal

Chapter 619: The White Jade Ape’s Pedestal

After some time, Xia Fei slowly opened his eyes. The dim lights of the navigation deck left him feeling dazed, making him wonder whether he was still in the mortal realm or in hell.

“Master, you’re finally awake! You’ve been out for three days and three nights! Pod was worried that you had really died,” Pod frantically said.

He vigorously helped up Xia Fei, hoping that he could sit more comfortably. Unfortunately, this demon warship was small and the alloy floorboards were very hard.

“You got off lucky this time. Seven of your ribs are broken, your left tibia is broken, and your right arm is broken; you also have internal injuries.” Phantom sighed. “In a little while, once you mix a few medicines, you’ll need to rest for half a month. As for the internal injuries, you’ll have to heal them slowly.”

Xia Fei nodded. At this time, Furball nuzzled against Xia Fei’s neck. This fellow had also been injured in battle, and Pod had been so panicky that he bandaged Furball into a little ball. His small eyes peeked out from the bandages, dim and listless.

“Furball is fine. He’s just lost too much energy and needs a large amount of Origin Crystals to replenish,” Phantom explained.

He glanced at the rows of empty crystals on the ground. While Xia Fei had been unconscious, Furball had not been polite, eating more than a hundred grade 4 Origin Crystals and leaving Xia Fei’s heart aching in pain.

Taking out an Origin Crystal, Xia Fei absorbed its energy while looking out the deck window. The river of stars was dark, and several tiny asteroids brushed past the window.

“What place is this?” Xia Fei asked.

Pod was surprised, and then he worriedly stroked Xia Fei’s head. “Master, is your head okay? You’re the one who set the coordinates to this place!”

Xia Fei was at a loss. He really could not remember what had happened before he collapsed. With great difficulty, he managed to get Pod to give up on inspecting his head, telling him that his head was fine.

“This is the border of the Demon Race.” The spatial ring was not closed, so Lionheart King Oro’s words rang out clearly in his ears.

“The Demon Race?”

“Did you really forget? After boarding the ship, in your dazed state, you insisted on returning to the Alliance, but even using the fastest demon warship, it would take several years to go from the Law Realm to the Alliance. Thus, I gave you these coordinates so that when you got to the Demon Race border, we could see if you could get your hands on an unregistered spatial compass,” Oro said.

Xia Fei lightly slapped his head. “Now I remember. It seems that something like it really did happen.”

Saying this, Xia Fei hastily turned on the reinforced Black Bat radar. On it, he saw that his signal from before had been sent, which allowed him to relax. He tried to get in contact with Avril; alas, with the vast distance of space between them, there was no reply.

“If my guess is correct, you charged out of the Yu Clan’s giant ship because you didn’t trust the people there and also because you wanted to send out this signal?” Oro asked.

Xia Fei nodded.

“Who was the signal for? Is that person very important to you?”

“Very important,” Xia Fei said as he struggled to his feet.

Edgeless had retracted at some point, and Xia Fei had also been bound up into a mummy by Pod, white bandages tightly wrapped around him.

Pod’s cooking skills were truly masterful; alas, he did not understand medicine very much. He had only gotten this far with Oro’s guidance. Otherwise, he really would not have known how to handle the injuries.

In this period of time, Pod had been keeping Oro company in the ring, and the two had become rather good friends. Unfortunately, only Xia Fei could sense Phantom’s existence, so Pod could not get any of Phantom’s medical knowledge, or else the injuries would have been handled better. After all, Lionheart King Oro’s medical knowledge was second-rate, and his skills in this field were vastly inferior to Phantom’s.

Xia Fei spent an hour treating his wounds again and mixing a few medicines.

“Gulp gulp!”

After drowning a red concoction, Xia Fei felt his entire body becoming much more relaxed, the pain from his broken bones dwindling. However, his internal organs were still restless.

When cleaning up Dark Ghost’s ship, Xia Fei had left for himself some medicinal ingredients and machines, so mixing up this medicine on the spot had not been a problem.

After reading through Sentinel Goddess Sophie’s database, Phantom had greatly expanded his medical knowledge, and Xia Fei could not help but give him a thumbs-up, praising the efficacy of this medicine.

Seating himself on the pilot chair, Xia Fei took a look at how their journey was going.

“It’s a good thing that you have this demon warship, otherwise the trackers on Edgeless and the spatial compass would’ve already given your position away. The God and Demon Races have been opponents for ages, and their systems aren’t compatible with each other. As long as you’re in this ship, you won’t have to worry about being discovered. Of course, if you leave, it will be best not to use Edgeless or the spatial compass. You’ll be discovered,” Oro somewhat proudly said.

“What do you plan to do next?” Oro asked.

“Get my hands on an unregistered compass and return to the Alliance,” Xia Fei sternly said.

“Never to return to the Law Realm?”

Smiling, Xia Fei said, “When the time is right, I’ll naturally return. Yu Hua still isn’t dead, and no one is allowed to mess around with me and get off scot-free. I’ll take note of Yu Hua’s debt for now, and the day will come when I settle accounts!”

Xia Fei gritted his teeth, his eyes erupting with light.

It had always been Xia Fei’s style to take vengeance. He had been left in a very sorry state because of Yu Hua and had been fooled rather badly. There was no way he could let the man go.

Oro shrugged. “That’s easier said than done. What do you think others will think about how you blasted through the shell of the Yu Clan’s ship and fled? It’s inevitable that you’ll be connected to the disaster, and you’ll probably also be blamed for Yu Jiang’s death.”

Xia Fei said, “Only with escape did I have a sliver of survival. Things would’ve been even worse had I stayed. There was clearly a big conspiracy going on. Yu Hua, Yu Jin, and Yu Peng—the three largest power-holders of the clan were involved. There’s also that mysterious masked man; he’s a Law Overlord who managed to close a dark space with his bare hands. His rank is probably absurd.

“This group wouldn’t have acted without a back-up plan. If I stayed and said that it’s all been a conspiracy concocted by Yu Hua and the Shatter Wu Clan, do you think they would believe me or one of the Nine Great Clans?”

Oro said nothing. Xia Fei was all alone, and no one would believe him. Moreover, if he stayed with the Yu Clan, his fate would no longer be under his control, and who could say if some expert would not appear and instantly kill Xia Fei? Opposing a group of such powerful foes was definitely not a good idea.

“Besides, Yu Hua and the Shatter Wu Clan are the only ones out in the open. I have no idea who else might be in the shadows, and the unseen enemies are the most frightening. I have to escape the chaos first and then find a chance to properly investigate this matter in secret. While this puts me in a passive position for now, at least I can still control my own fate.”

Oro was in agreement with Xia Fei’s judgment. The situation was chaotic, like a pool of stagnant water, filthy and hard to see through.

One would not be able to see anything while in the water, and one could be attacked by a lurking alligator at any time, but by jumping out of the water, one could wait until the waters had calmed and the grime had sunk to the bottom; at which point, one could naturally see