Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home - Chapter 880: Not Your Elder Sister-in-law

Chapter 880: Not Your Elder Sister-in-law

Chapter 880: Not Your Elder Sister-in-law

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The others echoed her sentiments.

Ms. Niu.

Ha, look at these daughter-in-laws!

Are you really trying to start a fight here? Is it amusing?

No one here is interested in starting a fight with you, Ms. Fang replied with a stern expression. The family has already made it clear, and you cant ignore that! But its a shame that you refuse to accept it!

Furthermore, dont call me Elder Sister-in-law, it disgusts me!

Ms. Fang would never consider her as a sister-in-law, especially after Ms. Niu tried to set up Taotao and forced her to marry someone they didnt approve of.

Soon, Ms. Niu realized the reason behind it all. So, you gave presents to the third section of the family and not us because of this?

Yes, Ms. Fang replied bluntly. The third section of the family is part of our family, but you are just like any other villagers with the same surname. If I give presents to you, should I give presents to everyone else in the village too? We cant afford that. It doesnt work that way!

Ms. Niu fell silent.

Only now did she realize the distinction between being part of the family and being from the same clan.

Her heart felt bitter. She simply couldnt accept it.

Elder Sister-in-law

Dont call me that!

You youre so cruel! We share the same in-laws, were not ordinary clan members! Doesnt Elder Brother know about this?

Ms. Fang sneered. Youre not ordinary clan members, and even ordinary clan members wouldnt have tried to arrange a marriage for my Taotao! You want my husband? Go and confront him yourself if you dare!

Ms. Fang dismissed her and drove her away after making her statement.

Turning to the others, she said, Ignore her. Treat her like this from now on. Shes n.o.body but someone from the clan.

Ms. Niu felt as if she was going to faint and vented her frustration to Second Uncle. She grew increasingly infuriated by the situation.

Second Uncle turned pale as well, becoming lost in his thoughts.

Others noticed that his anger seemed different now.

Was the first section of the family truly serious about this?

They had never believed it before, thinking that being brothers would prevent any change. However, the first section of the family had slapped them in the face.

Times had changed

Meanwhile, Mrs. Yan and Shao Silang had been visiting the Yan Family, and Mrs. Yan had allowed them to stay for an extra half day. Thats why they hadnt shown up until now.

However, the couple was taken aback by the tense atmosphere at home.

Ms. Yan inquired about what was happening.

Ms. Niu had a lot to complain about to Ms. Yan, cursing the first section of the family for their actions.

Deep inside, Ms. Yan smiled bitterly.

If she had been at home today

She wouldnt have allowed her mother-in-law to confront the first section of the family about this It was too humiliating!

Mom, the clan has confirmed this, and our relations.h.i.+p has changed. Why bother? The decision of the clan is not something to be taken lightly.

Ms. Niu shouted, So you think its my fault?

Ms. Yan silently agreed with that sentiment, but she replied, I mean Im just reminding you that the clan has made a decision, and the first section of the family agrees with it. Theres no need to interrogate them any further! Second Uncle angrily chimed in, That may be true, but its going too far!

Thats exactly what I mean!

Ms.. Yan added, Theyre angry, after all