Star Rank Hunter - Chapter 159: A Familiar Face at Sector K [Part 2]

Chapter 159: A Familiar Face at Sector K [Part 2]

Chapter 159: A Familiar Face at Sector K [Part 2]

Sector K, also named the Sector of Kings by Hunters, was the treasured land of the Hunter circle in GAL. It was the gathering spot of the four great Hunter regiments, and it was also the only Sector in GAL where Hunter regiments were the main entity of the Sector. It was rumored that the deterrent that was the military could not be compared to the deterrent that was the great four at all. Here there were four kings, and they were the great four.

The closer they got to Sector K, the more anxious Udoze got. Of course, there was excitement as well.

This was the great four we’re talking about. Once upon a time they were just a faraway delusion, but now they felt right within reach. He wondered what their fleet looked like.

The transit planet of Sector K lay at the outermost periphery. Beyond this planet, the world belonged to the Hunters.

The various communication department of the Hunter regiments could be found on the transit planet, and the great four’s communication departments were buildings that were grander than even the planet’s government building.

No Hunters who arrived on this planet would dare to behave atrociously before the great four’s communication departments. This was because the government would not look into the case even if the people of the great four were to kill someone without any reason. As long as they did not cause a commotion big enough to wreck the entire planet, the government was disinclined to get involved at all.

Neither political groups or the military were inclined to bother with affairs between Hunters. However, those of the commerce districts do frequent the Hunters often. After all, businessmen and Hunters did cooperate with each other a lot, and this was especially true for some big business families such as the Douance Family and so on.

After checking the location of Vanguard’s communication department on a navigation device, Cillin then led the group towards it.

Here on this planet, there were no restrictions on firearms. Therefore, people carrying all sorts of firearms and even shoulder rocket launchers were a common sight on the street and nothing to be surprised at.

Unlike the other planets, the people who came here often carried with them a strong air of valiance. This was because Hunters were the majority in this place, and the aura they carried on their person was very strong.

One must not think that the good, gullible, or those who appeared so fragile they would be blown off by a gust of wind at small restaurants or bar counters to be easy pickings, for they might very well be the seniors of your seniors. It was just that they had kept their aura in check after they had retired from active duty. There was a saying called come full circle, and this was what it meant. If you really ruffled their feathers, they would crush your throat before you could take out your gun. You might not even leave an intact corpse behind.

Although the consensus was to have a meal at Vanguard’s communication department – the logistics units of many Hunter regiment communication departments had excellent preferential policies – Tang Qiuqiu happened to see an ice cream butter cup on a display window. While the ice cream’s name ended with a ‘cup’ at the end, it was almost the size of a small pail. Moreover, it had an excellent outward appearance that very much attracted the attention of sweets lovers, and Tang Qiuqiu was one of those people whose eyes were caught at first glance.

Since Tang Qiuqiu had her own savings plus the money she won from the flying car competition, one might say that she had a small wealth of her own. After she bought an ice cream butter cup for herself, Tang Qiuqiu bought Cillin and everyone else a cup of fruit juice. The gra