Super Detective in the Fictional World - Chapter 1388 - The Master’s Way

Chapter 1388 - The Master’s Way

Chapter 1388: The Masters Way

The little turtles were disappointed.

They had only gotten the armor a few days ago and thought that they could fight the Foot Clan. In the end, the first time they put on the armor to fight, their master was taken away.

It was like a blow to the head.

Luke casually knocked the four kids on the head. Alright, your master was taken away because you didnt have enough control over the environment.

Considering how strict a certain rat was, he hesitated for a moment, and finally didnt say anything important.

On his way here, he had asked about how Splinter had been taken, and was very sure that this was a mishap that was mainly the rats fault.

Why were the four little turtles fine? Because they had put on their armor right away.

The tranquilizers and tasers which the combat soldiers had brought with them were basically useless on the turtles.

Although Splinter was the first person to be attacked by the monsters, he was actually stronger than the four little turtles.

However, this rat actually acted like a teacher and didnt choose to immediately put on the armor with his students.

In the end, he was attacked by the monsters and outnumbered.

The combat soldiers didnt have to worry about accidentally injuring the monsters. Dozens of tranquilizers were fired, and Splinter was hit several times in a row. He lost a lot of strength and could no longer dodge. He was quickly captured alive.

To be honest, Luke couldnt say anything.

Batman made sure to come up with a complete suit of armor first before he went out to brush up on his image. To uphold his image as a mighty father for the little turtles, Splinter stubbornly let them put on their armor first, and then nothing.

The five sets of armor provided by Luke were old-fashioned, but their performance had been improved with general technological upgrades.

The armors battery capacity and energy transmission were much more efficient compared with the first generation Batman suit.

The little turtles put them on and fought for ten minutes without any problems.

If Splinter had put on the armor, he would have had at least half an hours worth of the armors power to use, and could have completely crushed those skinny monsters.

This rat was an expert at blade and body techniques, and had an extremely precise grasp of physique and strength.

If he had put on the armor, he would have been able to completely turn dozens of those lean monsters into skewers.

Now, looking at the four aggrieved little turtles, Luke somehow wanted to laugh.

He rapped their round heads again. As encouragement, he operated the virtual screen and projected a map of New York in front of him.

Remember your masters teaching: Never be arrogant in victory, never despair in defeat. As Luke spoke, he raised his hand and pointed at a moving red dot on the map. In battle, dont expect the enemy to be too stupid, though there are still people who are a little stupid every now and then. Seize the opportunity.

Looking at four other red dots, Donnies eyes lit up. Is that Masters flying rat suit?

Luke said, Just call it Gray Bat.

As he spoke, he tapped a few points on the map. See this? Theyre not headed for the Foot Clans location. Its close by, so Sacks Industries should have a warehouse somewhere.

Looking at the four little turtles, he chuckled. Now, do you know what you have to do?

Mikey jumped up. Catch them and kick them hard between the legs!

The turtles:


20 minutes later, Donnies cautious voice rang out over the comms. That, are we just going to watch Master being tied down?

The other party hasnt shown any intention of taking action yet. Also, since theyve chosen to capture your master alive, they definitely have a goal of some kind. Luke took the opportunity to teach the little turtles. While ensuring your masters safety, do your best to find the opponents weakness.

He paused for a moment. If you can kill the boss on the other side, dont hesitate. Even if hes the CEO of a high-tech company, dont let him go.

At that moment, two cars drove in, and Eric Sacks got out of the second car.

A Japanese woman got out of the car in the front; it was the second-in-command of the Foot Clan, Karai.

You really havent seen Shredder? Luke couldnt help but ask the little turtles.

No. Leo touched the hilt of the sword in his hand and shook his head. If it wasnt for Master overhearing some Foot Clan members talking, we would never have known that this person existed.

Ill protect your master. When the time comes, Ill let you know to take action. Pondering for a moment, Luke finally gave up on the idea of getting everything done in one go.

He had never seen this Shredder; who knew when he would appear?

None of the people present looked like they could be a bigshot like Shredder.

A hundred birds in the forest werent as good as one in the hand.

At the very least, Sacks and Karai were here, so it wasnt a wasted trip.

By the time Luke snuck over, Splinter and Sacks had already started speaking.

Strictly speaking, these two were old acquaintances.

When Splinter was still a rat, it was Sacks who had brought him here from Japan.

In the end, when they went their separate ways, Splinter had already gained intelligence and remembered a lot of things.

The man and rat revealed a lot of secret information.

For example, only Splinter and the little turtles had the mutagen which had been developed at the very beginning.

As long as Sacks had something concrete, he could try to recreate it.

The possibility of doing so actually wasnt high, but it was already better than nothing.

Unfortunately, this boss wasnt as stupid as in the movies. He didnt say anything else.

For example, when Splinter probed him about those skinny monsters, the boss just smiled and didnt answer. He simply waved his hand to indicate that the researchers could start drawing blood from the rat.

With a smile on his face, he didnt forget to explain to Splinter, Dont worry, I wont drain you dry. If the mutagen can reproduce itself in your body, Ill feed you delicious food and drink and keep you alive for several years until Ive successfully recreated it.

Luke, who was already above Splinters head, couldnt help but curl his lip. As expected of a big capitalist who was good at exploiting all remaining value.

Splinters expression was also very ugly.

No matter how good a temper he had, he couldnt stand being treated like a piece of old cured meat.

At that moment, Splinter felt a little regretful. If he had put on the armor earlier, he would at least have been able to retreat calmly, and wouldnt have fallen into this guys hands again to become a test subject.

As he was thinking that, he heard a tiny but clear voice. Dont be rash. Your disciples are here. Theyre going to save you.

Splinters expression changed, but nobody around him cared.

After all, he was a rat. No matter how much he mimicked a person, he was still different from a human, and it was hard to make out his micro-expressions.

Not far away, CEO Sacks was instructing the researchers to pay attention to various things and not to let anything happen to the mutagen.