Starting By Acting As A Bank Robber, I Shock The World - Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Lie Down! You Were Dead!


Nyoi-Bo Studio


Nyoi-Bo Studio

Jon did not answer the man. The black muzzle was still aimed at the man.

Hey! Calm down, brother. This is just a drill

The man took a deep breath to calm himself down and let Jon calmed down.

In the beginning, the man did not care about this drill.

He just happened to be here. When Jon locked the door with iron chains and took out the shotgun in his backpack, he was not too nervous.

He was confident that there were dozens of ways to escape.

When he heard that it was just a bank drill, he had only thought of it as a formality.

But now he didnt think so.

Jons imposing manner and the heavy atmosphere made the man felt that Jon wasnt someone to be trifled with. Was he playing with the name of the drill.

Even more so, one couldnt help but wonder if the Ithaca Model 37 shotgun in Jons hand was a real gun.

If it was a real gun, then the people in the bank might really be in danger!

Jon remained silent.

But the hand holding the gun did not relax. His eyes were locked on the other party and the gun was always aimed at the man.

In the bank, everyone was in an extremely tense atmosphere.

Was this a drill?

Compared to the usual drill, this was way too different, right?

When the man saw that Jon did not move, he thought that he had already stabilized Jon. Then, he carefully approached Jon again.

He comforted Jon as he walked. Dont be agitated. This was just a drill.

At this moment, the man was only about ten meters away from Jon.

He slowly moved his feet with his eyes fixed on Jon. He was afraid that Jon would make a move suddenly.

Nine meters

Eight meters

Seven meters

The man stretched out his hand to explain that he was only trying to move to a safe area.

At the same time, he carefully approached Jon.

The distance was getting closer.

As long as he was within three meters of Jon, he was confident that he could quickly close in and subdue Jon.

Six meters

Five meters

All the employees of the bank were worried secretly.

They didnt know why they were so nervous in an ordinary drill.

After all, the banks drills usually ended in a relaxed, happy and even a little ridiculous atmosphere in the past.

Everyone was happy when the gangster was subdued by the police.

But this time, it was far beyond their imagination.

It was as if they were really experiencing a bank robbery at this moment.

The manager even thought that once the man pounced on him, he would subdue Jon together with him!

They were both men, who was afraid of each other!

Just as Sunny was thinking so and the man was only about four meters away from Jon.


A fierce gunshot was shot out from the shotgun.

The loud sound exploded in the extremely quiet bank.

Jon kept silent and waited quietly. He was waiting for the man to enter his shooting range.

Jon had said that he would shoot if the man moved one more step!

So, when the man moved closer to him, Jon was ready to shoot him.

Youre already dead.

With both hands pointing the muzzle upward, Jon, who was emitting white smoke, said coldly to the dazed man in front of him.

The mans mind was blank.

Although he was still alive, he felt as if he had really taken a trip by the grim reaper in his heart.

He kneeled there in a daze and was unable to move for a long time.


He killed someone!!

For a moment, a few bank employees screamed cowardly as they squatted on the ground.

A few bank employees even closed their eyes.

The mans entire body exuded the bloodthirsty and murderous aura of a bandit.

It made a few customers who were sitting in the waiting area shivered in fear and they stood there trembling.

He really shot someone!

A huge sense of fear surrounded Sunny.

All of his courage was shattered by the gunshot.

He was the one who was closest to the bullet. After hearing the gunshot, his eyes went blank.

Countless images flashed through his mind.

He had his parents, his bankbook and a beautiful world.

At that moment, he felt as if death was walking by him quietly.

He couldnt help but kneel down. His trembling legs could no longer stand.

This was a real robber!!

He was here to rob!!!

At this moment, the FBI headquarters was also silent.

Hundreds of people looked at the screen above with serious expressions.

The FBI had been connected to the bank cameras since the beginning of the drill.

They monitored every movement in the hall.

Just as everyone was laughing and ready to watch Jon made a fool of himself on the screen,.

With the iron chain locking the door and the shotgun pulling the trigger, they couldnt smile anymore.

Jons murderous gaze and his crazy demeanor had shocked them all.

They hadnt given Jon a real gun.

How could he have a real gun?

Dozens of officers took a deep breath to calm themselves.

They were confused.

Shooting was not allowed in the drill.

And Jon, he had almost killed someone!

He couldnt have been faking it, could he?