Your friend and brother,
LOUISVILLE, KY., July 23, 1884.
_My Dear Brother:_
Yours received this A. M. I am so pressed for means I can not now buy the book you speak of, but will do so as soon as I can.
I am _taking time_ to study. I am getting much better acquainted with G.o.d and the better I know him the more I love him.
Yours in love,
S. P. H.
LOUISVILLE, KY., July 25, 1884.
_Dear Brother:_
The men are all doing tolerably well. The attendance at the meetings is increasing. Sunday-school holds up well. My great desire now is to be able to study the Bible better. The more I think of what you have been to me, the more grateful I feel. I wish I could in some substantial way show you how I appreciate your care. But G.o.d will reward you.
Yours, etc., S. P. H.
LOUISVILLE, KY., July 30, 1884.
_Dear Brother:_
The Bible is becoming very sweet to me. I can study it all day long and not get tired. I am sure the Holy Ghost is helping me.
I have read the book you gave me. It is very helpful.
Brother Davidson has gone to housekeeping. He has his son and daughter with him. Oh, the love and power of G.o.d. Praise His name!
S. P. H.
CHICAGO, ILL., September 5, 1884.
_Dear Brother:_
Yours of the 2d to hand. Think of you? The sun may forget to shine, but poor Steve Holcombe can never forget the man who has done so much for his soul. Never has a day pa.s.sed since my conversion that I have not prayed G.o.d's blessing on you, your family and your work.
Well, Chicago is a great city, a grand field for Christian work.
I find many earnest Christian men and women laboring for the Master. I am not idle either. I talked four times last Sunday--three times on the street and once at a Mission.
I am having a royal time, sailing on the lake, riding on street-cars, taking in the town. I wish you were here.
G.o.d bless you always. STEVE.
LOUISVILLE, KY., July 1, 1885.
_Dear Brother:_
Yours of June 25th received. I do hope you will get Brother C.[2] those books to sell. These men must have employment. They can not live, as some Christian people seem to think, on promises. It is all right to say, "Oh, let go and trust in the Lord," to a man who knows the way, but it is all not right when it is said to a poor struggling gambler, who, in faith, is as weak as a baby. I know of Brother L.'s troubles. My heart goes out to him. All well.
Yours, S. P. H.
[2] A converted gambler.
LOUISVILLE, KY., May 15, 1885.
_Dear Brother:_
Since writing my card this morning I have learned that D. McC., the boss Nashville gambler, and an old partner of mine, is attending Sam Jones' meetings. I want you to go to see him.
Don't be afraid to go right up to him and introduce yourself.
Tell him you and I are old friends, and that I love him, and requested you to see him. But you know better how to approach him than I can tell you. But you must see him. Take Sam Jones to see him. Visit him at his home, with Sam Jones. He is worthy of concentration. If you can get him converted, he will be a power for good. Most of your members know him, I guess. If you don't like to call on him, alone, get some of them to go along and introduce you. May G.o.d help us save poor D. McC.
LOUISVILLE, KY., December 20, 1887.
_Dear Brother:_