STB System In Strike The Blood - 119 Chapter 119 : The 11Th Contractor!!

119 Chapter 119 : The 11Th Contractor!!

Feeling the sudden increase in her powers, Octavia was stunned more than the others . . .

She could now feel a strong connection between them and actually, how much power he had, she didn't know if this was something like an after effect from being his contractor, or if he was letting her feel him but cold sweat run though in her mind . . .

Seeing that it was complete Noa turned towards the others and saw them talking with their eyes like espers about who will go first . . .

After an intense staring contest, Emma proceeded forward as she was the big Sister of Octavia and needed to be first after her . . .

She went and hugged Noa waiting for him to do his things . . .

Noa seeing her impatient about the whole process, he hugged her from her waist and then bitten her in the neck area similar to Octavia . . .

Emma felt her whole body become lightly paralysed but not in the bad meaning . . . It was like electricity run through it and kept changing her body . . .

After around 10 minutes, he stopped and retracted his face from her neck as the usual ten Corner flower appeared from the bite marks causing her to also flare in magic . . .

With her now Noa had 9 Contractors and without waiting he went to Aya who had a smirk on her face as if she thought she was in control . . .

As he hugged her he decided to tease her a bit, well more like bait her which worked as she blushed while her eyes s.h.i.+ned with greed . . .

Noa : Now, then i keep wondering, your genes and mine who strong will our natural formed child will become if you serve me right . . .

When she heard his words as he whispered only to her, her eyes blazed for the ultimate creation she could make, but thinking about what he meant by serving him she blushed as Noa bit her neck as well . . .

The only one in the room who heard this was Avrora as she rubbed her belly . . .

She thought no matter how powerful your child will be, my cute and kind child will be stronger than yours . . . Vixen!!!

As 10 minutes pa.s.sed, Noa withdrew himself from her and suddenly heard his system notification about completing something . . .

As he watched Aya br.i.m.m.i.n.g with magic, he decided to check it later and turned towards A . Natsuki, who was many complex emotions showing on her face . . .

Noa : Now, the only one left is Natsuki-chan . . .

A . Natsuki : Sigh . . . Yeah but you should know that you can only bind me not the little version of me . . .

Natsuki : Tha kinda hurts calling me little . . . I'm 26 d.a.m.n it!!!

A . Natsuki : Sorry forgot . . .

Noa : No need to fight . . . About your question, there is a chance that by binding you she will get bind as well, after all, she is a loli avatar of you . . .

Noa : Shall we see it??

Noa as well didn't wait for her to prepare at heard and went ahead to hug her from her waist before without warning he bit her neck making her welp a bit . . .

Just as he waiting for the whole process to end, he felt something was different than before, as if he could use his magic more freely . . .

It didn't take even 5 minutes before he let go of Natsuki puzzling everyone on the room . . .

His efficiency with his blood refinements and contracts had doubled in speed . . .

Everyone saw on the spot he had bitten Natsuki the flower forming there but what was surprising was that Loli Natsuki didn't get the same mark . . .

Noa then made a move on her and brought Loli Natsuki-chan to his embrace before bitting her neck, just like before after 5 minutes he stopped the process and watched as the same mark appearing on her . . .

When the mark was completed, both of them burst with magic power . . .

Turns out the mark refined their bodies to be completely different than the other even though they were still connected . . .