Star Rank Hunter - Chapter 387: Surrender Control (1)

Chapter 387: Surrender Control (1)

Chapter 387: Surrender Control (1)

The negotiations were already on the way on the planet. The B Squadrons just werent allowed to know about the details. They could only see and guess what was happening from outside the planet, and they would choose their solution depending on which signal they received from their A Squadron.

Although they couldnt see the negotiation, the tension permeating from the planet still affected everyone around it. Both sides were displaying their logoit looked as if the planet was pincered by two ma.s.sive hologramsbut the fact that no one was even playing their regiment music showed just how serious the situation was. Even the crew members remained perfectly silent as they waited for the signal. The atmosphere wouldve been something out of a graveyard if the fighters werent flying here and there and adding a sliver of liveliness to the scene.

To the best of Cillins knowledge, of the three vice admirals in Vanguard, only Vice Admiral Stanley had come to the planet with Ju Feng. Vice Admiral Soluvis was guarding their headquarters at Sector K, and Vice Admiral Kang Ling the support base at Sector Z. This meant that Stanley was most likely one of the higher-ups who was listed in Mists. .h.i.t list

Many thoughts pa.s.sed through Cillins mind as he stared at the name list in his hands. He had a feeling that Ji Feng was hiding a lot of things from him. When this war was over, those secrets would probably be spilled into the open.

Cillin was puzzling over some stuff when suddenly, the communicator in his hand started flas.h.i.+ng erratically. The fact that it did not match any pattern that he knew of informed him of the ident.i.ty of the caller.

Cillin motioned for his crew to continue keeping an eye on the A Squad before walking to his room. He then connected the transmission and asked, What now?

In the hologram, Yin Wushe was enjoying a box of ice cream as usual. He alternated scoops between himself and the small creature on his lap while replying, I just want to know how your squad is doing.

Im hanging up.

Slow down, kid. You youngsters are always so impatient.

Yin Wushe handed the box to the small creature in his lap. The creature was only the size of two fists, but somehow it was able to carry the box of ice cream like it was nothing.

I just want to warn you to stay calm if something infuriating were to happen later.

Such as?

Like someone demanding that you surrender control of the s.h.i.+p.


Its just a guess, but Ji Feng is not the type of person to put all his eggs in one basket. Im sure hell make a move if he notices that the negotiation is looking to escalate into war.

Youre talking about the person whos targeted by Mist in our squad.

Exactly. Im sure Mist had leaked some info to Tamar, and Tamar would never allow the chance to deal Ji Feng a heavy blow slip through his grasp.

Tamar was the Admiral of the Navigators and one of the Six Stars of Hunt.

What makes this person so important? Are they related to Admiral Ji Feng or something?

Yin Wushe definitely didnt like Ji Feng because he chose to answer Cillins question instead of stonewalling him like usual, You can say that, but its not entirely because of that. Ji Feng has plenty of sons, and his few grandsons are almost as old as you are. However, most of them kept a low profile and managed to avoid catching the eye of his enemies so to speak. Ji Feng himself probably wouldnt give a s.h.i.+t if some of them were to die in the current chaos. This son of his is different though.

Yin Wushes tone was full of disdain when he said the word son. Cillin already knew that the person on Mists. .h.i.t list had to be among his five new crew members, and one of them had to be Ji Fengs descendant. a.s.suming Yin Wushe wasnt misleading him, then it could only be Mao, Mogas or Pango.

He still had plenty of doubts, however. For starters, Cillin had interviewed them, shaken their hands and even tested their combat capabilities himself. However, he had not discovered anything that made them stand out in terms of genetics, which led to his second question. What was so special about this son of Ji Feng, so much so that even Songba Leruo and the rest of the higher-ups were acting strange?

Do you want to know? Yin Wushe asked smugly while savoring the sight of Cillins frown.

Would you tell me if I say yes?

But of course! Yin Wushe adjusted his posture and stroked his short beard before continuing, Youre aware of the Aurelios, right? Have you heard of the one that represents evolution, Spell?

The Aurelios again?

This person has something to do with Spell then,Cillin thought while sifting through everything he knew about the Aurelios. And if its Spell, then they must possess a certain ability.

I see. What else? Cillin looked up at Yin Wushe once more.

Yin Wushes eyes twitched. The reason he was so candid with the information was because he wanted to enjoy Cillins reaction, but the young man had revealed nothing except some surprise. He was so calm that Yin Wushe felt like slapping him across the screen.

He could tell from Cillins reactionor rather lack thereofthat he didnt really desire the Aurelios. He was plotting to sow some discord between Cillin and Ji Feng and stir up s.h.i.+t for the latter, but it looked like his scheme had failed before it even began. Still, he was very satisfied with this outcome. In fact, one might even say that this conversation had gone better than he expected.

This is all I have to say on the matter. Good luck! And before I forget, my deepest condolences on what is going to happen to your s.h.i.+p, Yin Wushe said before hanging up on Cillin.

Cillin sat in his room and replayed everything Yin Wushe had said in his head. He felt that too many people had a hidden agenda on their own, and this was especially true for Yin Wushe. What was the real reason the old man contacted him so frequently?

Suddenly, he felt a weight on his shoulder. It was Wheeze claiming his shoulder as its own once more. While hitting Cillins cheek repeatedly with its paw, it asked, Can I fight in my cyborg form when the war breaks out, Cillin?

Wheezes eyes were bright and expectant. It was clear it was looking forward to the upcoming war very much.

Cillin slapped its paw away. I can smell the stench on your paw, you know. At least clean yourself up after you ate your fish

Suddenly, Cillin cut himself off and stared at Wheeze for a moment. He then narrowed his eyes a bit and asked, Say, do you think youre the only half-cyborg lifeform in the entire GAL?

Hmm? Wheeze didnt quite understand the question. Didnt you say that half-cyborgs practically dont exist because they are unstable? In fact, I would not be able to change between forms so smoothly if I hadn't eaten that weird thing.

Im just saying. What if there is another half-cyborg out there whos stable and capable of switching forms freely just like you?

Wheeze narrowed its eyes before putting on a menacing face. They are either my friend or my enemy. And if theyre my enemy, then Im gonna ma.s.sacre them if its the last thing I do!

Cillin: ...

Is there really another cyborg like me though, Cillin?

I dont know. The thought just crossed my mind, is all.

Cillin wasnt sure if the small creature that was Yin Wushes pet was a half-cyborg either. Although the chances were pretty small, he could not deny that there was a chance. On the off chance it was true, he could not imagine how Wheeze would react when it realizedthat its fellow half-cyborg was a mouse. Or at least something that looked like a mouse. Its going to try and eat it, won't it? What a headache, thought Cillin while ma.s.saging his forehead.

Whats wrong? Wheeze asked concernedly.

Its nothing. Im just thinking about many things.

I see. You should refrain from doing that. Youre going to turn into an idiot if you think too much, Wheeze said seriously.

Cillin: ...