Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home - Chapter 959: Wait and See

Chapter 959: Wait and See

Chapter 959: Wait and See

Translator:Henyee TranslationsEditor:Henyee Translations

Tian Shanshan glanced at Fu and chuckled. I dont know, but who cares? Im sure he must be on the list! Isnt that intriguing?

Fu scratched her head and smiled, still looking a bit puzzled.

She couldnt quite grasp what made it so fascinating.

But if her lady said it was interesting, then it must be true! She couldnt admit her own ignorance.

If you say so, then it must be true!

Tian Shanshan glanced at her and smiled.

The young girl was naive. She was adorable, but not the brightest. She had no clue about what was happening, and Tian Shanshan had no interest in explaining it to her.

She wasnt short-sighted. The person she liked couldnt have possibly failed to become an intermediate Advanced Scholar. She hoped he might even achieve the top position.

She believed that his name must be on the Imperial List at that very moment. As she looked at the names, she thought about the man she liked, who might become her future husband, and it filled her with even more happiness.

The mysterious sense of destiny was too marvelous. She simply needed to savor it quietly.

Just imagine, in the future, when they were together, they could reminisce about this day. That would be a remarkable twist of fate!

The imperial examination was about to commence, and she was eager to observe

The atmosphere during the examination wasnt as tense as the imperial examination itself, but after all the hard work they had put in, everyone hoped for a favorable ranking.

As the day arrived for them to enter the Hall of Supreme Harmony, they all felt a sense of solemnity.

Qiao Xuan, on the other hand, had no need to worry about the ranking examination, so she had a leisurely day.

They were busy preparing delicious food at home, eagerly awaiting Shao Yunduans return so they could enjoy it together.

In the following days, when the rankings were announced, they embarked on various outings within and outside the city, marveling at beautiful sights and purchasing local specialties. They had a wonderful time.

Little did they expect that Shao Yunduan would become the Primus.

Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunduan were both stunned when they heard the news.

It wasnt until they bid farewell to the officer, Lu Min, and Gu Zhiyou, who came to offer their congratulations, and exchanged pleasantries with the neighbors who had gathered to witness the celebration, that they closed the door. It was then that Lixia and others knelt down to offer their congratulations and rewards. Yet, even at that moment, they couldnt quite believe it.

Shao Yunduan knew he had performed well and believed he would rank highly. But to be the Primus? That was beyond his expectations. Even now, he was still in a state of disbelief.

Qiao Xuan was taken aback. Darling, I have become the wife of the Primus? Oh my G.o.d, I am the wife of the Primus!

Shao Yunduan chuckled and took her in his arms, twirling her around. Yes, you are the one and only Mrs. Primus, the first in three years!

Qiao Xuan couldnt help but burst into laughter.

Shao Yunduan held her hands. From now on, there will be even greater achievements, all for you

A bright smile spread across Qiao Xuans face.

The two of them exchanged a glance and felt an overwhelming sense of joy.

However, within the Ministry of Personnel, chaos ensued.

The day before the results were announced, Tian Shanshan sketched Shao Yunduans face and asked her father to find out if the Primus was indeed the same man she had in mind.

Tian Shanshan was skilled in various arts such as playing the zither, chess, calligraphy, and painting. With her remarkable memory, she could vividly depict Shao Yunduans appearance on paper.