Starting By Acting As A Bank Robber, I Shock The World - Chapter 156 - The New Commander-in-chief!

Chapter 156 - The New Commander-in-chief!

Chapter 156: The New Commander-in-chief!

Since the commander had already died in battle, it was useless to blame him.

After all, the commander did not wish for such a thing to happen. He had always treated this drill seriously.

Moreover, no one had expected that Jon would kill the commander.

Ill just stay here and watch. I wont be able to sleep until the drill is over. the commander shook his head.

He was extremely unwilling to be killed. In his current state, even if he went back, he would let his imagination run wild. He definitely wouldnt be able to sleep.

Therefore, he might as well stay here and wait for the drill to be over.

As you wish. Jon isnt easy to deal with. It can be seen from the victory of the first two drills. However, we still underestimated him. Raymond said slowly.

In this drill, the police assigned more manpower to the commander than the police force in the Pennsylvania drill.

However, the commander focused on setting up defenses at all the road intersections that left the city.

This kind of deployment wasnt too much of a problem.

But up until now, the robbers hadnt even tried to escape the city.

This action of the robbers caused the police force at all the intersections to be wasted.

It also caused the search team to have insufficient police force and the temporary command room to be empty.

This caused the robbers to directly show up near the temporary command room and kill the commander, but there was no enough police force to capture the robbers.

The chain reaction could not be blamed on the commander.

Yes, we have underestimated him. The idea of killing the enemys commander-in-chief is too bold. An ordinary person would not be able to think of it. The commander said with a long sigh.

In this drill, the commander had completely understood how powerful Jon was.

He first changed cars in the small Alps and waited for an hour before leaving. Moreover, he changed to a four-seater car.

Just these two points had already caused the commander to waste a lot of time.

At this point of the drill, the face of the police department has already been lost. However, you cant let the face of the police department be lost in vain. You must conclude some problems from this. Raymond said earnestly.

The commissioners expression was a little helpless as he said this.

The Florida Police Department had already lost face. Saying anything now would be useless.

He could only hope that the commander and the others could learn something from this drill.

As they were talking, the squad leader had returned.

When the leader saw Raymond, he was stunned and quickly asked, Commissioner, why are you here?

Before this, Raymond had been in the police station.

Now that he had come to the temporary command room, the squad leader was naturally surprised.

From now on, you are the commander-in-chief of this drill. Raymond looked at the squad leader who was walking over and spoke.

As soon as he said this, the squad leader was stunned.

He looked at the commissioner and the commander with a dumbfounded expression, not understanding what had happened.

Why did the director appoint him as the commander-in-chief the moment he returned?

In fact, it was not impossible for the commander-in-chief to be replaced by someone else, for instance the circumstances where the commander-in-chief made a major mistake.

Even though the current results of this drill were somewhat disadvantageous to the police, the commander didnt make too big of a mistake