Star Rank Hunter - Chapter 327: Do You Have Cat Lice? Part 2

Chapter 327: Do You Have Cat Lice? Part 2

Chapter 327: Do You Have Cat Lice? Part 2

Chapter 327: Do You Have Cat Lice? [Part 2]

“Give me a proposal first. When the time is right, we’ll build it together.”

Moon, Sigma, Czedow and Wheeze were included among this “we” as a matter of course. Their aid would greatly increased the plan’s chances of success since no one was more knowledgeable about intelligent mechanical entities than them..

“Alright, I’ll produce that proposal as soon as possible.” Xi Kai was very happy to receive the green light from Cillin, and he couldn’t wait to dive into the work. If his ancestors could modify Chip into a super AI that was capable of controlling an entire electronic planet by himself, then he could rise to this challenge as well!

Before encountering the Hades killers, Xi Kai had been planning to upgrade his robots. Now though, he realized that they were lacking in many ways possibly due to a limitation of resources. The robots he were using now were not the same as the ones that were used to carry out missions for Black Viper. Each one of those robots cost an exorbitant amount of money and was constructed using incredibly expensive materials, but money hadn’t been a problem at the time.

Now though, temporarily stuck in a foreign galaxy where most of his wealth couldn’t be carried over, it was. The weaknesses of his poor man’s construct were unnoticeable in the norm, but in a time of crisis they were immediately exposed for what they were: an inferior construct. For example, their speed, reaction speed, detection capability and more had failed to live up to his expectations. It was why he had taken a moment to discuss with Czedow on how to upgrade his robots—to construct a better robot and lower costs at the same time—after returning to the ship.

That plan would have to wait, however. The completion of the starship super AI installation proposal plan must come first.

Cillin was still thinking about the super AI when he returned to the bridge. If everything went well, then the benefits were tremendous to say the least. But if they failed, then it like sleeping next to a bomb that might explode at any moment. He would rather destroy the AI and all the hard work that went into it if that really happened.

Suddenly, Cillin heard a strange noise and looked. He immediately saw Wheeze lying on top of a table and shifting back and forth repeatedly as if it was scratching its own back.

Is its back itchy?

“Did you catch something during the hunt or something? Is it cat lice or fleas?” Cillin asked while walking over to it.

“No!” Wheeze replied while continuing to wriggle left and right. It was a hilarious sight especially considering how fat it was.

“Let me take a look.” Cillin beckoned it over, and Wheeze immediately ran to his side.

Cillin picked up Wheeze, gave its back a scratch and immediately noticed something unusual. Where there was nothing before, there were now two narrow, oval bumps on Wheeze’s back that felt like bones. They were invisible under the fur, but it was quite obvious once he touched its back.

“What is this?” Cillin gave them a poke.

“Yes, yes! That’s the spot! It’s super itchy for some reason!” Wheeze complained.

Cary was holding a glass of fruit juice and passing by the entrance when he saw the odd interaction, so he walked in to ask what was going on. After hearing Cillin’s explanation, he decided to touch Wheeze’s back himself. He cried out dramatically when he felt the two bumps, “Wheeze, you’re undergoing hyperostosis!”


Unfortunately, Cary didn’t notice Tico entering the bridge from behind him, and when she heard his nonsense she immediately slapped him in the back of the head and scolded him, “That’s completely incorrect, stop making irresponsible remarks! If you want to make a medical joke, at least read up on the term you’re going to use before using it!”

Rubbing the sore spot on his head and tugging at his lips, Cary took a step backward so that Tico could give an actual professional opinion.

Unfortunately, she couldn’t find out what was going on despite performing many tests on Wheeze. Although she wasn’t a vet, she had studied the relevant science a little because she kept a pet rabbit. The problem was that the results she got for every test she performed on Wheeze largely differed to that of a normal cat’s, and without a baseline to refer to it was impossible to tell if Wheeze was healthy. The only thing she could really confirm was that the bumps weren’t causing discomfort to other bones.

“Wait! the itch is gone now.” Wheeze suddenly got back up to its feet and gave itself a good shake. Then, it hooked over its unfinished b