Stories About Merchants Or Cunning Merchant - Chapter 65

Chapter 65

How to find what was hidden there after 90-200-400 years? There is no tree, there is no that stone, there is no house, and even the ruins are left . . . It's good when there are coordinates . . . then you can narrow the search square .

- Coordinates? Where do you get it from? Asked, surprised, Dara .

Well, you that did not listen, me? I said, I put data from the road builders on old maps of the geographical and topographic of the 19th century . And for this I'm scanning them, then tying them to a modern co-ordination grid, setting the projection, choosing the zone according to Grues Krueger, choosing an ellipsoid . . .

- And what is so difficult?

And you thought it was easy? You are a fool!


- Why do you swear right away? Offended noticed, Dara .

Well, you understand, before you go with a metal detector, you need to know where to go ?! And for this you need to conduct research .

Look for books, maps . . . well, I talked about this .

After I snap the old map to a modern grid of coordinates . Then I digitize, vectorize the old map . I compose an attribute database, bind it to the map .

Then, I apply a vector layer to a raster with a satellite image or aerial photograph . . . or a drone image .

I am looking for similar shapes on the surface . . . I compose an interpretation key, and I create a preliminary version of a map of perspective places for searches .

After I leave for a place, with a navigator and a drone, I look for that place, and on the spot I already confirm or deny whether it was a place or not .

Sometimes I am mistaken . Then again I look in the archives and funds . But not everything is there . . . since in different eras, 1917, 1930, 1950, 1989, and 90-00 of the 20th and 21st centuries, part of the archive and stock data was burned . Corrected the story, in an ideological vein . From the point of view of historical science, this is idiocy, falsification of history . But from the point of view of ideology, this is a very expected move . To form a commonality of lies, simply keeping silent about some facts, entire generations are being formed who do not know the truth and think in a given format . Actually turning into formatted robots . But it is, a fairy tale . Do not get hung up on this .

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So you need to look for clues in foreign archives, not all of them are open to foreigners, and even individuals, without legal organization behind their backs . So . . . you have to wool collector sites, auctions, a database of photographs, stocks . . . second-hand books in Europe and Asia . You find something, something not . . .

And then by the method of checking on the ground you begin to get to the point .

Sometimes in the place where there was a fortress on the map of 1871 and 1897, it is possible to find a handful of tiles and broken bricks . . . and sometimes just ceramics of the 18th and 19th centuries . If it was a royal fortress, it was built from burnt bricks, and if the local princ.i.p.ality of Small-An was made of adobe, clay bricks burnt in the sun .

As I said in the 50 years of the 20th century, the second empire wanted to catch up and overtake the production of agricultural products and US industry . There was a race for the leader . Then the leaders of the empire did not think about ecology, and simply willed decision, sowed the plains and steppes with rural cultures . And to increase the cultivated area, they cut down forests, demolished fortresses, castles, villages . . . but of course h.e.l.l didn't work . The US eventually won . . . anyway . Also a dark story . Either the new leaders of the second empire just bought them and they surrendered their empire . In general, not a d.a.m.n thing is clear . Although only 35 years have pa.s.sed .

So, returning to our topic, I am looking in such areas for these ruins themselves or what remains of them . I put on the map, and already from this point I begin to conduct my searches . But here, of course, you understand that an error of a couple of mm will be initially laid down, that on the map and on the ground it can become a couple of tens or even hundreds of meters . So you have to comb thoroughly . Drones here provide me with indispensable help . Since they can cover a large area, and have special cameras and scanning equipment . Thanks to applications on archeology and special thematic software products, it is possible to decipher these images .

Then, I go to the desk work, in my base camp in the mountains, in the gorge, so as not to be in sight . There already, having a confirmed interpretation key, on the ground, I begin to draw up an updated thematic map, an electronic note . By searching for historical artifacts, I reconstruct old roads of the 9-10th centuries and sometimes 3-4 centuries, and of course the caravan roads of the 14-18th centuries .

I am breaking through old points, on such a road at 30 or even 1300 km there are dozens of villages, caravanserais, wells, underground reservoirs, customs points and fortresses . But now, if you go through this map from dozens of villages, only 3-4 of them remain .

- Where are the others?

Where? Gone . So I need to find them all . When I find their ruins . . .

- But as? According to knowledge, where were the caravanserais found?

Oh, so you are in the subject! Yes, something like that . I know from the days of Persian and Arab sources that the caravanserais were located in the 8-9th century, 30 km from each other and later in the 14-15 centuries in 35-37 km .

Now about it is easier for me to search .