Starting By Acting As A Bank Robber, I Shock The World - Chapter 113 - New Drill Invitation!

Chapter 113 - New Drill Invitation!

Chapter 113: A New Drill Invitation!

Dear Mr., Dear Miss, have you made a reservation?

The staff dressed in formal clothes saw Jon and Gal Gadot enter and immediately went forward to ask.

Room 5. Jon replied.

Will Smith had already sent Jon the room number by text message.

This way, please.

The waiter bowed slightly and made an inviting gesture.

After all, it was a high-end hotel, so the waiters attitude was very good.

Jon nodded and replied.

Gal Gadot held Jons arm, and the two of them arrived at Will Smiths private dining room under the guidance of the waiter.

The private dining room door opened.

Will Smith had already arrived.

They sat at the table one by one.

Isnt this the reporter who was broadcasting live?

Other than Will Smith and Venus Alice, the other two were a little surprised.

Why was this reporter here?

In fact, at the beginning, Will Smith also didnt understand why Venus invited Gal Gadot over this time.

They also didnt know the relationship between Jon and Gal Gadot.

But now, looking at Gal Gadot holding Jons arm, they understood.

They were dating.

No wonder, why the official broadcast of the Pennsylvania Drill was handed to New York City reporters.

So, it was because of Jon.

But Jon and Gal Gadots relationship was not simple.

What did this have to do with Venus Alice?

Why did she specially invite Gal Gadot over?

They could not figure it out.

Hello, I am Gal Gadot. Gal Gadot formally introduced herself to the few people.

As for the names of the four people, she naturally remembered them.

After all, as an official live broadcast reporter, she naturally had to remember the names of the robbers at the first moment.

Hurry up and sit down. Were friends now. Dont be too restrained. Will Smith said with a smile.

At this moment, Venus was looking at Gal Gadot, and no one knew what she was thinking.

Jon was very outstanding, and Gal Gadot was equally beautiful. The two of them looked very compatible.

Although Jon did not explicitly say that Gal Gadot was his girlfriend, looking at the intimate appearance of the two of them, it was obvious they were in a relationship.

At this time, Venus couldnt help but think of that night.

Her actions could be said to be blatantly seducing Jon.

Even so, he still restrained himself.

If it were another man, he would have already jumped on her.

This man was really fascinating.

The reason why she invited Gal Gadot this time was that when she was at the door of the temporary command room, she noticed that there was something wrong with the way they looked at each other.

She knew it.

The relationship between Jon and Gal Gadot was not simple.

Therefore, the purpose of this invitation was simple, it was just to confirm her guess.

She wanted to meet the woman who was intimate with Jon.


Jon and Gal Gadot had just sat down, and before they could order, his phone began to vibrate.

Jon raised his eyebrows and took out his phone to take a look.

It was the commissioner calling.

Jon guessed that news from the other police stations had come back, and the commissioner wanted to tell him.

After all, the two of them had only been drinking coffee in the office for an hour.

If the commissioner had nothing to do, he wouldnt have called in such a short time.

Oh, boss, were having a party now, we cant play

Will Smith said with a smile, his eyes glancing at Jons phone. When he saw the word commissioner on the screen.

His voice stopped abruptly.

Then he laughed, Business is more important.

Damn it, the commissioner personally called Jon. If he didnt let him pick up, what would happen?

Jon smiled and picked up the phone.

Hey, Jon.

The commissioners voice sounded from the other end.

Commissioner, Jon replied.

Are you back in New York Now? The commissioner asked.

Not yet, Im still in Pennsylvania.

Where is the exact location?

Hyatt Hotel. Im having dinner with Will Smith and the others, Jon replied.

Oh, the few of you are having dinner together and you didnt call me? Isnt this a little inappropriate?

The commissioners voice carried a hint of a smile. It was just a joke, and he did not really mean to scold them.

After all, why would a subordinate invite a leader to a meal with his friends? When the time came, not only would the subordinate be uncomfortable, but the leader would also be uncomfortable.

We havent ordered yet. Why dont you come over? Well wait for you.

Jon smiled in response. Since the commissioner had said so, he had to respond.

Im going over. This meal is on me. This time, its not because I want to freeload, but because the chief of the Florida Police Department came to see me and insisted on seeing you.

Ill bring him over now.

After the commissioner finished, he did not give Jon a chance to respond and directly hung up the phone.

Listening to the blind voice coming from the phone.

Jon couldnt help but laugh.

The Florida police chief went straight to the Pennsylvania Police Department.

He must have learned from the Pennsylvania commissioners experience, which was why he acted so quickly.


Jon had just finished the last drill not long ago and was planning to rest more.

However, he didnt expect the invitation to the new drill to arrive so soon.

There was no time for him to rest at all.

Moreover, he was an FBI agent, and now he had become the official villain of the drill?

It was a little funny when he thought about it.

Boss, is the commissioner coming over?

He watched Jon put his cell phone into his pocket.

Whats going on? Will Smith asked.

Following his question, the hearts of the other three people, Venus Alice, Brown Williams, and Leon Evans, suddenly sank.

After all, one could not brag without scruples when having a meal with a leader.

They felt a little uncomfortable.

Jon looked at their expressions and felt a little helpless in his heart. The Florida police chief wanted to invite me to participate in the drill, and now he has come to Pennsylvania in person.

The commissioner plans to bring him along to exchange ideas. This meal is on me. You dont have to pay for it.

The chief of the Florida State Police Department came all the way here to look for him.

He couldnt just not meet him.

Since boss is treating, then I cant say anything.

Boss, I have to eat to my hearts content today. I have to rip you off. Will Smith said with a smile.

The other people also laughed when they heard that.

Twenty minutes later.

The door of the private room was opened.

In the box, everyones eyes looked towards the door.

They saw the commissioner walking over with a middle-aged man.