STB System In Strike The Blood - Chapter 69

Chapter 69

Misaki : There are many people who use these exercises simply to keep themselves in top form, to lose weight, to become stronger and many more . . .

Misaki : Through these exercises, your body will regulate better the blood running through us as we intake more oxygen making it possible to have higher stamina and health . . .

Guy : Sensei . . .

Misaki : Yes!!

Guy : Will those exercises enabling us to last more on the room war??

Misaki : Room war??

Noa : Pfffttt . . . .

Avrora : Hahahaha, what's up??? Having problems coming on top??

Everyone looked at him with weird gazes, especially the girls but the other guys while pretending to give him the glares, in reality, they had perked their ears to hear the answer . . .

Noa : Well, generally gymnastics helps you in many areas including the one you said but in order to have effects that make you realise you can last longer you need a long course over Gym . . .

Noa saw the guys secretly cheering inside them while the girls had red faces as it turn out many of them already had a boyfriend . . .

Misaki : However as it was stated earlier if guys can improve their stamina, it's the same for the girls . . .

Now it was time for the girls to cheer and the boys to crumble as they wanted to dominate them . . .

Misaki : Now, now pay attention . . . The Third one is called Pommel Horse Leg Swing . . .

Misaki : As Noa will show us, he takes his Leg and swings it left and right . . . .

Misaki : More specifically with a firm grip on each handle, you swing your body side to side . Make sure to have the leg, on the same side you are swinging towards and kick high in the air .

Misaki : Continue on from there, the most eye-catching in this would definitely be the girls as if those that are practising are behind her it would seem to them as if you are swinging your a.s.s . . .

Girls : Boooooo!!!!!

Misaki : On the same exercise by slightly altering your position you have the Pommel Horse Scissor . . .

Noa : The pommel horse scissor movement is a direct transition from the previously mentioned leg swing exercise .

Noa : Alternate swinging a leg forward and backwards as you support your weight on the pommel horse's handles .

Misaki : It's important to note, to time the swinging of your leg with the releasing and re-gripping of the handle .

Girl : Is there another exercise on this type of Horse Pommel??

Misaki : Hmmm??

Noa : There is one more . . .

Noa : It's called Pommel Horse Circle . . .

Noa : Just like the other two pommel horse exercises, this movement will increase your upper body and core strength .

Noa : As indicated by its name, keep your legs placed together and swing them in circular motions over the pommel horse .

Noa : Maintaining a good rhythm between your swings and the switching of your handlebars grip is crucial for constant movement .

Guy : Wait!!! Um sir??

Noa : Don't call me sir . . . Call me Noa . . .

Guy : Wasn't that description a bit backwards??

Guy 2 : Yeah i felt that as well . . .

Noa : Backwards??

Noa : Aaahh . . . I see . . . you mean the breakdance??

Noa : Yes it's true that if you reverse it you have similarities to the dance but both of them require you to have a strong core in the waist to pull them off . . .

Noa : The real challenge would be to break dance while spinning in a circle with your legs closed . . . So practise hard . . .

Misaki : Well then the lesson ends here . . . I do have to apologise though it took 5 more minutes longer than i had antic.i.p.ated . . .

Noa : Hahahaha, don't mind it everyone here learned something new today . . . Oh, something last, take note that rest is also important . . .

Noa : And Teacher Misaki is a bit unwell therefore as she had said now the lesson ends here . . .

Guys : Get well Sensei!!!

Girls : Get some rest!!!

Everyone watched all the students leave from there before Misaki finally fell on her knees with Natsuki going next to her to give her some water . . .

Misaki : There are many people who use these exercises simply to keep themselves in top form, to lose weight, to become stronger and many more . Misaki : Through these exercises, your body will regulate better the blood running through us as we intake more oxygen making it possible to have higher stamina and health . Guy : Sensei . Misaki : Yes!! Guy : Will those exercises enabling us to last more on the room war?? Misaki : Room war?? Noa : Pfffttt Avrora : Hahahaha, whats up??? Having problems coming on top?? Everyone looked at him with weird gazes, especially the girls but the other guys while pretending to give him the glares, in reality, they had perked their ears to hear the answer . Noa : Well, generally gymnastics helps you in many areas including the one you said but in order to have effects that make you realise you can last longer you need a long course over Gym . Noa saw the guys secretly cheering inside them while the girls had red faces as it turn out many of them already had a boyfriend . Misaki : However as it was stated earlier if guys can improve their stamina, its the same for the girls . Now it was time for the girls to cheer and the boys to crumble as they wanted to dominate them . Misaki : Now, now pay attention . The Third one is called Pommel Horse Leg Swing . Misaki : As Noa will show us, he takes his Leg and swings it left and right Misaki : More specifically with a firm grip on each handle, you swing your body side to side . Make sure to have the leg, on the same side you are swinging towards and kick high in the air . Misaki : Continue on from there, the most eye-catching in this would definitely be the girls as if those that are practising are behind her it would seem to them as if you are swinging your a.s.s . Girls : Boooooo!!!!! Misaki : On the same exercise by slightly altering your position you have the Pommel Horse Scissor . Noa : The pommel horse scissor movement is a direct transition from the previously mentioned leg swing exercise . Noa : Alternate swinging a leg forward and backwards as you support your weight on the pommel horses handles . Misaki : Its important to note, to time the swinging of your leg with the releasing and re-gripping of the handle . Girl : Is there another exercise on this type of Horse Pommel?? Misaki : Hmmm?? Noa : There is one more . Noa : Its called Pommel Horse Circle . Noa : Just like the other two pommel horse exercises, this movement will increase your upper body and core strength . Noa : As indicated by its name, keep your legs placed together and swing them in circular motions over the pommel horse . Noa : Maintaining a good rhythm between your swings and the switching of your handlebars grip is crucial for constant movement Guy : Wait!!! Um sir?? Noa : Dont call me sir . Call me Noa . Guy : Wasnt that description a bit backwards?? Guy 2 : Yeah i felt that as well . Noa : Backwards?? Noa : Aaahh . I see . you mean the breakdance?? Noa : Yes its true that if you reverse it you have similarities to the dance but both of them require you to have a strong core in the waist to pull them off . Noa : The real challenge would be to break dance while spinning in a circle with your legs closed . So practise hard . Misaki : Well then the lesson ends here . I do have to apologise though it took 5 more minutes longer than i had antic.i.p.ated . Noa : Hahahaha, dont mind it everyone here learned something new today . Oh, something last, take note that rest is also important . Noa : And Teacher Misaki is a bit unwell therefore as she had said now the lesson ends here . Guys : Get well Sensei!!! Girls : Get some rest!!! Everyone watched all the students leave from there before Misaki finally fell on her knees with Natsuki going next to her to give her some water .