Chapter 793
Thanos got up and immediately clenched his injuries before raising his twin blade and striking Dio!
Dio blocked Thanos attack with his Scythe without hesitation as he knew he couldnt show any weakness right now. The Scythe hit the twin blade and a violent momentum swept across the battlefield! At the same time, a flash of light suddenly appeared, hitting the back of Thanos head and knocking him down to the ground.
Dio immediately took the opportunity to swing his Scythe at Thanos head, attempting to end this battle once and for all.
Thanos couldnt fully endure his injury and spat out a large amount of blood. Meanwhile, Thor was confused beyond belief because the thunderstrike that hit Thanos just now wasnt his! He looked around and saw Steve holding his Mjolnir, and Thor was immediately hit with revelation! It was Steves doing! But how could he wield Thors Mjolnir so easily? was he really worthy?
Nevertheless, Thor felt excited that he had found another person who was worthy to hold the Mjolnir. Now, he had another person that could fight Thanos with him. After all, he had a hunch that Steve would be able to wield the Mjolnir!
Now Thor knew that several people had the ability to hold Mjolnir! Steve, Vision, himself, and his father! Although it might seem little, it was already too many for a single hammer!
You must be excited, Mjolnir! You found another person that was worthy of your power! Thor said with a smirk on his face.
The Avengers just looked at Thor and remained silent as they didnt want to talk about what Thor was feeling. They knew that Thor would be excited, and they didnt want to further push Thors ego!
Now that Steve wielded the Mjolnir, he was considerably stronger in terms of offensive power. Steve immediately rushed toward Thanos and swung the Mjolnir as fast as he could, but Thanos still blocked the Mjolnir with his twin blades. But when Thanos attacked Steve, he blocked the attack with the s.h.i.+eld and then counterattacked!
Mjolnir hits Thanos jaw quite hard, knocking Thanos down to the ground!
Still, Thanos quickly got up angrily and parried Steves s.h.i.+eld that he threw at Thanos. But Steve already antic.i.p.ated it and threw Mjolnir too! But Steve wasnt aiming at Thanos, but the s.h.i.+eld he threw earlier instead!
Mjolnir struck the s.h.i.+eld and changed the s.h.i.+elds course as a result before ricocheting around some rocks and hitting Thanos right in the face! It threw Thanos off balance as he didnt see that coming.
The Avengers had to say that Steves skill with the s.h.i.+eld was absolutely remarkable! No one could control the s.h.i.+eld as well as Steve, and everybody acknowledged it!
The s.h.i.+eld bounced back into Steves hand perfectly. He held the s.h.i.+eld on his left arm while the Mjolnir on his right. He was just a middle-aged warrior who was ready to strike down his enemy! Of course, with his combat capabilities, he was certainly way better than an average warrior!
Even Dio couldnt help but admire Steves combat skill as he knew that Steve was one of the best close combat experts in the Marvel Universe! There was no doubt that Steve would be able to change the tide of war with his own presence!
Meanwhile, Thor got up from the ground and swung his Stormbreaker to test it out, and he didnt see anything wrong with it. He knew that he was most comfortable with Mjolnir, but as he saw how proficient Steve was with it, Thor knew that he had to let it go!
Even so, Thor still had complicated feelings about all this.
Thor noticed that Thanos was attacking Steve relentlessly, and he knew that he had to help immediately! Thor then rushed forward with Stormbreaker in hand, ready to strike Thanos down.
The thunder began crackling around Thors body, and Thor condensed it into the Stormbreaker. Thor then blasted a thunderbolt at Thanos to release the condensed thunder on Stormbreaker.
But it wasnt the end of it as Steve saw Thors attack and lifted the Mjolnir high into the sky. Thunderstrikes c.u.mulated in the sky above the Mjolnir, and Steve swings Mjolnir forward, sending a blast of thunder in Thanos direction.
Hey, I am the only G.o.d of Thunder around here! Thor shouted annoyedly. Steve just shrugged it off as it wasnt important right now. But nevertheless, their attack wasnt enough. Thanos evaded the attack and came after Steve again.
Thanos was extremely angry, but the anger in his heart was caused by Steve alone, and that was enough reason to send Thanos into overdrive as this was the first time he had to put so much effort just to fight a small man from a backwater planet.
Thanos smashed Steves s.h.i.+eld, breaking it into parts before he punched Steves face. Thanos then took off Steves mask to get a better look at Steves face and picked up his twin blade to end Steves life!
But still, Steve didnt fight Thanos on his own! Dio and Thor immediately reacted and rushed to attack Thanos, saving Steve from death! Thanos had to let Steve go to block Thor and Dios attack!
Dio and Thor have a hard time on their own as their attacks were repelled time and time again by Thanos! Nevertheless, their effort managed to keep Thanos busy.
Thanos was getting annoyed as he went to such a great length to kill them and only managed to weaken them, and no matter how hard he tried, these people just couldnt seem to die!
But Thanos knew that once he restrained these two, there would be no one out there to hinder his movement anymore!