When Xie Yuansheng and Feng Xinying reached home, Feng Xinying was so exhausted that she didn't change her clothes. Xie Yuansheng helped her take them out and she slipped under the blanket. She was only wearing her panties and bra. Xie Yuansheng brought one of his s.h.i.+rts from his wardrobe and made her wear it. He also changed into pajamas and lay with her. He could feel how much tired she was. Her limp body and dazed state spoke it all. All her emotions that she had contained during the party created havoc on her body now. She curled up in him and slept. He was her pillar of support, her home. All the wealth around her was worthless without him.
He had kept his hand under her neck as she buried her face in him. However, she kept shuddering thorough the night and so he eventually just pulled her on his chest where she slept peacefully. She got up in the morning totally relaxed. As she raised her head, she saw him sleeping beneath her. She looked at his handsome face and traced his lips lightly. He opened his mouth and sucked her finger in his sleep. Her smile broadened.
She got up from there and went to the bathroom. He followed her inside and they took bath together. When they came out, Xie Yuansheng received a call.
"Boss, we have the worker. He is saying that it was a prank played by the hotel manager who paid him the money to do all this. We showed him the photo of Ru s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ but he is denying meeting her. He insists that it was the hotel manager."
Xie Yuansheng narrowed his eyes. "Well played Ru s.h.i.+s.h.i.+," he thought and disconnected the call. There was no point in chasing the manager because Xie Yuansheng knew that she was just framing the manager.
Meanwhile Ru s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ was in one of the worst moods. All her plans to sabotage Feng Xinying would every time go down the drains. Who was working with her? Was it Xie Yuansheng? But a man like Xie Yuansheng - why would he even bother to get his hands in something that was so dirty? She had to go to for her photo shoot early in the morning. When she went to the agency, it was already 8:30AM. Everyone was waiting for her. The photographer, the makeup artist, the portfolio manager, her agent and the stylist - everyone had come there at sharp 8AM. They were all very irritated for her not understanding the value of time.
"This is very unprofessional of you to make all of us wait," said the photographer in a very annoyed tone.
Ru s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ was in a very foul mood. "If you think you cannot take my pictures, you can go! I will ask my agent to get someone else, but don't act pricey!"
"Hey you! You haven't even got a single role anywhere, not even a poster advertis.e.m.e.nt, and you are speaking like this," shouted the photographer.
The agent had to step in to calm the matters. She was actually p.i.s.sed off by Ru s.h.i.+s.h.i.+'s behavior. Feng Xinying's agent Hong Gi had reported to her about Ru s.h.i.+s.h.i.+'s eavesdropping from two days back and she was highly embarra.s.sed.
Her photo shoot finished at 12PM and she left. By the time it was evening, her agent said that her portfolio had arrived.
Feng Xinying didn't go anywhere. She wanted to take rest. Xie Yuansheng told her that tomorrow they would celebrate their party privately. Since it was not still appropriate to tell everyone about their marriage, Xie Yuansheng had planned on celebrating it privately at a location he had thought of.