When the gate materialises, I will try to lock it with my Chain to prevent it from opening! Robbie said, ignoring everyone that pointed their weapons at him. Everyone instantly frowned as they didnt expect that the Ghost Rider would want to help them.
Is the destruction of the three Supreme Sanctuary the requirement of your contract? Dio asked curiously.
Robbie was startled by the knowledge of the unknown person, but he couldnt refute that! I dont really know what Supreme Sanctuary is, but yes, my contract stated that I need to destroy three specified buildings, Robbie said with a frown on his face. It seems the demon has deceived me once again! Robbie said with a disappointed sigh.
Dio was confused by what the Ghost Rider meant by once again as he knew that Robbie and Duke was the latest Ghost Rider. Do you know a Ghost Rider by the name of Robbie Reyes? He went to Hell not too long ago! Dio asked curiously.
Do you know me? Robbie asked confusedly.
Are you Robbie? Dio asked once again. He didnt expect that Robbie would be the one beneath the Blue Ghost Rider as he knew that Robbies goal when he went to Hell was to rid himself of the Spirit of Vengeance! But as soon as Robbie transformed back into Human, it answered Dios question!
But Dio was confused why Robbie didnt recognize him at all. Although his appearance might be different, his power was still the same. So, Robbie should have figured out that he was up against Dio earlier in New York! Dio began to suspect that Mephisto might have something to do with it!
Who are you? Do we know each other? Robbie asked curiously.
I am Dio! Dont you remember that we caught Duke together before you took him to Hell to find a way to nullify your contract? Dio calmly said as he knew that it would be hard to make Robbie remember again.
Robbie immediately became frustrated as he realized what was going on. I remember Duke, but in order to free myself from the Demons contract, I have to kill Duke, but I end up having to form a new contract with him in order to gain the power to kill him, but the Demon took my memory in exchange, and whenever I die and return to Hell, he will take some more! Robbie said annoyedly.
Dio nodded as it explained everything now. Robbie was just a tool for Mephisto to create his way to advance to Earth! He was tricked and manipulated by the master of trickery itself!
Meanwhile, the other heroes that were with Dio the entire time were confused as Dio suddenly talked with the demon as if they were old buddies. Was it really that easy to turn an enemy into an ally?
I see, but you see, this building isnt any normal building. This is part of an ancient protection system that prevents any extra-dimensional creatures, such as Hell, from invading the Earth! Dio said as he explained the function of the sanctuary to Robbie. He was a little bit worried as Robbie has lost some of his memories, and from the look of it, he was heavily influenced by the Spirit of Vengeance too.
Dio knew that Mephisto could easily make the Spirit of Vengeance go on a rampage! Furthermore, the current Robbie seemed incapable of controlling the Ghost Rider completely!
But before Robbie could speak a word, a hand penetrated Robbies chest, and a figure appeared within Robbies shadow.
Robbie! Dio shouted, but it was already too late as the figure immediately decapitated Robbie, and Robbie fell to the ground.
Lord Mephisto is always right! He already knows that the Human would betray him and thus tasked me to dispose of him before he ruins his majestys plan! the figure said indifferently. Now everything is back to his majestys plan! No one can stop the Hells gate from opening now! the figure said excitedly.
Oh, I am sorry. I forgot to introduce myself! I am Arimanes, Shadow Demon that serves the Hell Lord Mephisto! Now, I will spare your life if you surrender yourself to my lord, Mephisto! Arimanes said indifferently.
Oh yeah? You and what army? Dio said confidently. He then threw Robbies head that had turned back to Ghost Riders skull towards Arimanes, and the demon caught it easily!
Look into my eyes! Robbie said as he stared at Arimanes eyes.
Are you stupid? Did no one tell ever tell you that Shadow Demon has no soul? Arimanes said while laughing at Robbie. He then threw away Robbies skull like it was trash to the side.
Is that so? Then what about this? Robbie said as his body started moving and hugged Arimanes from behind. Robbies headless body was suddenly enveloped in bright light, and suddenly, an image of an angel appeared behind Robbie and the demon, revealing its white wings.
Suddenly, Arimanes spewed a dark black smoke from his mouth as he screamed horrifyingly.
Let go of me! Save me, Lord Mephistopheles! Arimanes screamed on top of his lung. He suddenly felt disappointed in himself for underestimating Robbie while he was weakened on Earth! He slowly melted from the angels dazzling light. Mephisto that he praised so much, didnt even come to save him either!
What an idiot creature! Robbie said as he picked up his head and put it back on top of his shoulders. Although he was completely surprised by the demon as he couldnt sense its presence in his shadow, the demon wasnt hard to deal with!
Furthermore, Robbie thought that maybe Mephisto didnt think that Robbie would be able to control the Spirit of Vengeances power and thus send some demon with a terrible affinity with the angel! But either way, Arimanes was dead!