Super Gene Optimization Fluid - Chapter 577 - The Brothel’s Secret Riddle

Chapter 577 - The Brothel’s Secret Riddle

Chapter 577: The Brothel’s Secret Riddle

The Drifting Fragrance Courtyard could be called famous in the White Horse Constellation. Besides young ladies like Mu Fuping, almost everyone knew about it.

Large crimson lanterns were hung high in the air, and the road was lined with drooping willows. The Drifting Fragrance Courtyard was located in a very inconspicuous location, quiet and not ostentatious. There was no one on the road, but an intoxicating fragrance drifted out from the courtyard.

The Drifting Fragrance Courtyard was called as such because it was planted with numerous azaleas, which flowered throughout the year and filled the air with their fragrance.

Through the gate was a large courtyard in which several dozen chairs and tables had been set up, and across from these was a dancing stage. At night, there would be song and dance atop the stage, but it was still early, so there were only a few people lingering around. Several women in resplendent clothes were moving between guests, and joyous laughter filled the air.

Xia Fei and Ludi found a quiet place to sit. Ludi waved his hand, throwing out four grade 4 Origin Crystals as he said, “Get some good things to eat and drink, and please, don’t try to save money on my behalf.”

These girls, who grew up in this environment, had seen every kind of rich guest. Neither servile nor overbearing, they served fruits and snacks as they poured. In addition, two rather pretty young women sat down next to Xia Fei.

Xia Fei said nothing, but Ludi drove these two girls away, his eyes occasionally glancing at the second floor for some reason.

“Strange. Someone who failed three tests normally wouldn’t be in the mood to enjoy the beautiful spring scenery, but you suddenly had a change of heart today and came with me to Drifting Fragrance Courtyard,” Ludi smiled and said.

Xia Fei gave a mysterious smile. “I’ve been too depressed after the last three days of testing, so I need to relax a little.”

Ludi said nothing. He was a frequent patron of this establishment and treated the place like home, feeling no restraints. He was quite happy to see Xia Fei accompanying him.

However, as time went on, Ludi realized that something strange was going on. It was not long before the courtyard was packed with people, and he knew all of the visitors. He had seen all of them before on the testing ground.

“Weird. What’s up with today? Are all the examinees so depressed that they’ve all decided to come to Drifting Fragrance Courtyard?” Ludi muttered to himself.

Xia Fei casually said, “Who knows? It might be a coincidence.”

What weirded out Ludi even more was that, despite there being so many examinees here, none of them ordered a girl and just sat there. This place was a brothel, yet none of them had come here to seek pleasure. Why was that?

Ludi frowned and said to Xia Fei, “This is bad. It seems like these fellows are all after Miss Yanqiu. It seems like I have a lot of rivals today.”

Xia Fei was unaware of the situation and asked, “Is Miss Yanqiu very famous?”

Ludi sighed. “If she were famous, I wouldn’t find this situation so weird. Each night, a girl will take the stage to display her skills. Of course, I’m not talking about those girls who just do a little song and dance but rather the last person to take the stage every night.

“The last one to take the stage tonight will be Miss Yanqiu. I only found this out a few days ago, and I immediately developed a liking for her, but this is Miss Yanqiu’s first time at Drifting Fragrance Courtyard. How could I already have so many competitors?” Ludi was very frustrated, believing that everyone was his rival in love.

“Haaa, when the final song is done, according to custom, Miss Yanqiu will take the man that she’s taken a liking to her room and spend a night of pleasure. I wonder if she’ll choose me?”

Xia Fei found it very laughable, but he kept his silence, sipping tea and eating melon seeds.

More and more people gathered in Drifting Fragrance Courtyard, one hundred percent of them being examinees of the Dragon Ascension Conclave. At dusk, there were more than a hundred in total. Of the ten thousand-some examinees in the preliminary exam, ten percent of them had come to Drifting Fragrance Courtyard as if they had all agreed on it.

Somewhat far from Xia Fei’s seat, Mu Fuping, Mu Qingping, and those two stalwart men quietly entered in disguise. Even after she found out what sort of place Drifting Fragrance Courtyard was and despite her status, Mu Fuping still stubbornly insisted on going, so the girls had disguised themselves as men to get into this place.

As the curtain of night fell, the lanterns were lit and the dancing on the stage commenced.

Xia Fei absentmindedly watched while Ludi anxiously awaited the arrival of Miss Yanqiu. Everyone around him was an opponent, leaving him very restless.

Mu Fuping observed Xia Fei for a very long time, and when she saw that he was really just here to see the song and dance, her face gradually relaxed.

“I just knew that Big Brother Xia Fei wasn’t that sort of person,” Mu Fuping told herself.

Time went by very quickly, and it was finally time for Miss Yanqiu to appear.

The moment the master of ceremonies announced Miss Yanqiu’s name, Ludi stood up and clapped for all he was worth.