STB System In Strike The Blood - 142 Chapter 142 : Quest!!!

142 Chapter 142 : Quest!!!

Noa : My powers can cover the whole Itogami Island and therefore i know what is going on all the times...

Noa : Especially since idiots like you release so much magic as if you want to be found...

Noa : Wasn't that your plan??

Noa : To get my attention??

Kou : Che... And what about it??? My plan failed, didn't it??

Noa : You can say it did and you can say it worked after all aren't i here??

Noa : Now, to answer your doubts... Kanase's first form can be controlled by her completely...

Noa : While her second form, is controlled by her father...

Noa : At least that's how it seemed but turns out Kanon can tap her second form with a few drawbacks...

Noa : From what i noticed so far she can control let's say 500 units of magic...

Noa : You are an Alchemist so you know about a.n.a.logies right??

Kou : Yeah your point is??

Kou : Is she keeps drawing more magic from her locked state she will go berserk...

Noa : And that was your plan, to make me fight against her...

Noa : However you miscalculated, she can't draw more magic than that...

Noa : However her wings allow her to replenish the said Magic she can control through the environment...

Kou : That's impossible i clearly saw her struggle as she drew more...

Noa : What you saw her struggle with was her constantly pumping and replenish those 500 value...

Noa : And at the same time her time limit in that form before she went berserk...

Noa : To make it short, even if she would have gone berserk with her locked reserves, she wouldn't be able to use them...

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Noa : Because she doesn't have that key that Kensei has...

Kou : Then you mean, she wouldn't have been able to break the seal on her own??

Noa : Bingo!!!

Noa : For this reason the moment i felt the spikes in magic i didn't intervene, the lower her magic value she can control when her time is up and enter in a berserk state...

Kou : With practise the better chances she has on controlling herself in the future even with the seal unlocked...

Noa : Well done...

Noa : Now, why did you wanted my attention??

Kou : Nothing important really...

Kou started sweating, he had planned when he found Kanon watching him talking with Nina to bait her take her blood at the point she truly becomes berserk and then pits her against him...

This way he would have gained a few drops of him, but now everything went down the drain...

Noa : You call nothing your job to collect drops of blood??

Kou : I have long quited that job since i have completed it...

Kou tried to find countless ways of getting out of this mess because he wasn't on his best right now, and even if he was he knew he wouldn't stand a chance against him...

He had tried countless times to probe his power only to get nothing in return or more like he got a sense of dread...

Just as Noa was about to speak and possible end his miserable life his system acted up and send him a nice gift...

S.T.B Ting!!! : Quest Triggered 6.!!!!!

Kou Amatsuka, Has Gone On A Long Expedition To Gather Samples Of Bloods!!

1. Give Him A Drop Of Blood!!

2. Pa.s.s Kanase Kanon's Drop Of Blood!!!

3. Refine His Ultimate Creation!!

4. Refine Kou's Core And Nina's Core!!

Rewards : 50.000 Points!!!

Noa : Oh??

Noa : This is quite interesting... Hey, system by Refining Nina's core with my blood wouldn't that make her my familiar??

S.T.B Ting!!! : Host will not have to worry about that, she will become a contractor...

Noa : Sweet!!!