Study Days At Hogwarts - Chapter 210

Chapter 210

Chapter 210 Halloween Eve

In the morning, Albert opened his sleepy eyes, tilted his head and looked towards the window. It was raining outside the castle, and the rain hit the window glass, making a crackling sound.

"It's raining again." He muttered, turned over lazily, pulled up the quilt to cover his head again, and prepared to lie down for a while and get up again later.

I don't know how long it took before Albert opened his eyes again, got up from the bed, stretched himself, got dressed, and woke everyone up to go downstairs for breakfast.

Every Halloween, there are always new changes in the Hogwarts auditorium. Of course, bat swarms and jack-o-lanterns are always indispensable decorations.

After greeting the acquaintances at the table, Albert found an empty seat and sat down. While drinking milk tea, he flipped through today's Daily Prophet, grabbed a piece of pumpkin pie from the plate and ate it on his own. Occasionally, he would Chat with Angelina next to you.

Well, the topic is related to broomsticks. There is an advertisement for Nimbus Racing Broom Company in the Daily Prophet. That company will launch a new broom next year: Nimbus 2000, Potter's first broom.

"It is said that the products of this optical wheel company are all great." Albert asked with a smile, "Do you regret buying it earlier?"

"Not really." Angelina shook her head, she knew it was just a joke.

A burst of laughter interrupted the short communication between the two. Albert raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a large group of enchanted bats hovering above Lee Jordan's head. Lee Jordan, on the other hand, hid from the left and right, and raised his hand to drive away the bats, but he couldn't drive away the bats. He was so angry that he threw the slice of bread in his hand towards the bats.

"Okay, stop making trouble, it's fine like this." Albert covered a yawn and said heartlessly, which caused Lee Jordan to roll his eyes.

Lee Jordan sat there sulking while eating, and it didn't take long for the bat swarm to fly away like this.

The first class in the morning is herbal medicine class. No one likes to take herbal medicine class in rainy weather, especially the class is in the medicine field outside the greenhouse. When it rains, I am busy in the medicine garden. It won't take long before the whole person will be like Difficult to pull out of muddy water.

Fortunately, this morning I just repotted the mandrake.

Mandrake is a magical plant with powerful potion properties. Just like last year's white fresh, this magical plant will be used in many ways, especially when it is mature, it will be made into a powerful recovery agent.

You must know that many spells that cannot be dispelled by spells need to use a powerful recovery agent made of mandrake to return to normal.

Since it was not the first time to repot the Mandrake, everyone had experience and completed the task before get out of class ended.

Put the last mandrake back into the basin, and Albert checked the task panel. The task was indeed not completed. Although it was expected, he was still a little disappointed. Because this means that if you want to really complete the task, you need to have a pot of Mandrake.

Before get out of class ended, they were told what the next class was about: looking after wrinkled figs.

That is also a magical plant with powerful potion properties, which is dangerous to a certain extent.

"Let's go, go to Transfiguration class." Fred vigorously shook off the dirt on the work robe, used the descaling spell to clean it again, and then changed into the robe again, ready to go to Professor McGonagall's class.

"Take your time." Albert muttered, after dispelling his inner irritability, he went to the Transfiguration class with the others, which was one of his best subjects.

Maybe because of Halloween, Professor McGonagall knew that everyone didn't want to attend class, so he took this class as a review class. In the class, I helped everyone review the Transfiguration that they had learned before, and also talked about a few cases of tragedies caused by Transfiguration, and wanted to warn everyone that they should be cautious when using Transfiguration magic.

After listening to the story, everyone got goosebumps all over their bodies. The stories Professor McGonagall told were really terrifying, especially the tragedy of the five-legged monster.

The legend of the five-legged monster originated from the island of Delia. That island has become a mystery. It is said that the five-legged monster used to be a wizard. Think about a person becoming a terrible monster, and his thinking is completely distorted, and he can never change back. What a terrible thing.

Even though Albert was not sure whether the story of the five-legged monster was true or not, he believed that the story was very likely to be true, because in this world, many ancient stories were actually true and had its own Yiping.

"Professor McGonagall, hasn't the Ministry of Magic tried to turn those monsters back?" Katrina said her confusion. They all knew that no matter how powerful the transformation spell was, it was still possible to restore it to its original state through potions, such as Mander The powerful recovery agent made by Lacao has such an effect.

"They refused." Professor McGonagall shook his head and said: "It is rumored that the people from the Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures tried to restore them to their original form, but those five-legged monsters resolutely resisted restoring them to their original form."

"Professor, will a deformed creature return to its original shape after death?" Albert asked suddenly. In fact, Albert already vaguely had the answer in his heart.

He has seen the skeleton of the five-legged monster.

"No." Professor McGonagall said.

Transformation class ends in the story.

After class, Albert stopped Katrina and chatted about the last bet, which had been dragged on for so long that they almost forgot about it.

"The first Quidditch match will start in mid-November, and our bet will be on that day." Albert and Katrina walked side by side in the corridor.

The latter looked at Albert with a very strange look, and said in a strange tone, "I thought you had forgotten about this?"

"How come." Albert said aggressively, "Time is running out, are you ready?"

"Time is running out." Katrina glanced at Albert and said lightly, "Winning or losing is not that important to me anymore."

"Um, it looks like I can save ten Galleons this time." Albert said.

"Save ten Galleons." Katrina's tone became even weirder, "I don't think you are short of money, I heard that Isobel gave you a class, and you generously gave ten Galleons, why not Just admit defeat and give me ten Galleons."

Albert's face darkened, and he asked, "Isobel told you?"

"So, it really is ten Galleons?" Katrina's tone was a bit complicated, "No wonder she spent money to buy me that expensive birthday present a while ago."

Albert's face turned darker when he heard the words, but he didn't expect to be tricked by others. This is because he walked too much at night, did he meet a ghost?

"What did she teach you?" Katrina asked curiously.

"Ask her yourself." Albert said angrily.

"She won't tell, let me ask you."

Albert was swallowed, and didn't bother to answer the other party anymore, because Katrina was just trying to catch him.

(end of this chapter)