Using the search magic I could also see that Sylphe was on guard outside, she was also waiting for the bad guys to attack.
Does she have such strong senses? This can be very helpful.
I kept looking at the bad guys when they suddenly decided to attack the camp.
In front, there were 5 bandits and on the right side and the left side there were 5 bandits.
Another 5 bandits have lagged, it looks like they were there to guard their rear in case of monster attacks or attacks by other people.
They were very cautious because they know that if adventurers notice them, they will attack.
Sylphe who also noticed the bad guys started running toward the carriage.
I was already awake so get out of the carriage quickly while waking up Lutrus and Sheir.
When I woke up they both got up thinking it was their turn to watch the carriage, but when I explained the situation they quickly got out of the carriage.
Lutrus wore a sword and Sheir wore a spear.
I also used a sword today so I was at the forefront along with Lutrus.
Since Sheir used a spear and had longer attacks she was a little behind.
Sylphe also used a sword, but I asked her to fight using spells and attack from the rear.
If necessary she can use her sword.
We went into formation and we wait for the bandits to approach.
They were thinking we were sleeping, but they are very wrong, we are going to take them by surprise.
The bandits began to approach and I stood in front with Lutrus waiting for them to appear.
We would not attack first, we would expect them to attack so we could attack them.
I think it would be better if we attacked first because it would be a surprise to them, but everyone else agreed to wait for them to attack first.
After a few minutes, the bad guys were already here.
We hid behind the carriage to see what they were going to do.
It would be best to attack them when they are messing with our things, as they will be distracted.
But it was not as we thought.
Since we weren't in the carriage, a man who seemed to be the bandit leader warned everyone else to look for us.
Which didn't take long, because we were behind the carriage, we weren't hidden, so they quickly found us?
When the bad guys found us immediately we started attacking.
Sheir took her spear and stuck it in the belly of one of the bandits who was advancing toward us.
The spear went through the bandit's belly and he fell to the ground, he will surely die.
"Rain of stones." Sylphe who was further back cast a level 5 land spell on a group of bad guys.
Shortly thereafter, several sharp rocks began to fall from the sky at high speed upon the bandits.
The stones pierced the body of 4 of the bandits, causing them to fall and agonize to the ground.
Lutrus was fighting 2 bandits at the same time with his sword.
The bad guys who were attacking us were very amateurish, so Lutrus easily beat them both with his sword technique.
This fight was being a child's play.
"Explosion." Now it was my turn to cast a spell on a bandit group.
I used a level 4 spell, so the spell was very powerful.
And since my fire magic was at level 10 the power was much greater.
When the spell was activated, 6 bandits were immediately struck by the power of the blast.
Some bad guys even lost parts of their bodies before they died.
The explosion was so strong that it even moved the carriage.
The carriage was heavy because the merchant was inside and had many goods.
After a while, we had finished killing all the bad guys.
We don't even try to arrest the bad guys because it wouldn't be worth it, usually, people like that get the death penalty or spend their entire lives as slaves in the mine.
We took the bodies of the bandits and left them in one place, as we would notify the guards of the next city about their bodies.
After the bandits attack we decided to sleep.
Of course, there would be a guard outside, for blood could attract monsters at night.
But it went well because the night pa.s.sed quickly and we were already preparing to continue the trip.