=FACILE DAMSEL=, Anonymous =Co=, =H=, =M=, _Antikonie_ =W=, =C=14, =W=, =H=, =M=21.
=FELIX= =GG=3, 11.
=FISHER KING.= Anonymous =Co=, Amfortas =W=, Brons =B=, =D=, Alain =GG=.
Anonymous (?), =Q={1}, Pelles =Q={2}. In =M= the Fisher corresponds to Gonemans. In all the French works of the cycle the adjective rich is commonly applied to the Fisher. Splendour of court =PC=1----learned in black art =PC=3----old and sick =Dprol=, First meeting with Perceval =C=7, =W=, =D=11, _cf._ =PC=3, =M=6----=C=8, =W=, _cf._ =D=2, 12----=C=11, =W=, _cf._ =D=15, =M=21----=G=7, 8, 9, 16, 18, 19, 20----Second meeting with Perceval =G=22, =Ma=1-7 or =Ge=1-5, =D=16, _cf._ =M=25----=Ma=10----Third meeting with Perceval =Ma=22, =Ge=22, =W=----Grandfather of Galahad =Q={1}2, 26. See also Maimed King.
Surname given to Brons =B=12, to Alain =GG=43.
Vessel given to him =D=1----commanded to go to the West =D=6.
=FLEGENTYNE= =GG=22, 29, 31, 37, 59.
=GALAHAD= (GALAAD). _Father_: Lancelot =Q=, =GG=----_Mother_: daughter of King Pelles =Q={1}, =GG=, or Fisher King =Q={2}----Seat Perillous =Q=2----Sword =Q=3----Quest proclaimed =Q=5----Evelac's Shield =Q=6, =GG=50----Devil-inhabited tomb =Q=7, _cf._ =Ge=17----Melians'
discomforture =Q=8----Castle of Maidens =Q=9----overcoming of Lancelot and Perceval =Q=11----destined achiever of Quest =Q=13----rescue of Perceval =Q=16----Genealogy =Q=26, =GG=21, 30, 58----likening to a spotless bull =Q=29----overcoming of Gawain =Q=34----stay on ship =Q=35, 36----sword =Q=36----Maimed King =Q={2} 36----capture of Castle Carchelois =Q=39----stag and lions =Q=40, _cf._ =GG=45----castle of the evil custom =Q=41----stay with father =Q=42----healing of Mordrains =Q=44, _cf._ =GG=39----cooling of fountain =Q=45----making white the Cross =GG=40----release of Symeu =Q=46, =GG=49----making whole sword =GG=44----release of Moys =GG=46----five years' wanderings =Q=47----arrival at King Peleur's =Q={1}, Maimed King's =Q={2}, witnessing of Grail and healing of Maimed King =Q=48-50----Sarras, crowning, death =Q=51, 52.
=GALAHAD= (GALAAD) son of Joseph =GG=8, 31, 34----King of Hocelice and ancestor of Urien =GG=49----founding of abbey for Symeu =GG=49.
=GANORT= =GG=33, 35.
=GARALAS= =G=13.
=GAWAIN.= Gauvain =Co=, =Q=, =GG=, Gwalchmai =M=, Gawan =W=, Gawein =H=, Gawayne or Wawayne =T=----of the seed of Joseph of Arimathea =GG=48, Arthur's nephew =Co=, =Q=----conquers Blihos Bliheris =PC=2----allusion to his finding the Grail =PC=3----one of the knights met by Perceval in wood =M=1, =T=2----helps Perceval to disarm Red Knight =T=4----meeting with Perceval after blood-drops incident =C=10, =W=, =M=11----vow to release imprisoned maiden =C=11, =M=20----reproached by Guigambresil =C=12, (Kingrimur) =W=, (anonymous) =M=20----tournament at Tiebaut's =C=13, (Lippaot) =W=, (Leigamar) =H=, _cf._ =D=15, where Perceval is hero but Gawain best knight after him----adventure with the facile damsel =C=14, (Antikonie) =W=, =H=, =M=21----injunction to seek bleeding lance =C=14, =W=, (Grail) =H=----adventure with Griogoras =C=16, (Urjan) =W=, (Lohenis) =H=----meeting with scornful damsel, Orgeuilleuse, arrival at ferryman's =C=16, =W=----Magic Castle =C=17, =W=, _cf._ =GG=51----may not leave castle =C=17----second meeting with Orgueilleuse =C=18, =W=, (Mancipicelle) =H=----Ford Perillous, Guiromelant =C=18, (Gramoflanz) =W=, (Giremelanz) =H=----marriage with Orgueilleuse =W=, (?) =C=18----arrival of Arthur to witness combat with Guiromelant =C=18 continued by =G=1, =W=, =H=----fight with Perceval =W=, _cf._ =T=7----reconciliation with Guiromelant =G=1, =W=, =H=----departure on Grail Quest and winning various talismans =H=----[first arrival at Grail Castle according to Montpellier MS. of =Co=]----Brun de Branlant, Brandalis =G=1 and 2----slaying of unknown knight and Quest to avenge him =G=3----Chapel of Black Hand =G=3----arrival at Grail Castle (first according to Mons MS. of =Co=), half successful =G=3, wholly successful =H=, _cf._ =M=25 found by Peredur at Castle of Talismans, and reference in =Q=51 Welsh version----greetings of country folk =G=3, _cf._ =Ge=3----meeting with his son =G=4----Mount Dolorous Quest =G=19----renewed Grail Quest, reproached for conduct at Fisher King's, slaying of Margon =Ma=10----rescue of Lyonel =Ma=18----rescue by Perceval =Ge=16.
Joins in search for Grail with remainder of Table Round =D={2}, =Q=, betraying knowledge of Maimed King =Q=5.
Meeting with Ywain, Gheheris and confession to hermit =Q=10.
Meeting with Hector de Mares =Q=29.
Overcoming at Galahad's hand =Q=34.
=GIFLeS= =C=11, =G=2.
=GONEMANS= or =GONEMANT= =Co=, Gornumant =Ge=, Gurnemanz =W=, Fisher Uncle =M=, =C=5, =W=, =M=5, uncle to Blanchefleur =C=6, =C=7, =W=, second meeting with Perceval =Ge=8-9, _cf._ =T=6.
=GRAIL=, Early History of. Last Supper cup given to Joseph =B=2, 3, 4, =GG=2, =Q=50, =Ma=3----Solace of Joseph =B=5, 6, =GG=2, =D=16, =Ma=3 (Montpellier MS.)----Grail and Fish =B=8, 9 _cf._ =GG=43----Directs Joseph what to do with Alain =B=12, _cf._ =GG=42, confided to Brons =B=14,15, =Dprol= 6, (Alain) =GG=51----=D=6, 10----feeds host =GG=5, =Q=13, also =GG=32----Blinding of Nasciens =GG=16, 21, 23, 30, pa.s.sage to England 31, =D=6, =Q=6, 13, 15----Crudel =GG=38, =Q=15, =Ge=15----Blinding of Mordrains =GG=38, 39, 42, only feeds the sinless 43, 44, refuses meat to Chanaan and Symeu 47, resting-place, Castle Corbenic =GG=51.
Book of, revealed to hermit =GG=2.
=GRAIL=, Quest of _by Perceval_: first seen at Fisher King's =PC=3, =C=7, =W=, =D=11----properties of =C=8, =W=, =D=12----=C=11, =W=----=C=15, =W=----lights up forest =G=14----=G=21----seen for second time =G=22-=Ma=1-7 or =Ge=1-3, =D=16----heals Hector and Perceval =Ma=20----taken from earth =Ge=6, _cf._ =W=----opposed by witch, =Ge=8, 9----connection with Shield =Ge=13----seen for third time =Ma=23, 24, =Ge=22; _by Gawain_: =H= and =G=3; _by Lancelot_: =Q=12, 22, 43; _by Galahad_: =Q=2, feeds Arthur's court =Q=4, quest proclaimed =Q=5, feeds host =Q=13, =GG=32, denied to Gawain and Hector =Q=29, 30, accomplished =Q=50-52.
=GRAIL-MESSENGER=, see Loathly Damsel.
=GRAMOFLANZ= see Guiromelant.
=GRIOGORAS= =C=16 = Lohenis =H=.
=GUIROMELANT= =Co=, Gramoflanz =W=, Giremelanz =H=, =C=18-=G=1, =W=, =H=.
=HECTOR= (de =MARES= =Q=) =Q=29, 34, 43, =Ma=20.
=HELAIN= =Q=27.
=HELYAB= =GG=2, 8, 34.
=HELYAS= =Q=26 = Ysaies =GG=30, 38.
=HUDEN= =PC=4.
=JONAANS= =Q=26, =JONANS= =GG=30, =JONAS= =GG=59.
=JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA.= D'Arymathye =B=, de Arimathie =GG=, d'Abarimathie or d'Arimathie =Q=, de Barimacie =G=, and =Ma= (Montpellier MS.), Josep (without mention of town =Ma=, Mons MS.), de Barismachie =Ge=----care of Christ's body, captivity, solace, release =B=2-7, =GG=2, 3, =D=16, _cf._ =Q=6, =Ma=2----stay in Sarras =GG=4-11, =Q=6, 26, =Ge=15, =Ma=3----=B=7----Pa.s.sage to England =GG=31, =Q=6----feeding by Grail =GG=32, =Q=13, _cf._ =B=8, 9----Moys =B=11, 12, =Dprol=, _cf._ =GG=41----=B=12-15----=GG=34, 36, =Q=15, =Ge=15----=GG=38, 44, 45, 48, 50--=D=1, 6, 12.
=JOSEPHES=, =JOSEPHE=, =JOSEPHUS=, or =JOSAPHES=, son of Joseph of Arimathea, =GG=2, 5, 9, 10, 11 =Q=6, 13, 14, 16, 17, 31 =Q=6, 13 and 32, 36 =Q=6, 38 =Q=6 and 15, 40, 41 =Q=13 _cf._ =D=6, 42, 43, 45, 46, 49, 50 =Q=6, =Q=50, 51.
=JOSUE= =GG=51, 58.
=KALAFIER= =GG=20, 22.
=KAY.= Kex =Co=----=T=2----=C=3, =W=, =M=3----=C=4, =W=, =M=4----=C=6, =C=9----=C=10, =W=, =M=11----=M=14----=T=7----=G=3, 19, =Ma=10, =Ge=21, =D=8----one of the three Grail-questers =H=.
=LABAN= =Q=35 (query variant of Lambar?).
=LABEL= =GG=26.
=LABEL'S DAUGHTER= =GG=28, 29, 37, 39.
=LAMBAR= or =LABRAN= =Q=35, =LAMBOR= =GG=58.