That is easy! Dio said as he already got the remote that the Grandmaster used to control Thor.
Thanks, its a lot easier to move now! Thor said as he moved his neck around. Hulk, come on! Thor said as he wanted Hulk to follow.
Thor go, Hulk stay! Hulk said with sad eyes.
Remember what I said earlier! We are friends now! No Banner, only Hulk and Thor! I know you dont want to go back to Earth, and I respect your choice, but now my home is in danger! I have to go back, and the enemy that I will face is very powerful! I am not even sure I can defeat her! So, I hope that you can help me take back my home. I promise you will love it there! Thor said as he tried to convince Hulk to come along.
Hulk was touched by Thors sincerity and hesitated for a moment. Thor got impatient as Hulk took quite some time, so he winked rapidly to Dio as he wanted Dio to persuade the Hulk as well! But Dio knew that he wasnt on such good terms with the Hulk, and it would only backfire if he talked now. But Dio then patted Valkyrie in the back as he knew that Valkyrie could persuade the Hulk just fine!
Valkyrie rolled her eyes and walked towards the Hulk immediately. She knew that she couldnt stay at Sakaar any longer after what she had done to the Grandmaster earlier. Furthermore, even though she displayed such an indifferent attitude, she still couldnt watch Asgard fall into Helas hand! Even without Thor asking her, she would go back on her own to help defeat Hela and protect Asgard! So, in order to accomplish her goal, Hulks power was significant help!
I am also an Asgardian, Hulk. So, I will come along with Thor to help the people of Asgard! Would you like to come along with us too? It would be reassuring to have you aboard! Valkyrie said with a smile on her face.
Hulk then glanced at Thor and Valkyrie before looking at Dio. Okay, Hulk help Thor fight the enemy! Hulk said excitedly.
Thank you! You are a good friend that I can count on! Thor said happily. Thor was also thinking about calling for the Avenger as Steve and the others would gladly help him. But still, he thought that it would be rude to ask them, while Thor himself barely spent any time on Earth lately. Furthermore, he doubted the Avenger could stand against Helas power, let alone defeat her! It would be such a shame to watch his comrade falls in his homeland!
So, he decided not to call the Avenger as he thought that Hulk, Valkyrie, and Dio would suffice! Let us go now! Thor said as he looked into the distance.
The Dark Battleship was ready to take off, and a huge spaceship was following close behind. But Thor was confused once again as he thought Dio and Valkyrie were rescuing him without raising the alarm, but their path was unobstructed for some reason! There wasnt a single enemy waiting for them out here!
There was a guard around the Hangar, but when they walked towards the battleship, the guard didnt even try to stop them whatsoever! What was even more mind ogling was that none of them felt as nervous as he was! He was the only one who kept thinking that the Grandmaster would stop them from leaving!
Before they took off, the Grandmaster showed up and greeted Dio with a smile. He even let Dio take off without so much of a word of consideration! Thor couldnt help it anymore and asked Dio what was happening!
Its not a big deal, I played some game with the Grandmaster, and I won! As my reward, I ask for your and Hulks freedom. Dio said casually. Thor was startled by how easy it was to free him from the Grandmaster in Dios perspective.
In truth, Dio gave back the White Chip that he got from [Osiris] to the Grandmaster in order to let them walk out of Sakaar unobstructed.
I guess even unreasonable things could be solved if its you! Thor said as he sighed and let his curiosity go. So, what about the spaceship behind us? Thor asked curiously.
It is also the reward for winning that game. Besides, we need more gunpower and manpower to free Asgard. I hope people of Asgard could use that ship to arm and defend themselves, Dio said casually.
Thor became confused as he didnt understand Dios thought process. It wasnt like Dio at all to do something for others like this. Well, I will trust your decision, Thor said annoyedly.
Dont look too much into its just a pathetic gamble that bet our soul. So once I win, in exchange for getting his soul back, I want him to free you and Hulk and also one of his battleships! Dio said casually.
Thor was shocked to hear Dios story. It wasnt something that he could comprehend in his brain! So, due to that, Thor couldnt talk about it for days. After that, Thor walked away as he didnt want to hear any more of Dios absurd story!
Hey, where are you going? I want to check on your eyes! Dio said to Thor retreating figure.
I am fine! We have to take Asgard quickly. If Asgard has been rescued, then I would be happy to have my eye back! Thor said solemnly.
Well, you can become Odin after that, having one eye and all! Dio said while smirking at Thor. He knew that Asgards destruction was inevitable, so Thors resilience was all for nothing! After all, Ragnarok couldnt be stopped. Even when it was over, something unfortunate would happen immediately after! Fortunately, Dio already arranged for things to turn out not as bad as it was supposed to!
So, now that all problems were out of the way, the Dark Battleship flew to space through the Space Anus!