Strongest Tree - 80 Chapter 79

80 Chapter 79

However, without a warning a traitor suddenly appeared. Not all the Supernaturals in the air has the ability to fly, there were some that can only float with the help of the Runes on their body. Including the lightning mage. The runes on their body suddenly dimmed and slowly lose its effectiveness

The only good thing was that they were slowly descending down from the sky instead of plummeting down. If that was the case their bodies won't be able to take the impact and all of them will die

"W-what's happening?!" Eric asked in anger. This was a crucial time and their Runes should be able to let them float for more than ten minutes. Eric turned to looked at Aldrin, a Rune Master that is also in the Grand Knight Rank

It was him who provided the Runes. There was a cold smile on Aldrin's face while looking at the fallens inching close to Sun. "Don't worry Eric, I won't kill any of you. I just want Sun to die, with him alive we won't have any chance of being the top overlord of this city. You don't want that too either right?"

Eric's face flushed in anger, most of the Supernatural in G.o.d's Tech like and was afraid of Sun because of his strength and cruelty. With him the city will be safer but there was bound to be some people who will get jealous. This Aldrin was such an example

He has a big ambition of being the top expert, too bad no matter what he do Sun's strength was still far above his. "Stop what you are doing Aldrin! This city needs Sun!" Eric shouted in anger. The more powerful you are the more you will see the world

Sun's strenght was too abnormal, even other city's top expert cannot compare to his power. If there wasn't something special to him Eric won't believe that he became that strong on his own. In order to survive and have a good standing in this world the city needs Sun. An unbelievably powerful Mystic!

"SHUT UP OR DIE!" Aldrin snapped and the speed that Eric was descending increased. The winds slapped his body and he thought that he will be smashed to death but when he was a meter away from the ground he floated for a while before the Rune vanished on his body

Aldrin watched in antic.i.p.ation as the fallens inched closer to Sun before he heard a voice filled with anger

"[h.e.l.l Flame Magic: h.e.l.l Flame Shower!]" About a hundred sparks of flames quickly descended on the fallens nearest to Sun and the flames burned their bodies

It was Derry, the one that cared about Sun the most in this world. Aldrin turned to looked at where the magic came from and his face darkened. Derry may be an old man but he was also mid stage Grand Knight just like Aldrin

He can't let this old man save Sun or death will follow him. A crazed look appeared on Aldrin's face and he attacked Derry with his Rune Magic

"[Rune Magic: Explosion!]" One of the Runes drawn on his body flew in the air towards Sun. Among all Mystics a prepared Rune Master was the hardest to fight

They may have lower attacking speed as they need to draw runes first but most of the time they don't need to draw it while fighting. They can just prepare and make tons of it before fighting an enemy.

Derry's grimoire flashed with a blank white light and a barrier appeared around him "[Copy Magic: Magic Barrier!]" The rune landed on the barrier and exploded with a loud bang causing cracks to appear on the barrier

He doesn't have time to waste on Aldrin and can only pa.s.sively defend himself from his attacks while attacking the fallens coming to Sun

"[h.e.l.l Flame Magic: h.e.l.l Flame Shower!]" Derry's grimoire flashed with a demonic black light and another hundred sparks of flames were generated above the fallens that quickly descended down and killed another hundred fallens

However, this put him in a bad position. "[Rune Magic: Explosion!]" Aldrin activated five runes and this time it flew towards Sun

"b.a.s.t.a.r.d!" Seeing this, Derry was angered more. He gritted his teeth and was forced to defend Sun from the runes. "[h.e.l.l Flame Magic: h.e.l.l Flame Barrier!]" A dome of black flames appeared around Sun and the runes exploded on it but the Runes are also powerful and numbered in five. It just a few seconds the barrier broke into pieces of black flames and the remaining power from the runes landed on Sun's body

Fortunately, he is a Sin Demon with a powerful physique. If not, the runes were enough to kill him. However, he still sustained heavy injuries. Pieces of his flesh were destroyed from the explosions and his body was riddled with burns and blood

Derry was not spared too. A rune also attacked him and destroyed his already on the brink of being destroyed barrier. The old man was also injured and he was having a hard time maintaining his flying state as his wings was one of the part he was injured

At this time the fallens were only a few meters away from Sun and any time from now they will rip him into shreds. Just to make sure, Aldrin used another Rune to attack Sun to finally kill him but an angelic voice once again resounded on their head

Every creature on earth was forced to stopped what they were doing and all attacks vanished without a trace whether it be from fallens, humans or mutated creatures

"Apocalypse Phase 2.5: Tower of Treasures or Death!"

That familiar sensation of something transmitting information on your brain was felt by all the humans and they learned the general knowledge about what the Tower of Treasures or Death is

At this time a lot of cities and stronghold were already on the brink of destruction. The fallens numbered greatly while they don't feel any pain and a loss of body part was nothing to them. Humans were different as they can completely feel the pain when they were attacked

They were already in despair but a ray of hope suddenly s.h.i.+ned upon them. A bright holy light covered all the attacking fallens and in just a second they vanished just like that. The Mother Fallen's energy was retracted and it too vanished in unwillingness

The humans cannot believed what happened and just stood there dumbly

"W-why at this time?" Aldrin cannot believe that just when he was about to succeed this kind of thing will happen. But he was still a skilled and experienced Grand Knight and he frantically use as many Runes as he can

He can use a few runes at the same time but that doesn't mean he can activate it all at once. Some explosive runes were used to stall time and attack Derry and Sun who were both injured

Derry immediately forced himself to fly in Sun's direction to defend the both of them. "[h.e.l.l Flame Magic: h.e.l.l Flame Barrier!]" Another dome of black fire covered the two. Derry poured almost all of his energy on the barrier to withstand the explosion from the Runes

Aldrin put his hand behind him, a rune can be seen s.h.i.+ning on each of his palm. From the runes winds were generated that pushed him while floating in the air

After all floating was just floating. It was extremely hard to move in the air relying on just the floating aspect of Runes. Aldrin love his life and planned a way to save himself if he was in danger

Not many creatures at this time can fly and if he can then won't he be able to flee from most enemies? However the other Supernaturals that can fly were angered by his betrayal and they attacked him

Aldrin was forced to control the Runes using his will power to defend himself from those attacks. Thankfully for him only Sun and Derry were the Grand Knights that has the ability to fly and both of them were injured. The others are only in the Knight Rank and was like ants to him

He defended himself from the attacks that were about to land on him while the others missed. However he was still outnumbered and some attacks successfully landed on his body. Aldrin gritted his teeth and another batch of runes landed on his palm generating more winds that increased his speed

He successfully fled from the Supernaturals chasing him at the cost of all the Runes he prepared and serious injuries. When the Runes were about to run out of fuel he slowly descended from the ground but he didn't watched where he was going as all he thought was fleeing with his life intact

It was too late when he realized that he was inside a fallen city. His face was clouded with despair and he didn't thought that he will escape from the Supernaturals just to get killed by the hands of fallens

He can't defend now. All of his prepared runes were used up and even his energy was not enough to make any more runes. His body was filled with wounds that just moving a bit already hurt badly for him

At this time the Mother Fallen was currently crus.h.i.+ng the skull of one of its fallen underlings when he sensed a human foolishly entered in the middle of his territory. He used his ability to see from his underling's eyes and saw that it was the Mystic that betrayed Sun

His eyes lit up and he ordered the fallens not to attack the human. The fallens naturally obeyed just like a robot not even questioning his decision

He then went to show himself towards the humans who was filled with fear and despair


It was like the heavens itself helped Anna and she successfully fled from the G.o.d's Tech City. Her biggest headache from escaping were the fallens outside the city that she didn't thought earlier. But now the fallens vanished that made her to successfully escape

Not many Supernaturals knew her. All they knew was that Sun was in love with some woman, they didn't know how she looks at all

The armies outside didn't care. Many Supernaturals died today and they thought she was one of those that was trying to find her love ones. They even threw her a pitying look and hope that who she was finding was still alive

The death toll today was beyond any deaths per day that G.o.d's Tech City has and they all mourned at the lose of their comrades, family, and friends

With Nature's Blessing Anna's speed was quite fast and in just more than ten minutes she escaped outside the perimeter of the city. She didn't met a lot of fallens outside

At this time most of the fallens were the ones that was made by the Mother Fallens and all of them were transported inside their base. The numbers of fallens that was a human before was too few in number now

Anna was already out of breath from running with all her might but she didn't stopped. If Sun immobilized G.o.d's Tech's manpower it was only a matter of time before they discovered her if she hid not far away from it

She run to the direction where Kence said they would make a base. She greatly missed the man and hope to see him again, only when she was in Kence's team will she feel a sense of security

That place was also quite far from G.o.d's Tech City plus its a forest, it was the best place for her to hide. She also has an Elf Bloodline and became a bit fond of forests