Spiderman Ultimate Peter Parker - 59 Secret Wars Part Viii

59 Secret Wars Part Viii

"Can you hack it, Spiderling?" MJ asked.

"My apologies, but the psionic energy here is too strong for me to override, the best course of action is to directly access the technology by removing the Mutant from the machine."

"Okay then, time to move!" MJ thought as she webbed towards the panel on the wall, as the web traveled, hundreds of the turrets carrying disintegration lasers opened fire on the webbing and turning it into a pile of ash. MJ jumped out and began to dodge the lasers while taking small advances forward, a laser shot at her feet forcing her to jump, when another laser shot at her in mid-air, MJ webbed the wall and pulled herself slightly over and dodged it within seconds of hitting her, as she landed she rolled forward and webbed the ceiling diagonally pulling her body out of the way of multiple laser shots.

MJ then heard Peter contact her, "MJ I could use your help on this one, how are things on your end?"

MJ was in the middle of performing unnatural gymnastic feats that could win her an Olympian medal when she responded, "I'm busy dodge laser beams of death, please call back at a later time."

MJ was slowly inching her way forward when a wall of light appeared that was quickly rising from the floor, she webbed the roof and pulled her self over the wall before it blocked her off, a series of these walls began closing in front of her, forcing her to move even faster, MJ lept over the last one and was seconds away from reaching the computer panel next to Forge's body, when a blast of energy radiated from around him, the walls behind her started to close in, her Spidey-Senses were blaring when she quickly decided to open her bag of infinite s.p.a.ce and pull in the screen of energy.

Reaching out her hand she placed the Symbiote over the Computer and forced the defense system to shut down, she then walked over to Forge and began covering him in the Symbiote, she felt appalled as only his spine, heart, and brain was remaining as organic parts, MJ quickly started to recover his body, however, the damage was insane, it took her 2 hours to heal his damage, so as a bonus she ended up copying Forge's X gene. She now found that there was an intuition of sorts when it came to controlling and building machinery, she then removed her Symbiote to reveal a completely healed Forge. "Why isn't he waking up?" MJ asked Spiderling.

"The Mutant's mind is fractured, broken. He will not wake up without special a.s.sistance, a telepath would be helpful in healing his mind," Spiderling replied.

MJ sighed as she lifted his body up with her telekinesis and carried him back with her, as she approached the cells, she used her new found power to disable the machines and start saving every prisoner she could, after reaching her way to Peter's parents MJ wrapped them up with her Symbiote and began to heal their wounds, when their eyes returned along with their health they stared at the person in front of them in awe, "That's our!" Mariah, Peter's mother shouted she had long chestnut brown hair, and green eyes, although she was in her thirties she still looked amazing now that her body was returned to full health, "Who are you?" Richard, Peter's father shouted in worry, thinking that Hydra had figured out the Symbiote creation method. Richard looked a lot like Peter, only with a wider jawline and barely noticeable dimple.

MJ smiled and said, "I'm Spider-Woman, and I herewith S.H.I.E.L.D. Part of a new group of world protectors called the Avengers!"

The two looked at each other in surprise, all the rest of the captives that were more recent and knew of the Avengers wanted to start cheering for joy when they heard this, but MJ placed her finger over her mouth and shushed them, "We still have to get you guys out of here. There are over 500 of you so I need you all to line up."

"What are the Avengers?" Mariah asked, when someone in line said, "How long have you been here?" They explained the alien attack to them as they lined up, "All that happened in the last 12 years!" Mariah rounded up.

"Oh, G.o.d, Peter! Do you think he's okay?" Richard began to worry even more, when all of the sudden, everyone felt their bodies become light and started to float behind MJ.

"Please relax everyone, starting right now, I'm going to get you all home," MJ said as she began flying up into the vents she came through, as she led them up the ma.s.sive complex duct system she had plenty of room to spread them all out, she then headed back up until she saw Fury messing with the Hydra Agents by taking over certain security protocols, and locking them in rooms, and attacking them with automated turrets.

"Having fun!" MJ said making Fury say, "It's about time." He closed the minicomputer and placed in a pouch around his waist before saying, "That everyone?"

MJ nodded her head, when Fury said, "Avengers, bust down the door!"

A large explosion was heard that was followed by intense gunfire, and people yelling out in pain. MJ smiled and said, "Let's get out of here now."

After exiting the facility Ironman landed next to them as a wave of unmanned drones flew inside the Hydra base and began clearing it out. "Spider-Woman! It's good to see you, where is your partner."

MJ looked back at Peter's parents before sending a text to Tony's H.U.D. "Really!" Tony responded.

MJ then thought of the message she got from Peter earlier and said, "Okay Peter, Mission accomplished! Your parents are safe and sound now, I'm leaving them in Tony's hands for now." MJ sent a message to Peter, who responded, "Thank G.o.d, I'm glad you're all safe." Peter truly meant that he took a deep breath and felt a wave of relief as he continued, "I'm coming to pick you up."

Two hours earlier after the message to MJ, Peter was fervently trying to come up with a way to pick out the Totems he would summon, he had already figured out four but the last two would be problematic, he asked if the Spider-G.o.ddess could help him view what his total selection is, when the other elder G.o.ds started calling foul play on him, she smiled and said, "You can already access the web by using the s.p.a.ce, and Reality Stone, if it is just viewing the different realms, then you could easily accomplish such a task."

Peter sighed and spent almost two hours trying to construct a spell that he could use, Strange, got in on it and gave Peter several tips, as they put the finis.h.i.+ng touches on the spell matrix, he turned to Strange and said, "Thanks, I don't think I could have created the spell this quickly without your aid."

"Don't sell your self-short Parker, you did a great job thinking up the outline of the spell, even without me given enough time, you could have completed this without me," Strange replied slapping Peter on the back.

"Okay then, let's take a peek at my choices," Peter said as he activated the spell, his s.p.a.ce and Reality Merlin Stones powered the glyph as his mind drifted throughout the planes as he came across a ma.s.sive web spanning out into infinity, Peter placed his hand over it and said, "Better make this quick, I have less than 50 seconds remaining."

As he touched the Web of Life, he felt his mind spilled off into countless realities to see those who shared his connection to the web, after drifting throughout the realities for 42 seconds he pulled himself back to his body by canceling the spell out. Standing up he smiled, and said, "I got it!"

Peter then told Madam web of the of his choices, First was the easy win, in Universe 919, there was a version of Peter Parker during the Secret Wars arc, where he gained the powers of the Beyonder and managed to keep his mind human by putting on several limiters that kept him from abusing the power. After defeating doctor Strange he recreated reality as it was, and returned home as an invincible hero, never reviving Ben, and altering the fate of his reality, merely stepping forward in his life.

Next is Ghost Spider from Earth-11638, in this reality Peter Parker's Uncle Ben never died and became corrupted by power, raised Peter up with evil intentions, after becoming the Amazing Spider, a famous and popular superhero who also became a rich, they used their resources built a transporter to bring Spider-Men from other universes and absorb their powers to increase his. After bringing the Spider-Man of Earth-616 and making him believe he arrived at his universe by accident, 616 Peter woke up in in the Amazing Spider's lair, where he was attached to a machine which would absorb his powers.

The 616 Peter managed to convince his other of his errors and when Ben was about to plug a distracted Spider-Man into the machine, the Amazing Spider stood in the middle and had his powers absorbed by the machine, and was placed into a coma as a consequence, but his spirit, however, was trapped in h.e.l.l where he felt he deserved his punishment. Sometime later after some certain events took place, he was given a chance for redemption and became the Spider-Ghost.

In the universe Scarlet Which created during the 'House of M' event, Earth-58163 it did not vanish after Scarlet Which returned the 616 Universe to how it was supposed to be, but became a reality in of its self and continued on its own natural history. In that world, Gwen never died and married Peter Parker, had a child together and lived a happy life. Their son Richi Parker inherited Spider-Man's powers, became a hero in his own right as he grew up, and eventually became the next Sorcerer Supreme.

On Earth, Earth-51977 Peter Parker was chosen as the Nova Prime sometime after he was bitten by the spider, after jumping in front of mugger a tragic event involving a ricochet bullet killed the criminal, he turned himself into the police for to be punished for his crime, but was released shortly thereafter, as it was an act of self-defense. Unable to cope with being a murder, he could no longer continue on as a hero an hung up the costume, he lived a mostly normal life, he met with Mary Jane, fell in love, got married, and when his first child was born, he took up the costume once again to be a hero for her.

Sometime later, Peter's Daughter became the owner of the Black Self Sustaining Nova Core helmet, and the two became crime-fighting heroes together. Since he couldn't bring NovForce over he had to bring his daughter Mayday Parker over to help.

Next was Warlock Spider-Man, Earth-8545, the entire world was overrun with something called the legacy virus, where an omega level existence named Warlock sacrificed himself to merge their bioforms in an effort to save his best friend Cypher's life. Instead, the Virus mutated to become a new disease, a disease that was no longer fatal, but didn't limit itself to mutants and was infinitely more contagious. Becoming vampiric in nature, it hungered for additional life energy and forced those infected to hunt for more victims. After a long period of time, Spider-Man managed to come to his sense and overpower the hive mind, he then went on to create a vaccine curing everyone of the virus and saving the world. He did, however, managed to keep his powers of Warlock and went on to become a big-time hero.

Lastly, from the universe he helped create, Earth-6162's Kaine Scarlet Spider also known as the version that went on to master the power of the Other and even got a nice spiffy magical suit made by a Spider-Man that learned magic, that not only enhanced his powers but The Other's power as well.

As they all were about to be summoned, MJ called him back, "I'm on my way to pick you up." With that he teleported to MJ's side, to see his parents standing close to her.