Starting By Acting As A Bank Robber, I Shock The World - Chapter 219 - The Surveillance Footage Was Cut Off!

Chapter 219 - The Surveillance Footage Was Cut Off!

Chapter 219: The Surveillance Footage Was Cut Off


Nyoi-Bo Studio


Nyoi-Bo Studio

Leon, cut off all the surveillance screens in the prison.

In three minutes, let Will detonates the bomb to attract the attention of the prison guards. After the bomb is detonated, you must evacuate immediately, because there will definitely be prison guards coming after you guys.

Dont let me and Brown fail to escape, and you ended up being caught. Jon spoke slowly and told Leon Evans the plan he had prepared.

Now, he and Brown Williams were both in the detention room. Normally, they only needed to cut off the surveillance in the detention room.

However, if they just cut off the surveillance in the detention room, they might be exposed. It would be too obvious that they were escaping from the confinement room.

So, Jon had Leon Evans cut the security cameras in the entire prison block.

That way, the prison personnel would not suspect Jon, at least for a while.

They would think there was a problem with the prisons security system.

Under such circumstances, Jon would be able to buy enough time to escape.

Understood, boss. Leon Evans replied.

Hearing Leon Evans response, Jon did not speak again.

Instead, he switched the channel on the walkie-talkie.

Because he had already told Leon Evans and the others everything.

So, there was no need to stay on Leon Evans channel anymore.

Besides, when there was a problem in the monitoring room, the guards in the monitoring room must be the first to contact the guards in the confinement room.

If Jon didnt respond immediately, the guards in the monitoring room would definitely notice that something was wrong and send someone to check it out immediately.

Then he would be in trouble.

Therefore, he needed to switch back the channel as soon as possible.

He was waiting for the call from the monitoring room.

Every walkie-talkie had a function of pre-setting channel, so even though Jon didnt know what the prison channel number was, he could still find the pre-set channel on it.

Then, the switch was completed.

Jon continued to flip through the book and wait.

At the south side of the prison.

After receiving Jons order, Leon Evans immediately put down the walkie-talkie and began to tap on the computer.

All the surveillance signals in the prison cell area were cut off.

Then, he left the keyboard with both hands and looked at the time to tell Will Smith.

He told Will Smith the order that Jon told him to detonate the bomb three minutes later.

At the same time in the monitoring room, the two prison guards were tired, even though they only worked eight hours a day.

They had plenty of rest time, but the night shift was very tiring.

Just as the two prison guards couldnt help but yawn, all the monitors in front of them instantly turned half black.

What? Whats going on?

The older prison guards were instantly stunned.

They didnt understand why the surveillance cameras couldnt work anymore.

Beside him was a younger prison guard. He was also at a loss when he saw this scene.

Quickly contact the technicians. Tell them that theres a problem with the surveillance screens in the cell area. Get them to come over and check it out! the older prison guard said to the younger prison guard.

The older prison guard stared at the pitch-black screen for a while. He had encountered a problem with the surveillance footage a few times, but this time, almost all the surveillance footage went black.

This was the first time he had seen such a situation.

The older prison guard didnt dare to delay the matter. He quickly asked another prison guard to contact the technical department.

Okay! the young prison guard immediately replied upon hearing this.

Then, he quickly picked up the walkie-talkie.

Technical department, this is the monitoring room. There is a large-scale malfunctioning of surveillance footage in the monitoring room. Please quickly come over and check.

After he finished speaking, there was no immediate response from the walkie-talkie.

After waiting for about a minute, there was a response from the walkie-talkie at last.

Received by the technical department!

Upon hearing this response, the young prison guard heaved a sigh of relief.

Just now, he was still nervous. After all, he had just started this job not too long ago.

Naturally, he was more nervous when he encountered an unexpected situation.

But now that he heard that there was a professional staff coming to help.

His nervousness was immediately alleviated.

But compared to him, he older prison guard was still tense.

He worked for a long time here and had a lot of experience.

He always felt that this incident was not that simple.

After all, nothing had happened to the surveillance cameras for almost half a year.

But it happened when Jon was in prison, when Jon was in the detention room, and then a large-scale malfunctioning surveillance footage occurred!

Was there really such a coincidence?

The older prison guard rubbed his glabella. Although he felt that something was wrong, he was also a little uncertain.

After thinking for a moment, he asked the young prison guard for the walkie-talkie. He pressed the walkie-talkie, and said, Confinement room. This is the monitoring room. did anything happen in the detention room?

The older prison guard wasnt sure what happened in the confinement, so he was prepared to ask.

Everything is normal!

Soon, a reply came from the walkie-talkie.

Of course, Jon was the one who replied.

However, there were so many prison guards in a prison. Even though the older prison guard had been working in the prison for a long time, it was impossible for him to be familiar with everyone.

Therefore, even if Jon answered him, the older prison guard did not notice it at all.

Thats good. Theres a problem with the surveillance cameras in the confinement room. Pay more attention to Jon in the isolation room to prevent anything bad from happening.

After hearing the response of the prison guard in the isolation room, the older prison guard heaved a sigh of relief, then quickly reminded him.


There was another response.

The older prison guard ended the call and rubbed his eyes. His eyes fell on the black monitor screen again.

As long as the prison guards in the isolation room be more cautious, nothing should happen. That was what he thought.

After all, there was only a problem with the monitor. As long as there was no problem with the power system, no defensive measures would be affected.

At this moment, although the monitoring screen had already gone black, the cameraman was still using the camera to film.

In the live broadcast room.

Whats the situation with the monitoring system at the prison? Why it turns black?

I feel like something was wrong. Even if there is a problem with the monitoring system, it would not be so bad that almost the entire prison is affected, right?

I guess the Jons team are helping him now. After all, there is a computer expert in Jons team. I dont know if everyone remembers this person.