Obviously, there was no good method to deal with the worm king itself! Even if Thanos could crush Visions Vibranium Alloy body with his bare hand, he couldnt kill the worms with his usual attack! Not even his ship could do anything to the worm as the worm just brushed off every attack like it was nothing!
If one should compare, Dio only exerted 1% of the Power Stones ability, while the worm already used 10% of the Stones power! So, after trying various things and to no avail, Thanos finally decided to retreat! Yes, Thanos gave up on the Power Stone that was within his fingertips reach!
However, that didnt mean he would give up the Power Stone completely. He just had to think of other ways to get it off the worm. He just had to get the other Infinity Stones before coming up with a way to take the Power Stone. But surely, he wouldnt mind if the other forces in the universe managed to take down the worm for him!
So, what did the Tyrant do after that? He sent a distress signal for help to the entire universe!
Why do we have to come to this run-down place? Rockets said disinterestedly.
Because we received a distress signal that we couldnt ignore! Gamora said with a slight eye roll.
Yes, but why cant we just ignore it? Rocket said with a frown on his face.
Its because we are the Guardian of the Galaxy! We are the good guys now, and we have to do the good guy stuff! Peter said annoyedly. Maybe we could get some cash by helping the right people, you know, as a token of appreciation, Peter said excitedly.
Reward isnt the point here, Quill! Gamora sighed while shaking her head.
We are here! Drax said suddenly.
They landed the Milano on the planet that was supposed to be where the distress signal came from, but what they saw on the surface of the planet was shocking! They saw many corpses scattered all around the place and wreckage of a spaceship in the middle of it all.
Damn, what happened here? Rocket said as he held his techno gun that was larger than his body. The other Guardian of the Galaxy also looked a little bit disgusted by the sight in front of them, but Gamoras response was slightly different as she intuitively knew that she should leave this place at once!
We should split up and search for survivors. We dont know what caused all this, so stay sharp, guys! Peter said as he gave an order to the rest of the Guardians as he was the leader of the group. They all nodded and started to look around, searching for anything valuable and survivor.
Damn, this is a good one! Peter said as he found some valuable among the wreckage. He took the gadget he found and put it under his coat before Gamora could see him taking something. He knew that Gamora wouldnt like it if he kept doing this, so he immediately shifted into searching for survivor earnestly.
Then again, if he found some other valuable, everyone knew that he wouldnt be able to avert his eyes from it! The rest of the Guardians already knew this behaviour of Peters, so they didnt say much to it. After searching for a while, they didnt see any survivor, nor did they find anything valuable around. But as they were on their way to the ship, plannig to leave this place, Rocket found something.
Hey guys, I found a half-dead person over here! Come and see! Rocket shouted to call the rest. The Guardians immediately gathered around Rocket and saw the person he mentioned. They took a look at the mentioned person and noticed that the person was missing one arm!
Ordinary people would have died from this kind of injury, but fortunately for this person, he was half machine!
Wow, K113 Robotic Arm! This thing isnt cheap! It would fetch a good price in the black market! Peter said as he noticed the arms of the person dying in front of him. Gamora immediately rolled her eyes as she was fed up with Peters behaviour.
How is he, Rocket? Gamora asked as Rocket checked the persons vitality.
We couldnt save him. In fact, he should have died a long time ago, but clearly, he persisted until now! but still, its just a matter of time before he died at this point. Rocket said solemnly.
Could you wake him up for a while? We have to figure out what happened here after all! Gamora said as she pursed her lips together in a pessimistic way.
Ill try! Rocket said as he immediately did something to wake the person up. He took out a syringe and injected whatever was inside into the persons neck and took a metal plate that he connected to the persons chest, and pressed a button on the metal plate! Electric crackled on the persons chest, charging his body with an electric current that was supposed to wake him up.
Fortunately, it works! The person immediately opened his eyes as soon as the electric discharge turned down. Hey, man! Can you hear me? What is going on here? Rocket said as he slapped the persons face for a quick wake-up.
Get out of here! The distress signal is a trap! You have to escape immediately! The person said as he looked around in horror. But before he could say anything else, his eyes closed once more, finally dead!
Shit! Rocket said as he immediately got away from the persons body.
We have to go! Peter said as he immediately walked towards the Milano. They didnt expect the Distress Signal to be a trap. They finally realised that the lying corpses around there were the body of the people that came to check on the distress signal only to meet their demise!
This was simply too cruel! However, as soon as they got close to the Milano, a burly figure appeared behind Gamora. I knew that you would finally come, my daughter! Thanos said as he smiled at Gamora before choking her and lifting her to the air.
Let go of her, you big purple potato! I will smash your rotten chin like a pumpkin if you dont! Peter said as he took a stance to attack Thanos. The rest of the Guardian was stunned for a moment as they realised who it was that set up the trap!
It was Gamoras father, the Mad Titan, the Tyrant of the Universe, Thanos! Rocket roared and immediately pulled out his weapons, ready to attack, while Groot was also ready to attack beside him.
Meanwhile, Drax was still in a state of disbelief as the person he was searching throughout the universe was finally here!
This was an unexpected situation for Peter Quill, too, as he wasnt sure he could afford to deal with Thanos at this point.