STB System In Strike The Blood - 116 Chapter 116 : The Next Contractors...

116 Chapter 116 : The Next Contractors...

Now that everything was settled, Noa is walking through the streets while paying close attention to those following him . . .

Avrora, Emma, Octavia, Aya, Gigliola, both Natsuki's the inmate's girls and 2 more people, Vatler and Meiga . . .

Yuuma also wanted to follow but she also wanted to go where Kojou was . . .

Noa told her to go and after he made sure he was okay, she was supposed to ask Sayaka to brink her, Kojou the other 2 and Astarte towards his house . . .

He was paying close attention as he didn't want any of his member's futures ones to be exact leave him . . .

While he was going home, his senses along with Natsuki's and Avroras picked up someone watching them but both latters seeing that Noa didn't bother with them they never moved from their spots . . .

It took them an hour to go to his own Seaside Mansion and that was because he was testing them, otherwise, only 2-30 minutes would have been more than enough to reach where he lived . . .

Seeing the Stark like mansion he was leaving next to the sea, many of the girl's eyes s.h.i.+ned as they realised they would be staying here . . .

Noa : Now, then come inside . . . The rooms might not be enough for all of you but for now, the living room is enough to fit us all in . . .

Truth to be told even Noa didn't know the exact number of rooms it had inside as he didn't explore all the places, especially in the two lower floors . . .

He had only brought pieces of furniture for the first floor which was let's say Floor 0 . . . It still had Floor 1 and Floor -1 and -2 which he never bothered except when he had to make the repairs from the monsters . . .

As they entered Inside, they watched 4 people watching them as they had gotten notified it was s.h.i.+rona, Asagi, Misaki and the cute little angel Nagisa . . .

Noa : Please sit in couches or chair or even the poofs that are on the floor . . .

Noa waited for them to sit before he started speaking to them about the names of the others and such and when they finished introducing themselves . . .

Noa : In the outside world my name is Noa Golracks and hers Avrora Illier . . . Nice to meet you

Vatler : Bulls.h.i.+t!!! You brought us here for this reason?? To say you alias to us???

Noa : I never said you specifically could follow me . . .

Avrora : However you did follow me . . .

Valter : Of course!!! You are the 4th . . . Someone who is not seen so casually . . .

Valter : What i'm surprised though is that you got taller . . .

Avrora : The current 4th i believe many of you know him . . .

Avrora : As for me or him you can say we are the 5th and 6th respectively . . .

Silence fell on the room, when she said those words and it was broken by Aya who had a few questions on her own . . .

Aya : I only followed back, because i'm curious about your strength . . .

Aya : Pure magic like that has seized to exist . . .

A . Natsuki : Actually i'm also curious about that . . . There is no way to get rid of the prison with the way you did, i believe not even its creator can do that . . .

Noa : Natsuki-chan . . . I believe i had already told you . . . That to me the prison is nothing . . .

Noa : But sure since you want to learn, i'll tell you, but mark my words not a single one you will escape if you leak anything about this . . .

Noa : Well not that you will do anything . . .

Noa : I, Noa Elkeon, the successor to the blood of The Ancient Vampire G.o.d . . . Appear And Serve Me . . . Arorva Elkeon - s.h.i.+no Elkeon - Ume Elkeon - Angy Elkeon . . .

BoooM!!!! BoooM!!!! BoooM!!!! BoooM!!!!

All of them shuddered when they saw 4 familiars appearing from his body that was equally or even stronger than most of them, but even more, saw when they realised the meaning of his chant . . .