Stand User in Marvel Universe - Chapter 727

Chapter 727

So, that is your reason to kill that many people in the last two years. Is this also the reason why you dont want to stop as the opportunity was very rare? Steve asked for an explanation as he couldnt think of any other reason Dio did what he did.

Even if Barton did the same thing, the people who died in his hand werent as many as Dios! Dio didnt want to explain what he did in the past because misunderstanding could happen.

It is a very rare moment. Anyway, those people deserve to die, so I suppose theres no problem at all. Dio smiled coldly. Steve immediately felt a chill down his spine, but if there was a chance for him to get Peggy back in exchange for some criminals life, would he do it? Could he be as coldblooded as Dio to trade peoples life for such an opportunity?

Whatever Steve was thinking, his heart was visibly shaken from all this. His faith was shocked beyond belief. Steve immediately left anxiously. He even dropped the promise to eat at Banners pizzeria as he couldnt calm his mind.

He didnt know how to face Dio anymore. Did he have to part ways with Dio? Perhaps this is why Dio was so reluctant to explain what he was doing earlier. It was such a difficult information to process after all! But suddenly, Steve received enlightenment!

Whats wrong with Steve now? He looks very distracted. Natasha asked as he saw Steve walk out of the room as Natasha walked in.

I believe hes trying to figure out something. Dont worry, he will be fine. The guy is much stronger than we thought. Dio said with a smile on his face. He knew that Steve understood that the most important thing right now was the turn things back to normal, which meant to make sure that the disappeared people returned, and everything else aside from that should be handled coldly.

After theyve achieved their objective, Dio was quite sure that Steve would part ways as he wouldnt be able to tolerate what Dio did any longer. Although Dios heart felt heavy for what would happen, he didnt regret anything he ever did or will do in the future.

At the same time, Natashas gut told her that something mustve happened between Dio and Steve, but since Dio said that Steve would be fine, she decided to ignore it for now.

Will you go with me to Hulks Pizzeria? Natasha asked Dio.

Sure, why not? We should just get a takeaway for the Captain and Pietro after we return. Dio casually said as he knew that Steve would not be in the mood to eat pizza, and Pietro would choose to stay in the training room. So, it would only be just Natasha and Dio now.

. . . . . . . . . . .

In the center of New York, a long line of people queued in front of a small pizza restaurant, and many people were excitedly discussing something about the pizza itself. Vision with a pink apron inside the shop was seen busy in front of an oven while taking out freshly baked pizzas one after another.

At the same time, a huge green figure walked across the restaurant carefully, plating the pizza Vision has made to its respectful customer.

One Hulks Green Cheese Pizza coming up, please enjoy your food! Banner said with a smile on his face.

Hulk! Can we take a photo with you? a group of teenagers asked as they handed over a camera.

Of course, that is not a problem, cute little angel! Banner said with a radiant smile on his face.

Hulk held one girl with one hand then made a roaring sound to the camera for effect. The girl then laughed while posing to the camera while another customer delightfully kept pressing the camera to record all the precious moments.

Looking at the smiling face of the girl, the people in the query couldnt wait for their turn, so the line became merrier than ever. The children loved the Hulk as he was really peculiar. It was not that people hated the Angry Hulk in the past, but they were too afraid that the Hulk would be angry at them!

Hulk, stop playing! The guest at table 2 was long gone. Please tidy up the table and welcome the new guest there! Vision said commandingly.

Sure, wait a sec, Hulk said as he put the girl back on her seat and smiled before leaving to tidy up the place.

Welcome to Hulks Pizzeria. What would you like to order? Hulk said with a smile on his face.

Well, give me this Invincible Hulk Wasabi Pizza and then this Weak Thor Chicken Buritto and Black Widow Poison! Dio said, still under his disguise, but he didnt disguise his voice, and the Hulk immediately noticed it!

Dio? Natasha? Is that you guys? Hulk turned around and took a good look at the person ordering his food just now. Dio and Natasha just laughed as they were entertained by the Hulks surprised face.

It looks like you are doing well. So many people are waiting lining up to eat at your restaurant! Dio said as he held the Menu Flier in his hand. Banner just smirked embarrassedly and scratched his head awkwardly, for he didnt know how to respond to that.

Well, next time just call me ahead of time! I will reserve a table just for you guys, and that way, you dont have to wait in line! Banner said sheepishly.

Okay, we didnt have any lunch today, so I hope the food could come quickly! By the way, I cant wait to see Natasha eat this Black Widow Poison. I think it will be great for the Black Widow herself! Dio said as he winked teasingly at Natasha. She looked at the menu and frowned as she found that all the menus were named after the Avengers in some way.

Wait, I want this Fried Iron Man, U.S Shield Pizza, and this Asgard Big Bang too! Hurry it up! Natasha teasingly said as she ordered her food.

Hold on, you sure this Asgard Big Bang wouldnt stimulate Thors memory? Wouldnt it be dangerous if he learns that you use this in your menu?! Dio said curiously.

Its fine. I already asked him, but he didnt mind. Hulk said with a smile on his face.

You did? What did he say? Dio asked curiously.

He asked me for hundreds of cases of Budweiser. Banner said with a shrug.

Dio and Natasha were speechless. They didnt expect such a strange thing to happen to Thor. The Hulk then walked away to put up their order, so Natasha and Dio were left alone.

Dio, Thor hasnt left New Asgard for more than a year. I believe he isnt in good condition right now. Natasha said to break the silence.

I see. Thor must be blaming himself for what happened. I will go there to check out on him myself later! Dio said as he nodded his head. Natasha sighed and couldnt help but think when the Avengers could gather together and laugh with each other again.