Su Yiwen Lingzhao - Chapter 425

Chapter 425

Lai Changxiao's golden palm print with a range of three feet was the first to suppress it, causing the void to roar.

Su Yi didn't even look at it.



Lai Changxiao's face changed wildly, and he played several secret symbols one after another.

These secret talismans are all sealed with the 'Six Ding Guarding Seal', which is enough to resist the full blow of the Star Gathering Realm. But in front of Qing Se's palm prints, they heard bang bang bang, and the power of these secret talismans exploded, and they were all crushed.

That kind of invincible power made Lai Changxiaoche feel terrified.


Void purple-gold divine brilliance burst, reflecting a god-like phantom, stepping on mountains and rivers, dazzling.


"Damn it! This is my Yuanyang Lingzong Town sect secret talisman. It is one of the five 'Dharma Phase Spirit Venerable Talismans' that the ancestor left in the sect, which is enough to withstand the great power of the Star Gathering Realm. How could the full-strength attack of a complete existence be smashed by a single blow? How can this little thing named Su Yi be so powerful?"

Lai Changxiao's face was ugly, heartache and surprise.

And then

Qichongzi's Crazy Thunder Knife, and Qianjue Real Man's Qianjue Taiwuquan, all attacked.

Saw Su Yi also punched with one knife and one punch.


When he clenched his fingers and threw a fist, the fist was as strong as the ancient gods picked up the sacred mountain outside the realm and smashed it down. This punch has the unstoppable trend of breaking the cage of heaven and earth.

Look at Su Yi again, after breaking through the heavy blocks, the figure has already broken through the air and killed in front of Qiu Mochi.

As before, point out.


Crazy unwillingness appeared in Qiu Mochi's eyes.

It was clear that the three star-gathering powerhouses joined forces together and placed them in Tiannan Prefecture, so they could easily run rampant, but now, they were unable to stop Su Yi's attack! So at this moment, when he faced Su Yi's attack, he had no chance to dodge at all.


Qiu Mochi's soul trembled violently, his sword-like finger force shattered his soul directly, and it exploded in the air, leaving his soul flying away.

The audience was silent!

Lai Changxiao, Qi Chongzi, and Qianjue Zhenren looked gloomy. The three of them attacked with all their strength, but they failed to stop Su Yi. Who wouldn't be surprised?

Lian Lengyue, Yanjunshan and other Yuanfu cultivators in the distance were even more stunned.

That is Qiu Mochi!

Such an old man, but his body was first shattered, and now even his soul has been obliterated.


Su Yi, it's just the cultivation of inedia!

Xuansha Snow Python was completely stunned there.

Before, she was still skeptical about Su Yi's ability to instruct her to change shape, but now, witnessing this scene, she suddenly remembered what Qing Ya said.

"Brother Su Yi is a god-like figure in the sky. If you can get his guidance, it will be difficult for you to change your form and fail."

Now that I think about it, Xuansha Snow Python finally understands that Qingya's words are not completely false. Is it like killing chickens and monkeys?

It is Lingyun River, and my heart is churning.

Su Yi's power at this time is obviously a lot stronger than killing Mrs. Miaohua and others on the Tianlan River!

After all, at that time, his opponent was only Madam Miaohua, a star-gathering powerhouse, and now, he faced a full four!

In addition, every Taoist is much stronger than Mrs. Miaohua!

Qiu Mochi's death has become a footnote to what Su Yi said before.

That is, the person he Su Yi wants to kill is heaven and earth, and no one can stop him!

"It seems that this time we have encountered a monster-like opponent, and the strength of such a person is far from what he has to measure. How is the fight?"

Qichongzi's eyes were solemn, and he spoke coldly.

"As it should be."

Lai Changxiao and Qianjue Zhenren nodded together.

In recent years, there have been many unfamiliar and powerful characters like monsters on the entire Cangqing Continent.

In Daxia, many similar characters have emerged.

At this moment, Lai Changxiao, Qian Jue Zhenren, and the others, undoubtedly regarded Su Yi as such a role.

"Joining forces together is nothing but a chicken and a dog, and it can be destroyed with a snap of your fingers."

In the distance, Su Yi's eyes were cold and indifferent.

"Arrogant! I'll see you, **** me!"


Eight Wild Thunder Blades!

That kind of power far surpassed the Thunderbolt Knives he used before.

However, Su Yi showed a sneering look and slashed out.

When he reaches his level, his gestures and gestures have an incredible aura.

This refers to seemingly simple, but in fact it is the embodiment of simplicity and simplicity.


Then Su Yi's finger is like rising from the ground, a shocking wave raging against the sky!

Under this finger, everyone couldn't help but shrink their pupils, he was just a cultivator in the inedia state, how could his power be so terrifying?

It is really the power of Su Yi's finger, the atmosphere presented is too amazing, vast and boundless, the sky seems to be covered by this finger.

Boom! boom! boom!


Qichongzi's complexion changed, the sword qi condensed, and turned into a silver thunder sword with a length of ten feet.

In the face of Su Yi, the earth-shattering power that is enough to level mountains and rivers, as strong as Qi Chongzi, he had to go all out.

Thunder is only me, destroy Liuhe!

This is definitely Qi Chongzi's most powerful sword, and all his energy and spirit are integrated into this sword!


The knife gas is boiling, and the thunder is like anger.

At this moment, everyone's eyes stinged, and their minds were shocked by the power of this knife.

Only Su Yi looked indifferent as before.

With this finger, he uses his own way to fully operate, and integrates into the charm of the five elements. How can the mystery be imagined by the monks in this world?

See you

It's like a sea of swords!

"Not good!"

Qichongzi's face changed completely.

It was just a finger force. At first, it covered the sky and the earth, but in the blink of an eye, it turned into an endless sea of sword energy. Those miraculous changes made him and other star-gathering characters feel deadly danger. .

But when he wanted to dodge, it was too late, so he could only choose to shake.


Qi Chongzi swung the knife, if desperate, almost crazy.

However, facing the sea of swords that covered it, this sword was as small as a wave on the sea, and it shattered and dissipated in the blink of an eye.


In the eyes of everyone in horror.

Jian Ling Chi, Pu Su Su was crushed into a ball of blood.

At this last moment, although his soul successfully escaped from the body, the oncoming sword qi torrent directly drowned his soul.

In the blink of an eye, the soul is gone!

Such a top sword cultivator who has been rampant in Nanzhou in the big summer for an unknown number of years, has been wiped out with just one finger.

It just confirms Su Yi's words: turkeys and dogs can be destroyed with a snap of a finger!

The audience was silent.

Yanjun Mountain and other Yuanfu cultivators in the distance were all shocked and lost their voices, shivering from the cold, completely frightened by this blow.

Qi Chongzi, the lofty elder of the Qingxuan Dao Sect, the Kuanglei Daojun who is famous in the southern state of the sky, the romantic figure in the Juxing Realm... but he was wiped out with one finger. !

That shock, one can imagine how big it was.

Lai Changxiao and Qianjue Zhenren also changed their color completely, and their fighting spirit suffered a heavy blow. Before, they promised to join forces with Qi Chongzi to fight a monster like Su Yi.

But no one thought that Qi Chongzi would lose so quickly!

Su Yi's finger made them both feel a great threat to the existence of the two star-gathering realms, and their hearts were frightened and chilled.

Even Qi Chongzi of Megatron Nanzhou is not an enemy of Su Yi, so who else can be his opponent?


Invariably, Lai Changxiao and Qian Jueren made the same decision at this moment.

ps: 2 consecutive deliveries~