Chapter 837
Peter couldnt hold himself anymore as the pressure to just kill his enemy began to take over. But as Peter began attacking 4 to 5 man, he suddenly stopped as the enemy leader ripped MJs clothes open, revealing the bomb strapped to her waist.
Do you still want to go crazy? The disfigured man squeezed MJs chin while looking at Spiderman with a crazed look on his face. I can detonate this bomb anytime I want and of course, you can try to disarm me and take the remote control in my hand away, but dont blame me if I accidentally pressed the b.u.t.ton in the scuffle! the disfigured man said coldly.
Peters face behind his mask suddenly turned pale as the image of MJ blown into pieces was clear on his mind. He didnt dare to think that the bomb was fake as he didnt want to find out about it.
Just when Peter hesitated and didnt know what to do, the fat man that he knocked down earlier got back up and swung an iron pipe to Peters head. Peters Spider Sense allowed him to evade the attack, but the disfigured man didnt like that!
He slapped MJ and blood trickled down her mouth. Dont you dare dodge the attack! You better be a man and take every attack, or this lady skin would be full of blister. The disfigured man said gloriously.
Peter was forced to stay put as he didnt want MJ to be hurt anymore. The fat man smiled and walked towards Peter before spitting on his face. Seeing that Peter didnt dodge his spit this time, the fat man laughed and swung his iron pipe towards Peters head again.
Whats the matter, Spiderman? Too scared to make your move? The fat man taunted as he kicked and beat Peter with the iron pipe as he knocked Peter down to the floor.
Peter just took everything as he didnt want MJ to get hurt again. The disfigured man observed the beating with a sinister look on his face while MJ shedded her tears as she witnessed the cruel beating of the man she loved.
Hey, the Spiderman wants more! The disfigured man shouted with a crazed smile on his face.
Well, we have many others lining up to beat the Spiderman too! The fat man said as a bunch of people with various weapons started to walks towards Peter. Peters face turned pale once again. Although he had already protected his vital points as much as possible just now, it wouldnt work anymore with so many people ganging up on him.
After a bunch of beating, Peters vision turned dark and he stopped resisting altoghether.
MJ collapsed and cried excessively while begging for everyone to stop. She hated her own carelessness as it led to Peters beating. It was better for her to die than the world losing the Spiderman! But even if she wanted to die, she knew there is nothing she could do.
The disfigured man dragged MJ towards Peter and told his men to remove Peters mask. Peters face was full of wound and blood trickled down his mouth as it seemed his internal organs were damaged.
The Spiderman that fights Thanos and put away so many criminals in prison is such a fragile little boy, what a waste! the disfigured man said as he looked down on Peter. He then punched Peters face, droving the badly beaten 16 years old back to the ground.
The disfigured man wasnt a criminal originally, but he certainly had a bad luck! The girl he had been dating ran off with some bigwig while stealing all of his money. He was left with nothing and finally, he was even kicked out of his apartment for not being able to pay on time!
So, as the disfigured man blamed the world for his terrible luck, he tried to use sulfuric acid to teach the happy people about some misery.
At this time, Spiderman appeared and rescued his victim before he could deal some damage to their bodies! Spiderman accidentally knocked the bottle of sulfuric acid from the mans hand and it was smeard on the skin of his face, disfiguring his face!
The man was taken to hospital by the police who arrived afterward before stuffing him into jail! But because he didnt really hurt anyone, he was released on parole. Nevertheless, his hatred to Spiderman ran deep and in order to get his revenge on Spiderman, he looked around for like-minded people, the people who secretly sought revenge against the Spiderman!
In the end, they got their chance as Mysterio revealed Peters ident.i.ty and once the media revealed everything, Peters information was exposed on the internet! After that, it wasnt hard to make a plan to exact their revenge on the Spiderman!
This was the plan that was created as a result of hatred and sure enough, they succeeded on luring Spiderman to somewhere where the Avengers wouldnt interfere and they successfully subdued the Spiderman and beat him half-dead! The Spiderman that once was invincible was now reduced to a mere durable dog!
Let her go! Peter tried so hard to speak.
It seems he still has some infatuation towards her! The disfigured man mocked. The rest of his man laughed as they found it funny that the Spiderman was still thinking about the girl while he himself was close to dying.
How about we shoot a movie starring our friend here, Mr. Spiderman and his lovely girlfriend? We will post it online later and make a profit out of that! The disfigured man said excitedly.
You are really toxic but I like it! the fat man said excitedly.
Now, we have to take some close up for our friend Peter here. Dont want people to say its fake later! The disfigured man said excitedly. Everyone laughed once again as they found it funny.
But they failed to notice that Peters eyes were already burning with anger! A scream suddenly echoed throughout the building as Peter crushed the disfigured mans arm and took the remote control away.
Peter then freed MJ and took her behind him.
Dont worry, MJ! I will get you out of here! Peter said as he threw the remote control to the ground and smashed it into pieces. He dragged the disfigured man as his hostage as he wanted to get out of here alive.
Although Peter was a kind man, he was still a 16 years old boy! What these people did was certainly too much for Peter to handle, and thus he was forced to take things seriously for the first time.
But while the disfigured man was suffering from a lot of pain, he still had the time to shout. Its useless, Spiderman! I told you already that wasnt the only remote control in my possession! You are dead today, Spiderman! the disfigured man said while laughing maniacally.