Super Detective in the Fictional World - Chapter 1386 - The Small Nest Is Surrounded, and a Master's Bearing

Chapter 1386 - The Small Nest Is Surrounded, and a Master's Bearing

Chapter 1386: The Small Nest Is Surrounded, and a Masters Bearing

The leader of the Foot Clan was purportedly called Shredder. He also had a Japanese foster daughter called Karai. The father and daughter were the leaders of the gang.

But the little turtles had been fighting the Foot Clan for a while, and had never seen Shredder. They had only seen Karai twice.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed, and the two were still nowhere to be seen. There were no unusual movements from the Foot Clan either.

On the other hand, Sacks had mobilized a group of people, presumably to catch the little turtles.

These people were from the Foot Clan; they werent hoodlums who peddled drugs, but professional combatants.

Luke didnt make a move against them.

The more active they were, the more clues there would be.

April was still idling in the dark room. It would be hard for the Foot Clan to deal with the little turtles without a hostage.

Donnie had already obtained parts for traditional armor, and had been making equipment for everyone for the past two days.

The biggest advantage of traditional armor was that it was simple. Most of the parts just needed to be assembled together and it already offered strong protection. The armor could also be fitted with some supporting functions for use.

For Donnie, who had just started tinkering with armor, there was no greater test product.

At night was when the tech turtle had fun.

After training during the day, he had a lot of new toys to play with at night.

A defense system had already been set up around the nest to guard their safety.

Donnie loved the new armor parts and was constantly modifying them.

Mikey crouched on the ground and took a sniff of a pizza box with a nostalgic expression. Sister Bastets pizza is really delicious.

Raphael said impatiently, You said that you would leave me a slice of blue cheese pizza, but you finished it in one go and left just the box for me to smell. Now, youre even taking the box away, you pig.

Unbothered, Mikey put down the box. Do you think if I suck up to Sister Bastet, shell bring us more cheese pizzas?

Leo sneered. You only know how to eat. Wheres your dignity?

Mikey blinked. What is dignity? Can it be eaten?

The turtles couldnt reply.

There were so many different types of cheese pizzas; who needed dignity?

Suddenly, several red lights on the wall lit up, and a clear siren rang out.

Donnies face changed. He put down the parts in his hand and ran to the surveillance screen. He exclaimed, Crap, were surrounded.

All the turtles had solemn expressions.

Leo quickly scanned the images on the screen and immediately said, There are a lot of them, and their weapons arent bad. Hm, Donnie, we should be able to use the armor now, right?

Donnie had roped them into trying the armor many times in the last few days, but they hadnt had the opportunity to wear it outside.

That was because Donnie said that the armor still needed to be adjusted in many places and couldnt be used immediately.

But Leo felt that Donnie just didnt want to give them the toys he had just gotten, and wanted to keep them to himself for a while.

Sure enough, in the face of a large-scale enemy attack, Donnie subconsciously changed his words. Quick, put it on. Use the method I taught you.

When they heard that, the three brothers gestured rudely at him.

The information from Batman contained the most detailed way to put on the armor. They had been coveting the armor for days, and didnt need Donnie to tell them twice.

The little turtles took down the four sets of armor hanging on racks and quickly put them on.

Splinter, the rat mutant, wasnt far away. He didnt say anything and just watched them quibble as they worked.

Only when he had instantly acknowledged that he had heard the alarm earlier had the little turtles relaxed.

The alarm for this defense system was very straightforward, and Splinter understood what it was without needing his disciples to remind him.

Leo was the calmest of them all. When he noticed Splinter, he didnt stop moving and simply greeted him, Master.

The other three also called out their greetings but didnt stop gearing up.

This was also a key point in their new safety rules.

Once the battle started, they skipped all formalities; otherwise they might be caught and stewed for turtle soup.

Donnie was the most familiar with the armor. After wearing his, he also helped Mikey put on his helmet.

Hearing Leo greet their master, he hurriedly said, Master, your armor is over there. Shall I help you put it on?

Splinter walked over to the last rack and shook his head. Batman gave you the armor because he wanted to see your strength, not mine.

Donnie looked at his master strangely and felt that didnt sound right.

Batman and Master had seemed very engrossed in their conversation that day!

Also, this suit is so small. Who else can use it except you?

he mumbled inwardly. However, he didnt ask again.

Compared with Master taking action, he wanted to know how strong the four of them were in their armor.

In less than ten minutes, the little turtles helped each other put on the armor.

The red lights on the wall flashed even more quickly, and while the alarm had already stopped, a gentle female voice rang out to warn them, The enemy has entered the defensive perimeter. They are 70 meters away from the center.

Seeing his four students look at him, Splinter calmly walked back to a chair not far away and sat down. Go, dont be careless.

The four little turtles bowed. They grabbed their weapons and rushed out.

Watching the four kids leave, Splinter sighed. Well have to find a new place.

Although April hadnt directly exposed this place last time, it had been enough to give the other party a rough approximation of their location.

This time, Sacks and the Foot Clan had come prepared, and had quickly found the right direction.

They couldnt stay here any longer.

A series of loud bangs rang out in the sewers, mixed in with the little turtles taunts and laughter. Clearly, they were comfortable in their new armor.

Splinter was amused. Forget it. With them, home is wherever we go.

Suddenly, his expression changed as he looked at a passage.

There was rustling as a large group of people barged in.

They didnt stop. They could even crawl and run on all fours on the sewer walls, and their gazes immediately fell on Splinter, who was alone.

With a calm expression, Splinter slowly stood up. You


They swarmed toward him with strange-sounding howls.

Splinters sharp face darkened. Motherf*cker!

His thin and stooped figure darted between four or five people in the air, and he kicked two of them away.

Landing on one wall, he grabbed a katana from the knife rack, and the rats bearing instantly changed.

Puchi! Puchi!

The light of a silver blade flashed, and two arms were cut off.

Du! Du!

The sheath hit two other shadows, knocking them off balance and causing them to fall to the ground.

Splinters expression turned ugly. What kind of monsters are these?