Star Rank Hunter - Chapter 172: Fuse, The Beginning of Chaos [Part 2]

Chapter 172: Fuse, The Beginning of Chaos [Part 2]

Chapter 172: Fuse, The Beginning of Chaos [Part 2]

Cillin sped up. Right now he could no longer care to check which forces was standing in his way – anyone who does, dies. How could he be bothered to check when his own life was at risk? Plus, it’s not like every ‘Flying Snake’ member was Qi Geyou’s subordinate. Qi Geyou should have ordered his men to evacuate this place, shouldn’t he? And even if they were Qi Geyou’s men, the fact that they hadn’t left in time basically meant that they had little hope at survival. After all, they had failed to resist the virus and began slaughtering the people around them, and the elites of the two forces were still around too.

They hadn’t encountered a single prison guard up to this point, so they were probably all taken out already. Although every prison – even just a grade one prison – had pretty powerful people, since as the saying goes, ‘however strong you are, there is always someone stronger’, the two forces who came here seriously weren’t something they could deal with right now. He could not expect anything from the prison guards now. He could only rely on himself.. Earlier, the sound of a faraway explosion made Cillin feel much more settled. That explosion was caused by Lung’s microbomb, and judging from the sound Cillin could confirm that Lung was probably near an exit. If he still failed to escape with these conditions, then he would not be a member of the Andrea Family.

When Little Stache saw that Cillin had increased his movement speed, she hurriedly chased after him. She took out a folded long blade and killed every convict who stood in her way. If Cillin himself did not care who was standing in his way, then naturally she cared even less.

The sense of crisis grew stronger and stronger. Cillin did not understand why he would feel this way. Although he had not seen his opponent, he knew based on feelings alone that he was absolutely no match for his opponent right now. This wasn’t a distance that could be closed with a gun or two.

Almost, they’re almost at the byway!


A sudden explosion cleaned out all convicts around the byway of the passage. This was no normal bomb, and the center area of the bomb was covered in flames. Even the byway’s walls were slowly deforming under the flames.

Thank goodness Cillin had not arrived at the byway yet, and during that one moment they sensed the abnormality both Cillin and Little Stache had paused their swift footsteps and retreated instead. Otherwise, they most definitely would’ve been engulfed by the flames too.

The explosion and flames excited the convicts beyond the area further. They charged towards the duo from the surrounding passage of the byfork.

Cillin and Little Stache had not time to loiter around this place. They locked their eyes onto a particular passage and ran over to it.

The passage leading towards the prison rooms’ direction at the byway was also where the explosion had originated from. Blue lights that were as straight as blades appeared from the flames before a figure slowly walked out from inside it. It was a blue skinned woman whose eyes looked about the same as the blue blades in her hands, cold, icy and emotionless. The flames did not seem to affect her.

The woman swung the blue blades in her hands when she saw the convicts charging at her. She easily slashed through the charging convicts entirely. The woman did not seem to be paying any attention to these convicts at all. Her eyes were staring right where Cillin was.

When else should they run but now?!

Cillin charged into that passage, and Little Stache was right behind him. They were running for their lives; it was obvious that that woman was no easy picking at first glance. Of course they were running since they were no match her!

That woman ran faster and faster. The convicts blocking her way were like pieces of tofu that were easily cut down without even the slightest noise.

Right now Cillin seriously hated the convicts for how soft they were.

Suddenly he felt a chill behind his back, and Cillin put strength into his legs and jumped to the sides. At the same time, the wrist blade on his arm popped out.


The five hundred thousand credits wrist blade heralded by Cary as rare goods broke in response about as cleanly as you could expect.

Fuck! The five hundred thousand credits wrist blade did not even hold out for more than half a second!

He dodged away from the blue blades slashing towards him. It looked like a special energy excitation type weapon, but Cillin had never seen one like this before because the weapon was fully attached to the woman’s hand even though she obviously wasn’t a robot.

Right now Cillin did not have the time to ponder this problem though. The woman had painted them as targets.

After they backed away, Cillin and Little Stache stood still two steps away from each other and faced the woman chasing after them together.

The woman did not look behind her as she cut a charging convict in half. Then, she took one step after another towards Cillin and Little Stache.

Cillin and Little Stache exchanged a short glance with each other. If they couldn’t get away, they they would fight. They had no other choice.

Just when Cillin was about to act, the alarm suddenly started with a series of beeps.

It was the alarm of the prison’s core defense system. Logically speaking, this alarm should not be sounded even if the defense system’s instruction program had been tampered with, unless the prison had already reached a critical state that resulted in the final instruction activating. That instruction must not be tampered with, for the the whole prison would forcefully activate its self destruct