Spiderman Ultimate Peter Parker - 9 X Factor Part Ii

9 X Factor Part Ii

"Cyclops is my codename, Scott Summers my real name, I have the ability to shoot beams of energy out of my eyes."

"Jean Grey, I'm a psychic."

"Kitty Pryde, I phase through objects."

"Kurt's my name and I can teleport to any place that I've seen."

"My name is Logan, and I can heal fast, our pilot is Strom, she can control the weather."

MJ was shocked, they chatted for a while about themselves, when Storm announced that they had arrived. After exiting the Jet they were met by a bald older gentleman in a wheelchair, standing next to him was Beast in full blue fur.

"h.e.l.lo, it's a surprise see Spiderman was the Mutant we were searching for," Charles said with a smile on his face, when Peter said, "It's an honor to meet you as well Prof. Xavier, but I ask that you respect my privacy and avoid reading my mind. I think a gentleman such as your self can do that right?"

Peter frowned under his mask, although he respected Charles, he had to be wary of one with his kind of power. Charles laughed and said, "Of course, but I think you won't mind me using the Intel Jean gave me, Peter."

Spiderman shook his head, "Let's get this straight, while we're in costume n.o.body call us by our real name. Secret ident.i.ty and all.

Xavier smiled and asked them to follow him, the two was led throughout the mansion and saw many unique children with incredible abilities, Peter smiled as he looked around at how happy the children were, when a kid around the age of 5 appeared beside him, he could change the surface of his skin to mimic the environment much like a chameleon so his body was almost unnoticeable, he pulled Peter's suite and asked, "Are you Spiderman."

"Peter smiled "Yepp!"

Suddenly they were crowded by fans asking to sign something of theirs, after working their way into Xavier's office the two sat down while the Profession poured a cup of tea, "The children here love the Spider Duo, they look up to them." Charles moved behind his desk and placed a cup of tea out for MJ and Peter before asking, "So tell me Spiderman, Spiderwoman, what do you think of this place?"

"I think what you've done is a kind thing, and the place is full of interesting people!" MJ stated pulling up her mask half way and taking a drink.

"It's pretty neat, could use some Spidey covered drapes but other than that still cool," Peter said with a laugh.

"I'm glad you two approve, how would you like come to school here?" Xavier asked while Spiderman sipped his tea, "I have to think about that one!" MJ said with a bit of a frown.

Peter put his cup down and said, "Sorry Xavier, while I'm sure we'd get along, I don't want to join the X-Men. Nor do I want to attend school here, I have other goals for my education."

Xavier sighed before saying, "If you want you can spend a few minutes here while we refill the Blackbird Jet. Should you ever change your minds, please feel free to come and join."

Peter thank them as he took MJ to explore and meet several mutants, he caught up with Scott who was working on a motorcycle, Peter offered to help, but he declined, "No one touches my baby." Peter smiled before saying, "Man the mother must be one ugly piece of steel."

Scott laughed as the two chatted for a while getting to know each other better, Peter hoped he didn't become the d.i.c.k that Marvel turned him into.

MJ chatted with Jean and even offered Scott some advice towards his bikes maintenance, afterward, they met up with Kitty and Kurt and chatted about school life and their abilities "So you can phase your body, huh? Is it like quantium tunnling?"

"Quantum What?" Kitty asked.

"Quantum Tunneling is a quantum mechanical phenomenon where a particle pa.s.ses through a potential barrier that it cla.s.sically cannot surmount it's like popping in and out of existence to move through matter. It's very complicated but you could be altering the structure of your body to become a wave, rather than a particle, you could also be transporting your physical body to a realm that's aligned with ours but where no matter exist."

Peter then turned to Kurt and said, "Your ability is a little more advanced, you could be entering another world and existing it to move around, our you could be dispersing or shrinking your body to the point where you can access wormholes, your memories may be guidance system to access which wormholes to traverse, and get to where and when you need to be."

Peter was fascinated by using science to try and figure out their abilities. It didn't take Beast long to get interested, Peter and he hit it off, and talked quite a few of their idea's on biology when Peter asked him, "I was wondering if you could take a look at my blood, I managed to identify my X gene, and even the spider gene, but there's something else there. With your advanced knowledge in genitics, I was hoping you could take a look."

Beast smiled and agreed then led them to his lab, he took a sample of Peter's blood and placed under a very expensive microscope, after running a few test he returned to Peter and said, "Any radioactivity in your blood has been cleaned out by your regeneration factor, however this last one appeares to be like the spider gene as it's designed. The best I could describe the gene is like a blank gene that would allow your body to accept multiple strains of augmented genetics."

Peter was shocked because if what he said was true, someone injected him with this gene when he was younger, and whatever was placed inside had already merdged with genes.

"Can you tell what used to be in the blank gene before the spider bite took place?" Peter asked making Beast sigh, "Peter do you ever remember being sick?"

Peter frowned and looked through his memories, "Twice, once when I was a child and after I was bitten by the spider."

"When you were young did you have problems seeing things?" Peter frowned and then asked, "Are you saying it's a vaccine!?"

"Smart boy! Yes and if I'm not wrong it's a cure for an extremely rare genetic disorder called Niemann-Pick Type C disease as you know a defect on the gene that regulates cholesterol metabolism in the cells."

Peter continued "Harmful amounts of the fatty lipid which our bodies make continuously and normally excrete, acc.u.mulate in the spleen, liver, lungs, bone marrow, and, ultimately, brain, leading to neurological deterioration that can trigger seizures and loss of motor skills like walking, holding a pencil, even swallowing. NPC is sometimes dubbed "childhood Alzheimer's" because it leads to severe dementia."

"Which is why I'm so impressed with the design of this drug, it managed to locate the desiese and create and replicate an antibody that targets this disease."

Peter gulped, he remebered a certain Viscus Ectosymbiotic Neuroactive Obligate Mutualist that what Beast was describing sounded a lot like how a Symbiot's abilities cure cancer. He thought of the Ultimate timeline and the fact his parents were the ones who made it. Peter got up and destroyed the sample and said, "Beast you can't tell anyone about this, Doctor-Patient Confidentiality and all."

Hank understood and said, "Relax, Peter, I have never broken my Hippocratic oath."

Peter smiled and felt rea.s.sured, out of all the X-Men Beast was actually his favorite, especially the gentelmanly version of him. Beast always remembered to keep his humanity above all else, so you knew he could keep his promises, Peter then returned to MJ and prepared to leave, he thanked Prof. X for his hospitality and returned home.

He headed to his house, entered and greeted his Aunt and Uncle before heading up to his attic, going through some of his parent's old boxes, after searching through the pile of boxes he found a set of tapes, along with dozens of boxes that held files that were t.i.tled 'Project V.E.N.O.M'.

Peter slapped himself in the head for being so forgetful and promise to clean out his attic in case there was any other dangerous war cringing projects of his parents laying around. He took the boxes to his lab and began going over the notes and videotapes concerning the research. After going through the whole pile of research he had a pretty good idea on how Venom was made, the material used to make it, was taken from a rock that was obtained from the moon if he had the same substance he could even replicate his parents experiments; but he didn't know if he should. Peter took a deep breath and thought, "Venom has the capacity to do good, but his way of understanding things is problematic. I hope Dr.Strange is around, maybe he could help me communicate and teach it. Peter also knew he had to go to steal the Venom sample from Eddie. He wouldn't put up with a Symbiot and monster like Eddie constantly hunting him down.

Peter also couldn't help but feel a lot of sad emotions, it wasn't like he possed Peter Parker, but was Peter Parke, the look of his dead parents made him cry and feel extremely depressed, as he was cleaning out the boxes, he noticed a key of unknown origin in his father's favorite copy of Moby d.i.c.k.

Peter had a lot to do so after nightfall he called MJ and told her to meet him at 177A Bleecker Street, sneaking out he headed out to Reed Richards Science Center, sneaking inside he easily found the Cold Storage Center, heading inside he picked open all the locks and found the two samples of Venom.

After webbing them up, he left heading towards the New York Sanctum. It took a while to reach when he spotted MJ on a nearby rooftop. Landing next to her he said, "Now be honest, did ya miss me?" MJ jumped into his arms and said, "Always Tiger, whatcha got there?"

Peter pulled out the vials and said, "Something that I hope never becomes a problem."

Peter swung down with MJ and knocked on the Sanctums doors, they were meet with an older slightly tubby Wong, in his leather master robes. He looked to them and asked, "What can I help you with?"

Peter coughed and said, "I wish to speak to the Sorcerer Supreme, I require his a.s.sistance with an important matter."

Wong looked at him and MJ then at the webbed up vials, "Let them in Wong." Steven Strange, who looked like the MCU universe's Benedict c.u.mberbatch, walked down the stairs while holding his hands behind his back, "So you're the Spider people that have been gaining a lot of popularity recently?" Peter and MJ stepped inside when MJ asked, "Who is this guy?"

Strange waved his hands closing the Door with his magic, before saying, "Didn't you hear him Spiderwoman, I am the Earth's Sorcerer Supreme!"

"Wait so magic's real?" MJ Shouted.

Peter laughed and then said, "Magic is just science we don't understand."

Strange lifted a brow and said, "Very astute of you Mr.Parker. Madam Web was right about your intelligence. You accept science while keeping your mind open to every possibility. Very suitable for learning magic. The Ancient One would be pleased to meet you."

Suddenly Peter felt a could feel a cold sweat as he thought, "The Ancient One is alive!" It appeared that Doctor Strange became a Sorcerer much sooner than the MCU timeline and was closer to the Ultimate timeline. Meaning he hadn't met Dormammu yet.

Peter sighed as he unwrapped the webbing around the Venom samples along with the main files on Venom's research and said, "As a doctor, I'm sure this will interest you, but there is a problem with the lack of control over the suit. I was hoping you could help me find a solution to this problem."