STB System In Strike The Blood - Chapter 99

Chapter 99

Natsuki : What are you doing to your teacher!!!

Noa : Nothing, why?? You want me to do something??

Natsuki : Put me down this instance!!!

Natsuki : Stop treating your teachers like children!!!

Noa : But you are the only child here . . .


Natsuki : Shut up!!! It's not my choice and i'm over 26 years old i'm not a child!!

Noa : Oh?? So you are an adult . . .

Noa : I find it hard to believe that . . .

Noa : Look inside here you are still immature . . .

As he said that, Noa slide one of his hand that was holding her leg as she was on his shoulders and pa.s.sed it inside her skirt . . .

Natsuki flinched at his actions and started hitting him repeatedly with her paper fan on his head while cursing him whatever came to her mind . . .

Frap!!! Frap!!! Frap!!! Frap!!! Frap!!!

Natsuki : You fiend!! Pervert!! Lolicon!!! b.a.s.t.a.r.d!!!

Natsuki : M%$#$^^%$&^%er!!!

Noa : Yeah, yeah whatever the adult says . . .

Noa : Sigh . . . So small inside . . .

Natsuki started emitting black aura from his remarks while he didn't care in the slightest he was immortal after all . . .

As he had teased her far enough, for now, he suddenly changed the subject stunning her for words . . .

Noa : Oh, right Natsuki-chan . . . You better watch out in the next days . . .

Natsuki : Huh??

Noa : I don't want to see a cute girl like you getting killed so that they can access to the prison . . .

Natsuki : You!!! How!!

Noa : Huh?? I?? What??

Natsuki: Stop messing around and answer me . . .

Noa: Answer what??? I simply gave you a friendly warning . . .

Natsuki : Stop talking in riddles and talk . . .

Natsuki grabbed his head with both her hands and started pulling them like a kid throwing a tantrum because someone didn't buy her a lollipop . . .

Seeing that he wasn't feeling a thing and more like it was her fingers that hurt as she was trying to pull them out, she wondered if he is a freak . . .

Then something clicked in her mind and had a huge grin on her face . . .

Natsuki : Are you sure you don't want to tell me???

Noa : Hmmm???

Natsuki : Aren't you curious why I have this small body???

Noa : Of course I am, I'm curious as to how you are managing to create an avatar from inside the prison . . .

Noa : And that's why you have to wait till I get inside there and help you with your job there . . .

Natsuki : You . . . you know??

Noa : Not the whole story . . . Just that your real body keeps guarding inside . . .

Noa : I have to say though must be pretty boring there . . .

Natsuki : Then why??

Noa : Why what???

Natsuki : Why aren't you killing me now and gain access to it . . .

Noa : Because if I do so I will fail later on to enjoy the exploration of the spot here that eventually will make you mine . . .

Natsuki froze for a few seconds and her eyes kept scanning as best as she could to find any fault in his movement or behaviour only to find nothing . . .

Natsuki : Hahahahahaha, Hahahahaha, now that's a good joke I haven't heard in a while . . .

Natsuki : That's impossible . . . No one can free me from inside there . . .

Natsuki : As long as the prison itself exists my body will always be bound to it . . .

Natsuki : With or without criminals inside . . .

Natsuki : I am the door and the key, you can say that I'm just a tool but I prefer if you think of me as a guardian . . .

Noa : Heh . . . Now that's sad and I don't buy it . . .

Noa suddenly started releasing his aura and Natsuki being at point zero she felt the full brunt of it . . .

Noa : They are a few reinforced walls and bars nothing more nothing less that I can't destroy . . .

Noa : When that happens, I'll make sure your true self becomes mine . . .