Stories About Merchants Or Cunning Merchant - Chapter 86

Chapter 86

Dara, during his stay in the mountains of Light, learned a lot about history and treasure hunting . Mountains of Light had many old names . Why is this all? Thought Dara .

On that day, the Moon entered the shadow of Jupiter . . . it was the 11th lunar day, the Fountain . . . the planets lined up in a row, which was . . . necessary to activate the system . . . which worked once a century . . .


In the center of the mountain there was a peak with the name "Beginning of Life" in the ancient Turkic language, it was located in the center of the entire mountain system . The mountains themselves were called "Light" in Arabic . In the far east there was an ancient lake with the name "Sky" in the Aramaic, in the far west there was a tree that was at least 1,500 years old, and for some reason it bore the Chinese name Jin - "Gate", in the far north there is a source on "Arasan "in Sanskrit it means" Holy source . "In the extreme south," Bogdo Agyz, "a mixture of Tibetan and Persian languages ​​is the Holy Entrance .

Why such strange names? And also mountain gorges with the names "Guess Topmas" and "G.o.dai Topti", which means the beggar will not find and the beggar found . Why is this all?

Or am I thinking too much?

Thinking about this, Dara did not notice the low beam, in the house where he was staying in a mountain valley, the gorge was called "Mitan" - from Sogdian it meant "fortress" .

The blow was strong, the beam was made of steel, on it you could see the inscription on the Belgian "Belgian Railway" and "CREUSOT . 75" 1875 .

The blow of the head on the rail was so noticeable that the Dara fell on the wooden floor, a sheaf of sparks fell from his eyes and he chopped off . Lost consciousness . . .

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. . . Dara waking up . . . found that he was not in the house, but somewhere in the ridge, under a stone, his arms and legs seemed to be intact, but his head is hurt @@