Since Feng Xinying had to go to the place where Su Haobing was, she had to look like one of the people there according to Su Haobing, she had to do some makeup. She had already bought necessary things. In the morning when she was wearing makeup, she tied her hair on the top to wear the wig. After wearing the pants and s.h.i.+rt, she wore a loose jacket in order to hide her curves and look as manly as possible. She was wearing light grey pants, white s.h.i.+rt and blue jacket over it.
When she reached the location, she got down the car. She wanted to go out with her men, but when didn't find them, she was confused. "Where have they gone?" she asked the driver.
"I don't know young miss. I thought they were following us," replied the driver looking shocked. He was actually shocked right from the morning with the way she looked but he didn't say a word.
"Okay, try and contact them," she said. Feng Xinying walked inside the building as she clutched her purse tightly. She decided to throw the purse in the car. She took the diamond set out from it and put it in the inside pocket of her jacket. She reached the entrance of that derelict house. After climbing the stairs, which led to a portico, she knocked at the door and waited. No one opened. She knocked again but still no response. Slightly anxious, she held the doork.n.o.b and opened the door. The door opened with a creaking noise and she went inside.
As she walked in she could see that there was no furniture inside. There was dust all over and spider webs crisscrossing the room. She cleared them and went further inside. It was so damp that the smell of it was appalling and she felt like puking.
"h.e.l.lo!" she spoke aloud.
There was no answer. She walked further in. There was very less light coming in from the broken windows and in that light she saw two doors a little further away from her. She went to one of them and opened it. It opened with a loud creak sound. She peeped inside and there was nothing. She was getting impatient.
"Su Lang!" she shouted.
She went to the next door. When she tried to open it, she noticed that it was already open slightly. She opened it further and stepped inside. She screamed at the sight inside. Su Lang was lying dead inside. His throat was slit open and he was lying in a pool of blood. It was such a ghastly site that she leaned against the wall, as she felt weak in her knees. She closed her mouth with her hands as she tried to resist the temptation to retch. Tears started coming out of her eyes. "Su Lang…" she whispered. It was such a shock for her that she felt she could faint there an then. She clutched her tummy and not able to bear the sight, she ran outside the house.
Out of the house she was in for another shock. Lim Chuen was standing with the gun on her driver's temple.
"Wh- what are you doing?" she asked as she weakly tried to come down the stairs.
"I should have done this long time back Feng Xinying!" he replied as he pressed the gun on his forehead.
Feng Xinying was unable to process information. "Are you mad? If Xie Yuansheng will hear about it, he will not leave you!"
Lim Chuen removed the gun from the driver's head and aimed it at Feng Xinying.
"Lim Chuen?" you must be mad to even think about this. How did he know that she was here in this house? Did he kill Su Lang? How did he know Su Lang? There were so many questions that were bouncing around her head.
"How come you are here?" she asked.
"Do you know who killed Su Lang?" he asked.
"In the current situation, I think it is you who killed him!" she replied hoping that some help to come her way.
"Why would I kill him? I had nothing to do with him," he replied.
"Then who killed him?"
"The leader of The Crocodile Organization," he said in a very angered tone. "He killed my man too and then killed Su Lang." He looked at the driver who cringed.
Feng Xinying looked at the watch. It was 6:30AM. She had to soon reach the place where Su Haobing was hiding and now she had all the more reason to kill the leader because of Su Lang. "How do you know all this?" she asked.
"Don't ask me how do I know all this. Ask me what will I do now?" there was a sinister smile on his face. "I tried to kill you long time back when you were a small child but your father saved you. I was the one who offered twenty percent shares to Xie Weihui and asked her to help me kill your mother and you. This was in retaliation to a business deal that he didn't give me and also because he was trying to make the company private limited. You see at that time it was necessary for me to divert his attention and this suggestion came from a very dear friend. So I convinced that stupid, greedy b.i.t.c.h, Xie Weihui to fail the brakes of the car."
Feng Xinying's mouth fell to the ground. There was too much information to take in. Su Lang was lying dead inside with his throat slit open and outside this man was talking about her mother's accident. She felt like slapping, killing and taking down Lim Chuen at that time. All the time she kept thing that it was the leader of the Crocodile Organization who killed her mother while it was Lim Chen who was the real crocodile.
She lunged at him, "Lim Chuen, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d!" But he dodged he. She landed on her knees and Lim Chuen kept the gun on the back of her head.