Chapter 778
[Silver Chariot] removed its armor in exchange for a tremendous speed! Steve couldnt react as he immediately felt a stinging pain in his back! He immediately lifted his s.h.i.+eld and countered [Silver Chariot]s attack. He received three injuries on his back that were still bleeding, but thankfully, it wasnt fatal. However, before he could breathe, the Toy Soldiers came once again and fired a missile at him.
Steve was blown away, but fortunately, he still had the time to s.h.i.+eld himself from the direct explosion. But [Silver Chariot] attacked him once again with its rapier. Fortunately for Steve, Vision arrived at the right time and cut [Silver Chariot]s rapier in two, saving Steve from being poked by the needle sword.
[Bad Company] attacked Visions body, but its attack just went straight through Visions body without causing any harm.
Lets go! Vision said as he pulled Steve up and tried to escape the battlefield.
At this time, Dio noticed Visions arrival, and his gaze was fixed entirely on Vision. He knew that it was too fast for Vision to appear now, but he also noticed that there was no Mind Stone on Visions forehead! It was obvious that the Mind Stone was still on Lokis Scepter, so it was odd that Vision had already made his entrance right now.
Dio acknowledged that he was a big variable right now in Marvel Cinematic Universes plot. He knew that he would cause a lot of huge b.u.t.terfly effects, but the situation right now was too weird! There were two Captain Americas, and Vision was already created? Plus, Ant-Man already showed up earlier, and the huge G.o.ddess too?
Dio even started to wonder if he was dreaming and should wake up soon! He thought that all of this was just a huge dream, and he was on the hospitals bed right now, in a coma! Now that he knew that Loki was not impersonating Steve, everything was really confusing!
So, instead of chasing after Vision and Steve, who tried to escape the battlefield and use [The World] to stop them, Dio let them go.
At the same time, Thor and Hulk called for Dio as Tony would die at this rate. Dio groaned in frustration as he turned his attention toward Tony, who was falling from the sky. He knew that no matter how chaotic the world became, he ought to focus on the situation at hand. As for the future, Dio should leave it to his future self.
Vision and Steve instantly felt relieved when they noticed that Dio didnt chase after them. Steve was especially relieved as he knew how relentless Dio sometimes could be. But still, he was somewhat disappointed in himself as not even Dio in this time regarded him as an opponent. No wonder Dio preferred to do everything by himself as he deemed everyone useless.
Look out! Vision shouted, snapping Steve from his daydream as he threw Steve out of harms way. A rain of bullets. .h.i.t the spot where Steve was earlier. Luckily for Vision, it didnt have any effect as he could just phase through them.
Someone ambushed Steve and Vision, but it wasnt Dio! It was Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier himself! But Steve already expected this as he knew that Bucky would come at this exact time to steal the Scepter. Hydra wanted the Mind Stones power for their experiment and stuff.
At this time, Hydra was still at its peak influence as s.h.i.+ELD still couldnt uproot them from the s.h.i.+ELDs own management. Thus, their growth rate was very fast! This was also the reason why they didnt mind sending the Winter Soldier himself to pick up the Scepter.
In the main timeline, Bucky would take the Scepter easily as Dio was preoccupied with saving Tony. This time it would be completely different as Steve had already secured the Scepter himself! That was also the reason why Bucky attacked Steve and Vision here, as he wanted to get ahold of the Scepter for the Hydra.
Bucky immediately rushed toward Steve as he wanted to kill Steve, who was still holding the Scepter in his hand. Furthermore, it would be hard for Steve to fight the Winter Soldier and win with his injuries.
But still, Steve wasnt alone from the beginning!
A missile suddenly appeared and bombarded Bucky from the sky, and it was none other than the Iron Man himself! Bucky immediately backed away, and Tony immediately stood beside Steve.
Vision then launched her own attack at Bucky, and as he got closer to Bucky, he grabbed Buckys neck and pressed it against the wall.
Vision then pummeled Bucky, but Bucky wasnt one to falter as he pulled out a gun and immediately shot Vision with it, forcing Vision to let go of Buckys neck. Still, the bullet wasnt enough to scratch Visions hard body.
Bucky threw away his gun and punched Vision in the face with his cyborg arm, pus.h.i.+ng Vision back a little bit, but it just annoyed Vision as he immediately grabbed Buckys cyborg arm and pinned it to the side, completely suppressing Bucky down.
Tony, who was flying in the air, landed beside Bucky and was about to pop Buckys head with his repulsor, but at the same time, Steve stepped forward with the Scepter and immediately stuck the tip of the Scepter on Buckys chest.
The Scepter immediately glowed, and Bucky immediately fell asleep without further resistance.