Starting By Acting As A Bank Robber, I Shock The World - Chapter 80 - Ambush! Team One Died!

Chapter 80 - Ambush! Team One Died!

Chapter 80: Ambush! Team One Died!

At the entrance of the bank.

The SWAT team leader, who was standing guard, immediately heard the order from the commander.

Jons trap?

Whether Jon had a trap or not, he didnt know.

But now, it was a perfect opportunity for an ambush.

Because the person behind the curtain had already stretched out his hand.

The person signaled for him to pass the dinner.

Once this opportunity was missed, it would be difficult to grasp it again.

At this moment, the commanders brain spun rapidly, and several thoughts flashed through his mind.

It might be a trap, but what if it wasnt?

Finally, the SWAT team leader gritted his teeth, exerted force in his hand, and turned on the jammer.

At the same time, he turned his head slightly and said to the microphone on his shoulder in a deep voice, Move!

He gave the order to his team members to launch a surprise attack.

This deployment had taken so long. If they gave up just like that, wouldnt their efforts be wasted?

As he gave the order, his hand grabbed the hand that stretched out from behind the curtain.

His other hand took out a smoke bomb and threw it into the bank lobby.

All the SWAT team members started to move in.

Members of team one on the first floor immediately appeared from the side of the bank and entered the bank lobby through the main door.

At the same time, the members of the team two on the second floor slid down the rope and broke through the windows on the second floor, entering one after another.

Oh, my god.

Seeing the SWAT team member begin to move, the commander rubbed the space between his eyebrows. Now, he was almost certain that this was a trap.

Because the process of the SWAT team members entering the bank was too smooth.

During the action, the robbers did not resist at all.

Was this normal?

It was obviously not normal.

This meant that the robbers were ready to be ambushed. They did not care about being ambushed by the SWAT team.

They even opened the bank door and let the SWAT team in.

If this were not a trap, what else could it be?

However, SWAT team members had already started to move. It was too late to order them to withdraw.

Now, they could only hope that they could be prepared in time to confront the robbers.

Sir, there are no signs of the robbers and hostages on the second floor.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the headset of the commander.

He hurriedly looked at the surveillance footage on the helmets of the SWAT team members on the second floor.

The meeting room on the second floor was now empty.

There was no one there.

And in the bank lobby on the first floor, because the SWAT team leader had thrown a smoke bomb inside, they couldnt see what was going on at all.

The SWAT team members with goggles could only look at the location of the robbers according to their memories.

They seemed to see a figure standing in the thick smoke.

This discovery made the SWAT team members tense up and carefully walked over.

They wanted to see if this figure had a gun in his hand.

After all, all the hostages and robbers were dressed the same, so they could only rely on whether or not they had guns to distinguish whether they were robbers or hostages.

However, while the SWAT team members were moving forward, they did not notice that not far ahead, five centimeters above the ground, there was an extremely thin fishing line.


A barely noticeable sound was heard.

One of the SWAT team members stepped onto the fishing line.



An explosion sounded from under the stools beside the SWAT team members.

At this moment, all the SWAT team members were stunned.

Then, they reacted in a hurry.


At this moment, the bombs used for the drill were naturally harmless. It couldnt even destroy the stools.

However, since the bombs exploded beside them, it meant that they were all dead.


At the entrance of the bank, the SWAT team leader directly pressed the person who had brought the dinner to the ground. He heard the sound, even though he couldnt see what was happening inside clearly, he could tell that it was the sound of the practice bomb exploding.

No, No!

His heart violently thumped a few times as he prayed in his heart that it could not be what he had thought.

The next moment, the voice of a team member came through the earpiece.

Sir, team ones members has all died.

The voice was a little depressed and a little unwilling. They had originally wanted to capture Jon easily.

They did not expect that they would be killed by the explosion before they could even see anyone of the other party.


The leaders heart sank when he heard the report.

All of them were killed!

He did not expect that Jon would set up such a trap.

How did he set up a bomb in the bank lobby?

Moreover, there was also the smoke bomb that he threw. He originally wanted to distract the robbers, but he did not expect to harm his own team members.

In the temporary command room.

The commander had naturally heard the report of the SWAT team, and his expression was very gloomy.

From the moment the raid had been launched, he had known that something was going to happen.

Now, something had indeed happened.

And it was a serious matter. All of the SWAT team members from team on had all died in battle.

And at this time, through the images transmitted from the helmets of a few of the SWAT team members who had died in battle, they could clearly see the figure in the thick smoke.

This figure was not a person.

It was a billboard in the shape of a person.

In other words, Jon knew from the beginning that SWAT team members would drop a smoke bomb or something that could confuse their vision before raiding the bank.

Then he played along.

He placed a billboard in the shape of a person here to lure the SWAT team members over.

The SWAT team members attention would be attracted by the billboard, so they wouldnt notice the fishing line on the ground and the bomb placed under the stool.

As a result, a SWAT team was wiped out.

It could be said that this plan was extremely thorough.

However, the leader couldnt figure out when Jon started setting up these things.


Just ten minutes ago, the temporary command room still had surveillance footage of the banks lobby.

At that time, everything was normal.

There was also the second floor. Now, there were no robbers or hostages.

Where did they go?

Besides, was Jons insight that sharp? Had he guessed the plan of the SWAT team ahead of time?

At this moment.

On the second floor of the bank, the remaining six SWAT team members held their guns and carefully searched for the robbers and hostages in the other rooms on the second floor.

Because the SWAT team members on the first floor were already dead.

So now they were very cautious.

At the bank entrance, the SWAT team leaders mood was very heavy.

Less than three minutes before the raid started, the SWAT team members of team one had all been killed.

In other words, half of the SWAT team members had been killed by robbers in just one encounter.


They hadnt even seen the robbers, and the team two on the second floor still hadnt found the robbers.

Although team two was still in action, the SWAT team leader had given up hope.

Jon was so smart, it seemed like hed figured out their plan already, and hed come up with a plan to fight them.