STB System In Strike The Blood - Chapter 144

Chapter 144

Kanon frowned when she heard this and knew the grave intentions behind such a claim, however knowing La Folia, she knew this would be the case . . .

Now she needed to make a trip back and see for herself if this guy tricked them or not . . .

Kanon : For starters how about you let me go??

Noa : Oh, sorry about that . . .

Noa released his hand from her waist and freely let her float with her wings in the air as she checked the wound in her palm which had long closed off . . .

Kanon : Why did you give him our blood??

Noa : Sigh . . . That's what you worry about??

Advertis.e.m.e.ntKanon : According to my a.s.sumption this means you wish to harm those close to you . . .

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Kanon : Even if La Folia agreed to it after she makes sure you truly healed Polifonia you have placed them in danger now . . .

Noa : And the same can be said for you isn't that right??

Noa : After all, you have been willingly going to the experiments ever since you found out your father is actually your uncle . . .

Noa : Not to mention, the leader of Magus Craft . . .

Noa : The organization that hunted down La Folia and possible poisoned Polifonia because they wanted the blood of a person from the Aldegyr royal family for their experiments .

Kanon was silent about it as that was the case . . . Ever since she was adopted and was put through the experiments, at first she was unwilling to do so . . .

But later on while on missions, she learned the truth and decided to go with the flow to stop the attacks on her niece which were reduced greatly but not completely . . .

It was also that time that her father or uncle put shackles on her and f she was about to rebel he would have control of her . . .

She knew however that all that had a greater purpose of defeating Cain . . .

Noa : There is no reason for you to act or think like that . . .

Noa : I gave them away for my own reasons and naturally have my failsafes . . .

Noa : Now about what i proposed to you . . .

Noa : I do have the power to make the seal vanish . . . But there is a small drawback . . .

Kanon trembled when she heard this as she had been fed up with all this s.h.i.+tting situation and always fight for others . . .

When will she fight for herself??

She also wants to enjoy her teens like a somewhat normal girl . . .

Kanon : And that would be??

Noa : You won't be able to use your second form for more than 10 seconds before officially becoming berserk . . .

As Noa thought of that, he suddenly froze . . . Wait!!! That's is the scenario of if the seal vanishes and because her body can't adapt to the changes . . .

However what if he refines her body as a contractor after he made the seal vanish??

Previously he thought that by refining her body as it is now, it will only help her break the seal and nothing to be gained . . .

However what if he first dissolves her seal and then refines her body . . .

Noa : Wouldn't this help her more than the first option we talked??

S . T . B TING!!! : Calculating . . . Simulating . . . Done!!!

S . T . B TING!!! : It is possible . . .

Noa : Wait scratch that . . .

Noa : I can help you dissolve both the seal and make you adapt to the second form possible for over 5 minutes . . .

At first, when Kanon heard the drawback she was truly taken by surprise as this would mean, not be able to help those close to her as right now she can keep up for close to a minute . . .

But then she was surprised once again when she heard, Noa, saying he found another way and an increase in time of her full power and not a taste of it . . .