Xie Weihui had been eagerly waiting for the boardroom meeting the next day. She picked the phone, which was from her secretary. "Madam, everything is prepared now. All we have to do is wait for the share prices to fall."
"Okay, keep giving me the reports. We will buy them when the company's shares are at the lowest," she replied feeling excited.
"Sure madam. What about the capital? I need money to allocate in the share market in order to buy such a huge order."
"I have already allocated that money to you. In case you need more, you can send a message to me and I will ask the bank to transfer more funds," she replied. She had gone to meet the bank manager to get things done one by one as her plans executed one by one.
"But madam, as we have already discussed, we might need a lot of capital. Whatever liquid a.s.sets you have are not going to suffice the requirement. As suggested you must sell some of your shares in the market today in the morning in order to raise that much capital." The secretary knew how much money she had and what they were going to do that day. She really needed a lot of money.
"Hmm… How many shares should I sell in order to generate that capital?" she asked with a frown. She was not ready to part with her shares.
"At least ten percent."
"Okay… let me think about it."
"Madam, you have to tell me before the share market opens. We don't have enough time. It is already 6AM, and the market will open at 9AM. In order for us to sell that quant.i.ty of shares, I really need to do a lot of work. I will have to allocate them in lots as we won't be selling them in bulk."
"Give me an hour," she replied curtly and disconnected the call.
Today was the day she would take her final revenge from Feng Zhantian and Xinying. Feng Xinying had narrowly escaped death from her hands twice, but not this time. She laughed aloud. As for Xie Yuansheng and Xie Shengjun, if they utter a word about it to the public or they try to harm her, she would expose them.
Satisfied at her plan, Xie Weihui got up from the sofa and went to take a bath. She wore a grey dress and a cream-colored fur coat that Feng Zhantian had gifted her. She applied a red lipstick, opened her hair and wore high-heeled sandals. The first thing she did was to go and visit Ru s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ in the jail.
Ever since Ru s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ had been jailed, she had become thin. Her pregnancy was growing and she was looking sick because of her body was showing withdrawal symptoms. Xie Weihui used to cry inwards a lot when she saw her daughter over there. The child for whom she had dreamt so many big things was rotting in a prison. That day when she went to meet her, the jail warden brought her to visit her mother in handcuffs. Ru s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ was wearing a grey prison dress and looked like a ghost. She sat down on a chair in front of her and said, "h.e.l.lo mother."
Xie Weihui extended her hand to touch her face, but she removed her face away from her. "Stop showing your fake affection for me!" She spat. "Get me out of here, if you can! That's all. Once I am out, I will show Feng Xinying what I am capable of."
"You have to stop thinking about Feng Xinying. After today she will be a n.o.body. I have weaved my web in such a way that they won't be able to come out of it and Feng Conglomerate will in our hands. You should only think positive Ru s.h.i.+s.h.i.+. After all you are now two months pregnant."
"I will rest only after I see her dead!"
"Ru s.h.i.+s.h.i.+, don't stress yourself. Your mother is there for you, okay?"
Ru s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ gritted her teeth. Once she was out of prison, she had decided to kill Xie Weihui and then get Hung Jia out of the prison. He was the only one who cared for her.
She nodded.
The meeting time got over and Xie Weihui went to her car in the parking area. It was 8AM now. From there she called her secretary. "Sell ten percent to get that money."
If her calculation was correct, she knew that once she would stake claim on the company, the shares would lose a lot of value. She was waiting for the board meeting and reached the office exactly at 9AM along with her lawyer. They went to sit in the boardroom and waited. The meeting was supposed to begin at 10AM.
Suddenly at 9:30AM she received a message from her secretary,
[All our shares have been bought and we will receive the required money within 3 business days]
She smiled and took a deep breath. She was ready for the war. It was 10AM and she looked at the door waiting anxiously to see the face of Xie Yuansheng. There was no sign of movement.
11AM: No one came.
11:30AM: Still no one.