Super Detective in the Fictional World - Chapter 1392 - Two Women, Three Men, and a Horror Story

Chapter 1392 - Two Women, Three Men, and a Horror Story

Chapter 1392: Two Women, Three Men, and a Horror Story

Luke didnt know whether to laugh or cry. Stay in the car. Its dangerous. He then turned around and entered the diner.

Max subconsciously tried to open the door, but couldnt. She could only slap on the car window and shout, Hey, is this some sort of prison play? I didnt expect you to be this kind of person

30 seconds later, she turned her head speechlessly and looked at Caroline in the passenger seat. Fine, it seems that he really isnt that sort of person.

What kind of person? Caroline looked at the car curiously and exclaimed, This car Hm, it isnt branded.

In the backseat, Oleg, Han and Old Earl all rolled their eyes.

Caroline, however, nodded again. He probably modified it himself. Look, this is real leather no, it doesnt look like it.


Oleg exclaimed, Chris is indeed a rich kid. He took out a bottle of beer and opened it.

Old Earl turned around and shook his head regretfully. Theres an icebox in the car. This doesnt look like its a rental. No doubt about it, hes a rich kid. Hm, is there weed? Let me look.

Max was angry. Hey, this is my boyfriends car. Are you going to dig out everything? Are you also going to take home used condoms to use again?

Oleg said, No, I use super large. The sizes wont match.

Old Earl: Im already past the age of carrying any around.


Old Earl exclaimed again, his tone full of regret. He really is a rich kid, and one with great taste. I dont think he would leave weed lying around in a car like this.

Everybody looked over and saw him holding a cigarette.

Old Earl said, Its Cohiba. Its not too expensive; less than a hundred bucks.

Seeing that the conversation was getting out of hand, Caroline couldnt help but ask, Shouldnt we be more concerned about why Mr. Chris Vince told us to hide in his car? Why isnt it safe out there?

Everybody was bewildered. Luke had actually dragged them out and thrown them into the car for no reason.

Only Max remembered what happened just now. Hm, I think a few tramps ran over screaming. He said it was dangerous.

Everybody was still confused.

There were too many tramps here, and Han drove away a lot of them every day.

As for shouting, there was a lot of it every night from people who were either drunk or high. It wasnt unusual at all.

Caroline turned around and looked out the windshield. Then, she saw several shadows dart out ten meters away.

She blinked in confusion. Whats that? Are those dogs?

The shadows crouched low to the ground, and indeed looked a little like dogs.

The next moment, as if they had heard Carolines voice, they looked in her direction with red eyes.

With strange howls, several shadows ran toward the car.

A bunch of shadows also poured out of the alley dozens of meters away. They heard the howls and knew that there was prey here, and immediately ran over.


With heavy thuds, several shadows landed on the hood of the car.

When she finally got a clear look at them, Caroline let out an ear-piercing scream before she passed out.

In the drivers seat, Maxs mouth was wide open. Looking at the skinny monsters screeching and scratching at the windshield, she couldnt help but praise, Wow, this glass is really good.

The three men in the backseat turned pale.

The beer in Olegs hand shook, and his eyes widened. Max, I think we should call the police.

As soon as he said that, he saw a patrol car fly by from the opposite direction, as if it was fleeing. It zoomed past their car and disappeared at the end of the street.

Old Earl said in a low voice, Listen to me. Close your mouth, hide your head between your legs and dont make a sound. Thats how Ive survived several times. The idiots who wanted to look for the police all died.

As he spoke, he really did bend his body and pull his legs up as he looked out the window out of the corner of his eye.

He then trembled and said in a low voice, full of despair, But Im probably going to meet God with you this time. What a shame. I just met that hot white woman yesterday.

Han copied his pose and tilted his head. Is this really useful?

Old Earl said, Well, you will at least die a quick death and wont piss your pants.

As they were talking, a group of test subjects had already surrounded the car and were scratching it like crazy.

Three or four hideous faces were screaming at the window next to Old Earl. Their hands and mouths were stained with blood from the tramps whom they had just torn apart, and the car windows were bloody. It was exactly like a horror movie.

In the passenger seat, Caroline woke up. When she opened her eyes, she saw the blood on the window and the fierce faces. Her eyes rolled back, and she passed out again.

Taking a sniff, Max turned around and glared at her. Seriously? Were inside a car. Do you want to suffocate us to death?

Unfortunately, she was the only one who dared say anything.

Old Earl and Han had their heads between their legs as Oleg stared in horror at the test subjects pressing around outside the car. His hands twitched like he had been shocked with electricity, yet he didnt forget to chug his beer. This might be the last beer I ever drink in my life.

Max looked nervously at the test subjects outside the car for a moment, and suddenly found it strange. Did you notice that they cant do anything to this car?

Old Earl was stunned when he heard that. He raised his head and observed carefully, before his face lit up. Your boyfriend is really rich. This is actually a bulletproof car. These lunatics cant get in.

Max said, Then, I can show these guys how unhappy I am, right?

As she spoke, she leaned in close to the window and made a face at the test subjects outside the glass. She even raised her middle finger at them.

The faces at the glass suddenly froze and stopped moving.

Stunned for a moment, Max then said excitedly, Wow, that worked! It seems they can understand my gestures too?

With that, she gave them the middle finger again.

Several faces pressed to the car window slid down.

Then, a black and white skull mask appeared at the car window. Looking at the familiar woman making faces and pulling the middle finger, and that even more familiar cleavage, he couldnt help but smile.

Of course, all the woman in the car saw was the corners of the mouth and the eyes of the skull mask moving to give her a strange smile, which startled her..