Super Gene Optimization Fluid - Chapter 446 - Sweeping Through the Stone Formation!

Chapter 446 - Sweeping Through the Stone Formation!

Chapter 446: Sweeping Through the Stone Formation!

The world of Laws and Law Adepts was too far away from Xia Fei. He had some vague inclination that he had probably used Law energy to kill Uti; alas, Xia Fei’s mind had not been very clear at that time, and his fragmented memories were not enough to piece together the mysterious Law of Primal Chaos.

He looked at the points he earned displayed on the points counter. His current problem was how to exchange these points for actual items. He had been through the most difficult of battles, and it was high time that his efforts were rewarded.

“Brother Blackie, I heard that I can exchange points for items on the fifth floor of the Holy Realm?” Xia Fei raised his wrist as he asked.

The black parrot grimaced, while Whitey was much more straightforward. “Keep dreaming! The items in the temple are graces the Black and White Gods left for the insectoid race. Unless you prove that you’re an insectoid, there’s no chance!”

Xia Fei was very embarrassed. It was truly very difficult to prove that he was an insectoid, and Xia Fei neither had the ability nor the desire to turn himself into an insect.

After a momentary daze, the black parrot extended a wing and pulled Whitey far away from Xia Fei.

“This human has a connection to our master. How could we refuse his request of exchange? Back then, our master said nothing about forbidding other sapient lifeforms from participating in the trial and exchange. Doing it this way doesn’t seem very reasonable. After all, it’s the insectoids themselves who were foolish enough to let him in the realm.”

Whitey tidied her feathers and said, “Master did not say anything about forbidding other races from participating in the trial, but did he say anything about permitting them inside? Moreover, this realm was opened jointly by your master and my master. You alone can’t decide things.”

The black parrot clearly could not out-talk Whitey. He helplessly said, “Then what do you say we should do? In any case, I agree with letting him exchange his points for an item.”

The two birds were in a stalemate. In the end, Whitey slyly said, “Have this human enter the stone formation. If he can reach one billion points before the realm closes, I will also let him exchange his points.”

The black parrot rolled his eyes, saying in shock, “One billion points! None of the insectoids who entered here for the trials has ever reached one billion points before! Furthermore, he’s all by himself. Aren’t you clearly bullying him?”

“Then it’s very simple. If you don’t agree, just have him go back to where he came from. In any case, he’s not an insectoid, and our master will not blame me,” Whitey unreasonably said.

The black parrot and his clumsy tongue were clearly no match for Whitey, and even after chatting for a long while, he still could not change her mind. Thus, he could only say, “Very well. If he really does get one billion points, the temple will be completely cleaned out. You’d better not have any complaints if that happens.”

The Black God of Night was Blackie’s master, and Xia Fei was the individual selected to learn the Law of Primal Chaos. Whitey making things so hard on his master’s chosen successor left Blackie very unhappy. Annoyed, he decided to gamble with Whitey and see if Xia Fei really did have the right to learn the Law of Primal Chaos.

“It’s decided then, but this is just between the two of us. You’d better not tell that human,” Whitey craftily said.

Turning around, the birds went to Xia Fei’s side. Blackie said, “Next to the temple is a stone formation. The formation will automatically produce numerous stone monsters, and by killing them, you can obtain additional points. The more bonus points you accumulate, the more things you can exchange for. There are still ten and a half days until the Holy Realm closes, so why don’t you go out and train a little, accumulate more bonus points before coming back to exchange?”

Xia Fei, who had already been thinking about doing exactly that, readily agreed.

After watching Xia Fei leave, Whitey disdainfully said, “He thinks he’s something else, but didn’t Master Black just give you the Law of Primal Chaos out of pity? One billion points? Keep dreaming!”

Blackie said in displeasure, “It’s not out of pity. Master has always acted appropriately when it comes to selecting a successor.”

Whitey met the black parrot’s simple explanation with derision. Snorting, she turned and walked into the temple.

“The test has only begun. Where are you going?”

“To sleep,” the white parrot coldly said. “The thought of waking up to see that human’s depressed face amuses me. I advise you not to watch. In the past, many insectoids have worked together to capture the stone monsters, but he’s all by his pitiful lonesome self. Even if he’s Master Black’s successor, it won’t do him any good.”

Blackie was speechless. At times, he really wanted to charge up and tear away Whitey’s harsh mouth.

“Right”—Whitey turned and coldly looked at the black parrot—”if you dare to reveal our bet to that human, don’t blame me for getting hostile.”

The terrain around the temple was very bizarre. The mountains seem