Super Gene Optimization Fluid - Chapter 617 - A decisive battle!

Chapter 617 - A decisive battle!

Chapter 617: A decisive battle!

In his life, Xia Fei had done many insane things and made many crazy decisions. Otherwise, he would have never been called a lunatic by others.

There were many lunatics in the universe, but Xia Fei was different from the others. There was nothing wrong with his head, and he was actually rather logical, capable of analyzing and judging things. His madness existed in his vigorous counterattack in dire straits and in that attitude which disdained all rules and conventions.

Everyone feared death, but true warriors dared to gamble with their lives in desperate times. The result was not important. What was important was an attitude that pursued victory—a desire to live and tenaciously struggle for survival.

Even when one’s body had no more energy and their mind and body had both reached their limits…

Xia Fei still had quite a few Origin Crystals in his spatial ring, but he did not have the time to absorb them. In the middle of a fierce battle, was there anyone who would just stand by and watch their foe fight and recover energy at the same time?

However, there was still a multicolored ball of energy in his seventh brain region. This was the powerful energy absorbed through level 5 Law Emperor Cruel Eagle, a warrior who practiced the Law of Matter.

Cruel Eagle had lived for more than a hundred years. Part of his accumulated energy had gone to the Blood Crystal while the other part had been given to Xia Fei. This method of seizing energy was incredibly cruel. A lifetime of cultivation had been stolen by Xia Fei through little effort on his part. If Cruel Eagle’s spirit were still around, he would probably vomit blood out of sheer anger.

Two Great Law Emperors attacked Xia Fei from above, while a Law Overlord waited down below.

There was no choice! Xia Fei could only break out through the sky!

Breaking out required energy—enough energy to contend against two Great Law Emperors!

The Law Realm was the realm of energy. Without energy, it was hard to advance even an inch. The energy ball in Xia Fei’s seventh brain region was everything he had. He had no other energy available for him to use.

There was no other option. Even though this energy was volatile and dangerous, Xia Fei had to use it!

He clenched his teeth, and the rainbow ball of energy in his brain shattered!

This was an extremely insane decision he had made. This energy did not belong to Xia Fei but had originally been Cruel Eagle’s. Thus, Xia Fei was not confident in his ability to control this energy. As for using his enemy’s energy to attack his enemies, it was truly a fantastical idea!

However, Xia Fei firmly believed that nothing in the universe was impossible. Success or failure, he needed to at least try first!

“No,” Phantom yelled in panic, “that energy isn’t yours! It’s too violent! It will destroy your seventh brain region!”

Xia Fei was deaf to Phantom’s words at this point, though, for he had already gone completely mad!

There was nothing in his mind except the thought of battle!


Surging energy, which had once belonged to Cruel Eagle, instantly filled his seventh brain region, and it was not just his brain region; Xia Fei’s body rapidly swelled like an inflating balloon!

Immense energy unstoppably swept out!

Excess would result in overflow. If he could not swiftly consume this external energy, Xia Fei would face disaster! If too much energy filled his body, he would explode!


The two Great Law Emperors in the sky were both aghast. As experts, they could easily tell that Xia Fei was radiating with an energy different from normal.

The young man shooting toward them was like a devil with bared fangs—no! It was more like a bomb with an unstable fuse! Even his opponents could sense how dangerous he was!

If this much energy exploded, another calamity on par with Green Dawn’s self-detonation would occur!

His eyes were resolved! Streaked with blood!

Xia Fei was going all out!

“White Tiger Howls at the Moon!”

“Azure Peak Slash!”

The two Great Law Emperors did not dare to be careless, both unleashing their strongest techniques!

The energy inside Xia Fei was so unstable that they feared that Xia Fei would suddenly explode; in which case, they would inevitably be caught in the explosion.

On one end was a rapid condensation of the Law of Space; on the other end was a fissure created with the Law of Space!

White Tiger Howls at the Moon compressed space to an extreme degree, manifesting as a giant fanged beast lunging at the opponent.

In truth, the monster, which manifested in the air, did not look like a white tiger at all. With its giant maw, it looked more like a monstrous toad, as a mouth several hundred meters in diameter lunged at Xia Fei. Once one was caught in the mouth, the compression would begin. Warriors, whose ranks were