Spiderman Ultimate Peter Parker - 56 Secret Wars Part V

56 Secret Wars Part V

Peter stared at the facility with great anger boiling under his skin, he waited as they landed and was guided out at gunpoint, "Welcome, Mr. Parker, to the Hydra Island, although your a prisoner we have great expectations for your mind, after all, since you follow my orders now I intend to have you work as my a.s.sistant," Maynard said with an overabundance of confidence, the Hydra agents thought nothing of it as they were under the a.s.sumption that Peter was under Maynard's control.

"I look forward to working with you," Peter said with an almost gentle smile.

He led them inside the building, as they entered Peter saw the highly advanced technology lying about, stuff from the previous invasion was being heavily inspected and experimented with, Peter was led into a lab room that was filled with surgery equipment, he saw several children that were being exposed to torturous chemicals that had a chance to activate their X gene.

The Hydra agents left the room as Peter held his hands out and said, "If you would Doctor Maynard?"

"Of course partner," Maynard responded like he and Peter had been best friends for years, he removed the power sealing cuffs and stepped back before saying, "No if you'll follow me, I'll take you to talk with my superior."

Peter looked at the kids before him and separated from his Symbiote, "Start healing every victim you come across." Webster nodded it's head as it began covering the children as Peter pulled out his spare costume, "Didn't think I'd be using my spare suit so soon." Peter looked at Maynard and said, "Let's go, I'm curious as to how you knew my ident.i.ty."

Maynard nodded his head and said, "Anything for you Peter, after without you I would have died all those years ago." Peter had made Maynard into a loyal servant by implanting false memories of their Partners.h.i.+p, he made it so that he had saved his life and the two had been plotting the downfall of Hydra for years.

Peter walked alongside Maynard until they reached a large empty conference room, the table was long enough for around 20 or so people, and each seat had a device in front of it that was for holographic display of the High Council members of Hydra, Peter sat down and placed his feet up on the table, as Maynard made the call, "h.e.l.lo, is anyone there?" Peter said as a black shadow appeared in a holographic form only the eyes were visible.

"So Doctor Maynard, it appears you succeded," The person spoke in a deep male German accent.

"Yes, Mr. Parker is under my control now," Maynard replied.

Peter stood up and did his best hail Hydra impression and said, "Now that I'm part of the group, I was wondering, how you managed to uncover my ident.i.ty?"

The Hydra Council member looked at Peter and said, "Why does he seem so normal?"

"Mr. Parker's intelligence is one of a kind, to make sure not to lose any of it, I left his personality intact," Maynard replied.

The Hydra official didn't seem to mind as he answered his question, "A certain operative that joined up recently gave us this information."

"Oh, may I ask for his name?" Peter asked.

The voice was starting to get annoyed, "You have no need to know, follow orders soldier."

Peter used his s.p.a.ce Amethyst to try out his new spell, a white spell circle appeared around his hand as the man on the other side of the call appeared in the room, Peter wasn't surprised to see Doctor Johann Faustus, before he had a chance Peter invaded his mind and reaped every bit of information he had, after Peter finished he discovered how they discovered their ident.i.ty.

Peter clenched his fist, "Eddie! f.u.c.king Venom! Putting together a team to defeat the Avengers huh?" Peter slammed his fist through the table, as he turned to Faustus and said, "Call them all."

Faustus nodded his head completely compliant, "What is it, Faust, why have you contacted us?" The room was suddenly filled up with Hydra's High Council, Peter waved his hand activating his s.p.a.ce Amythest and pulled them into the room, "What's happening is the end of Hydra!"

Before they could make their move Peter scavaged their minds and lifted his mask as he started barfing, the stuff he saw was truly deplorable, "You sick f.u.c.king degenerates! I've seen a lot of s.h.i.+t, read a lot of books about people like you, but to actually see it. I've seen tamer s.h.i.+t in a hostel movie." Peter barfed some more, what he saw was some of the most sickening things he had ever seen, senseless killings, cruel experimentation on the innocent, r a p e, torturing of the highest caliber, and many more, Peter wanted nothing more than to start spilling blood, but he bit back his anger and said, "I'm not going to dirty my hands, but you can be sure I'll be dropping you all off in a state where the death penalty is still legal."

All of the Hydra agents gulped, only Maynard seemed pleased, "None of you have any connection to the Supreme Council, other than the black box that gives you your orders but let me tell you this, it won't save them, I promised to wipe Hydra off the face of the earth, and I plan on following through."

Peter walked out into the lab, called back his Symbiote, and began his a.s.sault. To make sure that they don't radio out and alert the other Hydra bases to, Peter used an Emp to shut down everything thing on the island, He ran from person to person, extracting and destroying the Demi-Symbiotes, some of the agents were wearing psionic resistant gear, and helmets so Peter had to get rough with some of them.

As he made his way through the rooms, particular Hydra prisoners were being free from their prisons, "Hmm! Someone's here?" A giant 8-foot man wearing a full suit of metallic orange-red armor said as he stood up and walked out of the cell crus.h.i.+ng the ground beneath him."

"Oh goody I been stuck here forever, I hope It's someone I may or may not have a guy crush on." A very familiar voice echoed in the prison chamber beside him, "I've been waiting forever to make my appearance."

Peter who had been gathering up all of the Victims of Hydra's experiments, was standing over another scientist scanning his memories, he saw that they had prisoners that none of the scientists here were allowed to go near, and he just released them with his EMP. He slapped his own forehead as he flung him into a wall and webbed him up, the room suddenly shook as he said, "Oh, c.r.a.p."

The wall beside him exploded as he removed his Symbiote and shouted, "Go get the innocents to safety." Suddenly a giant fist came inches away from hitting him, he jumped up to the ceiling and shouted, "Hey Jugs, is that any way to thank someone for freeing you?"

Juggernaut stared down Spider-Man and said, "Oh, then I guess should thank you, Spider-Man. Why don't you come down here and accept my heart fueled appreciation."

"I'd rather send you to Mars!" Peter started using the s.p.a.ce Amethyst and tried to teleport Juggernaut away, when all of the sudden, his body was suddenly surrounded by a red glow that contained the might of the elder G.o.d Cyttorak, with a single jerk of his body the spell surrounding him collapsed and he charged towards a nearby support pillar and tried to break it down, Peter webbed up his feet and pulled him off the ground, he then tried to use his magnetics to control and remove Juggernaut's armor when he found out that it was made of non magnetic materials, "Son of a..."

Juggernaut pulled on his webbing and punched Peter it the chin sending him flying through the roof, Peter grunted as he webbed the ground around Juggernaut and pulled himself into a flying rocket kick towards him, Juggernaut raised his arm and as Peter's feet connected the ground splintered around them and pushed Juggernaut's body halfway into the ground, Peter tried to reach for his helmet, but Juggernaut was ready for him, he reached to grab Peter's arms but Peter transformed his arms into lightning and as he reached out he felt as Juggernaut's hands pa.s.sed through him.

Peter's hands touched the latches around Juggernauts helmet when Juggernaut slapped his hands together throwing Peter's body into the air along with one of the latches.

Peter grunted as he felt someone catch him, he turned around to see a red-costumed anti-hero who was a constant source of a headache for him.

"Deadpool!" Peter shouted seeing that he was around the same age as him, it made him think of Ulitmate Deadpool.

"Hey, you know my name! I'm a big fan Spider-Man, can I have your autograph. I think it will be way more expensive after your dead."

Peter raised fist knocking Deadpool's neck back, making a loud snapping sound, "Owie! Hars.h.!.+" Deadpool snapped his head back and said, "You better play nice author! You'll need my help for what's to come next, and you know it."

"I don't know who's writing this but you better not f.u.c.k me over!" Peter shouted, making Deadpool smile before saying, "You can break the fourth wall too!?"

Juggernaut threw a large chunk of debris at them as they dodged Peter shouted, "I can now!"

"But how come you aren't crazy like me!? Deadpool asked as he shot at Juggernauts eyes, who in return placed his hands in the way.

"I believe that there's a chance there is a chance that they're nothing more than scribes peering into another universe, or maybe even making an entire universe as they write, after all, our brains are quantum computers, who knows what we're capable of." Peter webbed at Juggernauts feet and tried to pull him back, but Juggernaut grabbed them and started to pull, Peter held on to it and tried to keep Juggernaut busy when Deadpool said, "Wow I never thought of it like that."

"Yep, if everything is possible and exist in some way or form, then why should I care, I'm just going to live my life the way I want to, to the best of abilities, and without betraying my character. h.e.l.l for all we know the person writing my story is having their story written by someone as well."

"Interesting, very Zen, are you sure you're not Iron Fist!" Deadpool laughed, making Juggernaut fumed as he shouted, "Will you two shut the f.u.c.k up!"

"Ahh, we're p.i.s.sing the author off again!" Deadpool pulled out his sword and started to chop at Juggernaut's legs.

"Peter webbed his arm, as Deadpool's swords barely managed to make him bleed, Peter hopped on his helmet and started to pull on the second hatch lock, when suddenly Juggernaut started running as he grabbed Spider-Man who turned into his lightning form and shot over next to Deadpool. "I think I can handle this, why did you say I would need your help earlier?"

Before Deadpool could answer a beam of energy shot towards them, Peter jumped up and it shot a clean hole through Dead Pool and made him shout, "Why!?" Peter saw the person he recognized as Inferno the herald of Ballthakk

A woman wearing golden armor and whose body was partially made of energy walked up beside him along with 6 others, Peter recognized them as Mysterio, Stonecutter, the leader of the Hand Gorgon, Modred the Mystic, Kraven the Hunter, Styx the man with the touch of death, all off them radiating the energy of the Octessence.

"Awe! c.r.a.p, the Autor isn't going easy on you at all," Deadpool said as his stomach healed up.

Peter sighed as he thought, "I wonder how MJ is doing on her part."