Star Rank Hunter - Chapter 18: ‘So Poor All That is Left is Money’ Family

Chapter 18: ‘So Poor All That is Left is Money’ Family

Chapter 18: ‘So Poor All That is Left is Money’ Family

Seven Lights University. As a university that was famous throughout the galaxy, be it their geographical and urban planning, or their resource and equipment allocations, they were incomparable to the schools at the ten trade Sectors.

Here, there was a tightly guarded research and technology zone, a wide open area training zone, a sleepless city that provided relaxation and entertainment, and a trade zone of many categorizations… they had everything in this place. It was just like a perfected system.

The school zone was the closest to the port, and there was a large residential zone right next to it. There were clumps of high-rising buildings and clumps of villas as well. According to the ‘Seven Lights Handbook’, the students’ living quarters were assigned by the university and not chosen freely by the students. Of course, there were many luxury houses and office buildings for rent, and whether someone could rent those buildings depended entirely on their own abilities. Money was just a small matter; what was really important was the limit of authority of one’s Seven Lights card. If you haven’t ranked up the Seven Lights card to a certain level, then don’t even bother thinking about those buildings.

The school district was located at the center of the planet and was surrounded by the entertainment zone, training zone, trade zone and so on. Cillin did not go to the school zone; he would register himself there directly after circling the entire planet. Therefore, going by the signs on the map, the global train’s first big stop would be the trade zone.

Maybe because it wasn’t the rush hour that there weren’t many people scattered along the train. Some of them had their eyes closed as they slept in their seats. Judging from the badges at their chest area, they were all third or fourth grade students.

In Seven Lights, there were seven grades divided according to one’s education level. The first to fourth grades were mandatory grades, and a student could only apply for graduation after they had gone through all four grades. Of course, those who had good enough results and the intent could pursue for further study, and in Seven Lights those who pursue for further study would enjoy a very lucrative treatment. The reason there was no fifth to seventh grade students abroad the train was because that they all had their own private cars, which was a lot more convenient than taking a train or renting a cab.

When he was speaking with Kang Man on the transport, he had already learned that Kang Man’s choice of education was four plus three, which was an integrated mode for further studies. This mode was only open to specially recruited students, and the treatment they enjoyed were different from other people. Cillin and everyone else’s Seven Lights card was the most basic rank : ‘Crimson’, but Kang Man’s was a rank higher: ‘Orange’. it was also easier for him to rank up his card compared to other people.

Listening to the train’s stop announcement, Cillin got off the train while carrying his bag on his back. The moment he got out, Cillin was immediately assaulted with the sensation that he was standing somewhere else. He might have read the trade zone’s description on the ‘Seven Lights Handbook’, but it was still a lot more impactful to see it in real person.

This place was like a giant business empire.

The trade zone before him seemed to be formed from countless flourishing and complex commercial streets intersecting with each other. The bustling flying cars; the noisy crowd… was this really just a university? Why did it not look too different from the bustling commercial streets on that planet in Sector D when he went to look for Aiflon?

There were many blinking road signs and billboards guiding those who had arrived here. A giant display suspended in mid air would also run ads from time to time, such as: A person wearing a fifth grade badge holding a device in his hands and introducing its functions… Such advertising screens could be seen everywhere while encompassing all kinds of things from the most basic daily necessities to roller skates and flying cars. There were endless varieties, and with images gorgeous enough to capture one’s attention completely.

Cillin randomly took a glance at the shops on his two sides and knew immediately that none of them were selling your ordinary goods. It would have been embarrassing otherwise in such a high-end commercial street anyway. Although Cillin still had some savings in his card right now, there really wasn’t much that he could buy in this place. Luckily for him, he didn’t need some of those items right now anyway.

After arriving at a department store and buying his daily necessities, Cillin then wandered towards a flea market. As its namesake, there were no formal shops in this area, but the people who opened a stall on this street were all second to fourth grade students. The items on display were all part of the prizes they had obtained while undergoing a fieldwork outside the planet or during a certain class’ exam.

Some of these items were small and delicate playthings that were worth nothing but pure decorations inside one’s living quarters. They might be varied, but the only worth of these trinkets were their novel