Super Gene Optimization Fluid - Chapter 246 - Xia Fei’s turn to fight!

Chapter 246 - Xia Fei’s turn to fight!

Chapter 246: Xia Fei’s turn to fight!

Craneshadow suddenly felt amused when Xia Fei blatantly revealed his intention to list some conditions. This was the first time a junior dared to negotiate with the sect master of the Assassin Sect, considering how strict the Assassin Sect was with its rules. It had never happened before to the Assassin Sect even though it had been around for a long time.

Craneshadow frowned. “How bold of you! What do you take this place for? How dare you question Master Shadowless’s authority? Do you seriously think you have the right to negotiate with us?”

Xia Fei twitched his lips and replied, “It’s normal for the buyer to offer a down-to-earth offer when the seller is selling at a sky-high price. I’m no Master Shadowless’s disciple yet. Even if I do agree to become his disciple, we are still two separate entities, making us equal. Why can’t I list my conditions?”

Craneshadow was enraged. His mind was full of the traditional views on how he should be a great role model as a senior. He believed that it was very crucial for a disciple to revere their master and their master’s teachings. He did agree that many rules of the Assassin Sect needed reforms, but he would not allow anyone to modify the seniority between a master and a disciple. It was part of his principles.

Craneshadow found Xia Fei’s claim that a master was equal to his disciple even more ridiculous. The traditional teachings he received were the reason why he was being extremely respectful to his senior brother even though he was already the sect master of the Assassin Sect.

“How dare you utter such nonsense?! A person’s master is more important than their father. How could you say a master and a disciple are equal?! This is absurd,” Craneshadow grunted.

Xia Fei smiled. “I don’t have a father, but I believe my father should be a human just like me. If so, why can’t two humans be equal? Since we are equal, why can’t we negotiate with each other? Besides, it’s really just some insignificant particulars.”

Craneshadow wanted to say something, but Shadowless stopped him by waving his hand.

“Xia Fei, feel free to state your conditions,” Shadowless said.

Xia Fei said after a brief pondering, “Master Shadowless, my conditions are very simple: First, I’m glad to become an envoy for the Assassin Sect, but I still have many ordinary affairs to deal with at other places, so I’m hoping that you’ll send me back to where I belong to as soon as possible.”

Shadowless nodded. “That won’t be a problem. The Assassin Sect isn’t going to force you to stay. You can make the final decision on that.”

“Let’s talk about the second condition, then; Master Craneshadow offered me a chance to obtain the secret manuals in the Seaview Tower. I’m utterly grateful for that, but I’m afraid that I’ve claimed quite a few things with the opportunity. It’ll be great if you two are willing to let me keep them all,” Xia Fei said.

“What did you claim? The huge longsword beside you?” Craneshadow asked.

Xia Fei nodded. He explained the details on how he managed to secure Slaughtershadow’s precious collection. He might have tweaked and embellished his story slightly, but he was more or less telling the truth. After all, a collapsed tunnel was not enough to stop the Assassin Sect if they insisted on investigating the matter. His lies would easily be exposed; hence, there was no point in trying to cover it up.

Craneshadow and Shadowless were dumbfounded. The series of events that Xia Fei went through were full of plot twists just like in an American film. They could not help but exclaim why they had never discovered the secret after so many years.

Shadowless had access to the archives of the Assassin Sect; thus, he had a vague impression of that person called Slaughtershadow. Xia Fei’s description of the person was exactly the same as the records, so he was convinced that Xia Fei was telling the truth.

Shadowless smiled. “If that’s the case, sect master Slaughtershadow basically gave them to you. It isn’t appropriate for us to take back what’s already been gifted, so they are yours to keep. We will give back the rest of your possessions, too, if you choose to leave.”

Craneshadow twisted his lips. He was strongly against the idea, but there was nothing he could say.

“Xia Fei, aren’t you worried that I’ll regret it and murder you later?” Shadowless suddenly asked.

Xia Fei smiled. “Master, if you are considering it, you’d better do it now. Otherwise, it won’t be easy to kill me once I leave the ring.”

The situation was obvious. Xia Fei was going to represent the Assassin Sect, and nothing else could be done if he lost. Dying to the opponent only meant that he was not good enough. However, if he won the duel, he would be the Assassin Sect’s hero. His name would spread in the circle; hence, Shadowless would have to reconsider if he wanted to do any harm to him.

Xia Fei bowed and said, “You two have been generous to me. I, Xia Fei, am indebted to your kindness. My master, please accept my gesture as your disciple.”

Now that he had achieved his goals, he decisively gave Shadowless three kowtows in a sincere manner.

Shadowless helped Xia Fei up with a smile and said some motivating words to him.

Since Xia Fei had accepted Shadowless as his master, he must be granted a name. Shadowless said after giving it some thought, “Since you are related to Bloodshadow, why don’t you use the name Bloodshadow, too? Your ancestor will be proud of you.”

Xia Fei could not care less about it, though he did silently curse Bloodshadow whom he had never met before. It was difficult to tell who was taking advantage of whom. If it was not for the coincidence, Xia Fei might not even be alive today. That being said, he still felt uncomfortable after finding out that he had acquired an ancestor out of nowhere.

Xia Fei turned and left. Shadowless let out a sigh and said, “He’s extremely smart. He knows when to advance or retreat and knows to compromise when necessary. He has a bright future, but it’s a pity that he grew up in the fancy outside world. I doubt if he can get used to the boring life of a disciple in the Assassin Sect. What a pity.”

Shadowless exclaimed how much of a pity it was a few more times. In his opinion, the fact that Xia Fei dared to negotiate with him meant he knew when to advance or retreat after sizing up the situation. Besides, he only asked for the things that already belonged to him instead of throwing out some ridiculous requests, indicating that he knew how to give and to take appropriately.

The benefits that a person managed to secure did not necessarily reflect their wisdom but how they were able to secure the benefits within their capabilities. It would be idiotic for a person to lose their life due to being overly greedy.

After Shadowless finished his tasks, he bowed to Craneshadow behind him and said, “Sect master, pardon me for making the decision without your permission today.”

Craneshadow blurted out, “Senior brother, there’s no need to apologize. I believe you must have a reason for it; I don’t mind at all.”

Shadowless nodded. He vanished into thin air following a *whoosh*. He was as quick as lightning, leaving Craneshadow with a blank face behind.

“Senior brother, so you’ve been lying to me all this time. Your legs weren’t crippled, nor were your eyes blind,” Craneshadow murmured with wide eyes.

Fangyuan, who was standing in the ring, was already panicking a little. Craneshadow had been gone for more than half an hour. They could not start the last match if he did not return. Fangyuan was planning to make worthy contributions when he decided to come with Tongtian. After all, he had been cultivating diligently for more than ten years. It was his first time representing his sect in a duel.

A person’s first step was extremely important, and the same applied to a warrior’s first battle. Whether he could make a name for himself in this world of hitmen depended on the outcome today.

He had already won two matches in a row prior to this to gather some attention. However, he believed it was nowhere enough still. He must give his first battle a perfect ending. Not only was he going to make everyone in the Assassin Sect know that there was a person called Fangyuan in this world, he also wanted the whole universe to know that his time had come.

Fangyuan glanced into the corner where Xia Fei was standing previously. He was constantly keeping an eye on Xia Fei after noticing the intimidating Bloodthirsty Screech. He kept looking into the corner subconsciously as if he had a feeling that the ordinary-looking young man was going to be a threat to him.

Fangyuan shook his head and grinned.

A rival? No one in this world was worthy to become his rival still. He sneaked a peek at his master, Tongtian, and saw the man looking back at him with a pleased look in his eyes.

He gave Tongtian a fawning smile before turning his head and murmuring under his breath, “Old prick, one day, I’ll trample you under my feet, too.”

Xia Fei happened to return from the outside at this point. He was observant enough to notice the menacing look in Fangyuan’s eyes.

He smiled and nodded at Fangyuan in a collected manner.

He lit a cigarette and slowly went up the stairs with his eyes fixed on Fangyuan. The look in his eyes was making Fangyuan feel uncomfortable. Normally, a person could feel the pressure from the furious look in a person’s eyes, but how was Xia Fei able to apply pressure onto him too even though he seemed extremely calm?

While Fangyuan struggled to understand, Phantom already saw through Xia Fei’s trick.

“Xia Fei, you’re really badass; you’re already targeting his weakness.”

Xia Fei remained smiling without saying a single world. He took the Bloodthirsty Screech from Manatee and carried it on his shoulder. The weapon was more than two meters long, and its razor-sharp edge was intimidating to look at. Xia Fei’s aura shifted as soon as he carried the longsword on his shoulder. He scanned his surroundings like the statue of an ancient god of battle with an unmatchable aura.

The ring was significantly shorter, after all; hence Fangyuan had to lift his gaze to look at Xia Fei. The aura he had accumulated from winning two matches in a row dissipated under the pressure that Xia Fei was applying onto him. Even his confidence began to waver a little.

A sacrificial warrior of the Assassin Sect gave Xia Fei his Celestial Moon and spatial ring back. He was now fully equipped with the ghastly-looking Bloodthirsty Screech and the strangeły shaped Celestial Moon.

Fangyuan had been observing Xia Fei as he suited up. The preparations were meant to be done in the locker room, but Xia Fei had done the very opposite. He insisted on exposing himself to Fangyuan.

There was nothing too deceitful in a battle. Even though Xia Fei had yet to figure out a way to win the duel, he was able to notice Fangyuan’s weakness: the lack of a brink-of-death’s experience.

Regardless of how strong a warrior was, they would never become a true expert without going through battles while constantly struggling to survive. Did every true expert not only become one after crawling out of a mountain of dead bodies?

Both Smokeshadow and Merryshadow were inexperienced just like Fangyuan; hence, their auras were incomparable to Xia Fei’s. On top of that, they were a lot weaker than Fangyuan in terms of strength, so Fangyuan was able to secure the upper hand during the duels right at the beginning.

However, his opponent was now Xia Fei, who had fought countless battles. It went without saying that Xia Fei would use his strength to abuse his opponent’s shortcoming. Fangyuan was feeling very confident after winning two matches in a row, but Xia Fei’s actions were simply telling him: “Open your eyes and see how far you are still from becoming a true warrior.”

One man’s loss was another man’s gain. Xia Fei simply crushed Fangyuan’s aura, which he had accumulated, while Xia Fei’s aura was growing stronger rapidly at the same time.

After all, the clash of auras was like a battle without fumes.