Star Rank Hunter - Chapter 265: Match Begin! Untraceable!

Chapter 265: Match Begin! Untraceable!

Naimi didn’t relax much despite Bruce’s departure, staring at Cillin and Teita as they chatted with each other. He seriously didn’t expect Cillin to be so friendly with Teita.

The fact that Sir Yurong’s youngest son was a wee younger than even his grandson was something not many people knew at all until the news was announced by the family head himself. Even those who did had only heard of Teita; they had never seen him in real life before.

On the same day Teita was recruited into the youth class of AF1, Sir Yurong was so happy that he publicized his youngest son’s existence for the first time. The declaration itself was also a warning: no one touches my son, or I’ll maim or murder you even at the cost of my life!

Everyone in the upper nobility knew that Sir Yurong wasn’t one to throw empty words, and then he was entirely serious when he made the threat. Since no one wanted to face Sir Yurong’s wrath, they instructed their children never to provoke Teita. Unfortunately, it meant that no one was willing to interact with the youngest, most pampered son of the Yurong Family. Even those who did want to get close to Teita couldn’t help but worry since their attempts might backfire on them, so they just opted to avoid him entirely. As a result, Teita barely knew a handful of familiar faces despite his age.

Teita asked to follow when Cillin got ready to leave. After all, he was here to enjoy a vacation. How he planned to have fun was entirely his own decision. That was how many people came to witness an odd scene that day: a relic “Vege-Fritter” and an absolutely intimidating flying car flying side by side.

Teita knew little about flying cars, so he wasn’t as shocked as the people around him in regards to Vege-Fritter. The reason he was curious was because Vege-Fritter could speak like a robot. The car his dad gifted him also had a super AI installed, but didn’t his brothers tell him that racing cars normally didn’t come with such systems?

Teita was very young, so he was incapable of driving his own flying car at the moment. That was why Sir Yurong had purposely hired a driver to drive Teita around. The driver’s driving skills were in no way inferior to the racers of the “Winds of Freedom” at all.

After the first test drive was done, Cillin and Teita landed at a large rest point. A lot of racing teams were parked here, and individual bases were set up so that the best repairs could be provided to their own automobiles. Of course, they didn’t trust anyone who wasn’t part of the team and stayed constantly alert because deception and trickery happened every term. Their own maintenance staff aside, the Sizer Family repairmen working at the Sizer Family public repair points were the only outsiders they really trusted.

Countless racing team logos were raised high up in the air, including powerful longtime contenders such as Spearhead, Aero, Lightning and so on.

Spearhead and Lightning were originally grassroots racing teams. As their need for capital and development grew, they gradually acquired the sponsorship of some nobles and financial groups. Backed by a tremendous amount of capital, both racing teams grew better and better. In return, they nurtured quite a number of excellent racers for the nobles. There were plenty of racing teams like them, and flying cars were by nature a very costly investment, especially when they were racing in big races like this one. It was simply impossible for a racing team to continue existing without the support of a powerful group.

Aero was a racing team that belonged to a spaceplane manufacturing company, which was why most of their flying cars were made from parts of a spaceplane. They were known as the racing team whose automobiles were the closest to a spaceplane, and their parent company had worked with the Sizer Family on several Whirlwind projects in the past. There were a lot of people who envied them.

Technically, Cillin and Naimi didn’t belong to any racing team, but if they had to choose a side it would probably be the Sizer Family*. That was why they headed straight to the public repair point.

*normally, the organizer of a competition also participating in the competition itself constitutes a huge conflict of interest, but it was mentioned earlier that the track is randomised so that not even the Sizer Family knows what will come out in the end. That being said it’s still a huge wtf, although not uncommon at all. A real life example would be OGN having a CJ Entus team participating in OGN LoL.

Teita joined Cillin the moment he got off the car, his old servant following closely behind. There was a saying that all visitors are guests, and they were in the Sizer Family’s territory, so Naimi was obligated to show them hospitality. That was why he had invited Teita and his people to head over to the repair point and rest.

Cillin and Naimi’s “Vege-Fritter” attracted nearly everyone’s attention. It was the subject of great mockery, and the crowd’s disdain only increased when they noticed that the Vege-Fritter was headed towards the public repair point. They found it difficult to mount any respect towards a relic that didn’t even have a racing team of its own.

However, when they noticed that the racers coming out of the public repair point displaying an unusual amount of respect towards Cillin and Naimi, some of the crowd was smart enough to notice and shut their mouths. Not long after, a few PICs walked out from inside the repair point and led the new arrivals into a room while wearing friendly smiles on their faces.

“Hey, who are those people?”

“No idea, but they look like pretty important people.”

“They’re driving a Vege-Fritter though?”

“Who knows, maybe that’s their fetish.”


Of course, there were some people from every racing team who recognized Naimi; both Cillin and Naimi had taken off their helmets after they got out of the car. It was also why they told their squadmates to keep their voices down. They were on the Sizer Family’s territory, and it would be foolish to criticize them and be penalized as a result, even if they were the ones who did something embarrassing.

There weren’t many important nobles who frequented places like these such as Naimi and Brielles, so nobody had recognized Teita. The young nobles — including Gen Xingming and his friends — had gone away to have fun, and Cillin didn’t think it was necessary, or that it was his turn to worry about them.

Naimi had informed his family about Teita prior to their arrival, so everyone who came out to welcome them were people who had real authority in those repair points. It was to show that Teita mattered to them. Normally, no business family would turn down the opportunity to improve their relationship with the military, especially since the Sizer Family’s relationship with the military was so-so at best. It was the reason why they had never been able to incorporate military use vehicles into their races. Originally, the Sizer Family was planning to stick by the rules of professionalism when they caught wind of Teita’s arrival, but Naimi’s report had deeply shaken their original resolve. This was an opportunity, a rare opportunity. General Yurong wouldn’t give a damn if they became friends with his older sons, but Teita? It might just be a completely different story. They simply couldn’t let this chance slip past their fingers.

Thanks to this, the family’s dissatisfaction towards Cillin and Naimi’s Vege-Fritter had also largely subsided.

After resting for a moment, Cillin and Naimi got ready to head back to Fleka’s. Teita announced that he would like to follow them too.

The maintenance staff of this repair point had wanted to give Vege-Fritter a quick checkup, but they just couldn’t find a good place to start even after Cillin and the others had returned. It was because this Vege-Fritter was very different from the relic they knew, not to mention that the super AI itself had forbidden them from touching it.

“It’s fine, we can deal with Vege-Fritter ourselves. Go spend