Spiderman Ultimate Peter Parker - 42 Author Talk

42 Author Talk

So doing this to talk to the readers and clear up some things, one of the reasons I'm writing this is because I was tired of not getting one current timeline and having its progression halted. To give you a brief idea of how much of the Spider-Man Mythos I know about, I'll tell you as an older fan of Marvel, although I can't say I've been with Spider-Man since the beginning, I can say I've read the work for more than 20 years and have all the issues of Amazing Spider-Man and every special issue team-up comic he's in, right up until Doc Ock took his body, then that Dan Slott piece of s.h.i.+t got ahold of my hero, took him hostage, twisted his life into a f.u.c.ked up mess, p.i.s.s and s.h.i.+t on everything that Spider-Man is and all the progress he made. Now don't get me wrong some of the idea's he had been pretty cool but executed in the most f.u.c.ked up ways.

1. The Idea that after 700 issues of Spider-Man it was time for Peter Parker, not Spider-Man to step to the next level such as graduating, getting his degree, starting his own business, these are all great ideas, but not as Doctor Octopus. There was this moment where Peter in Doctor Ock's body had the chance to take back his body, but dumb a.s.s Dan Slott pa.s.sed it up saying, Oh Doctor Octopus was prepared! And then like a f.u.c.ked up piece of s.h.i.+t writer he is, the next thing he proceeds to do is have Doc Ock kill Peter Parker that's in his own body, breaking the one Spidey Rule every writer understood not to break, SPIDERMAN DOES NOT KILL, and he did so quite brutally I might add, like his eye was hanging out of his head and his guts were falling into the street, right there Spider-Man should have been labeled a murder, a whole crowd witnessed him doing, including a cop! This issue was never brought up or discussed, at least I think there wasn't, I can't remember but I think the excuse he made was that he died from heart failure, not the punches that could destroy a metal wall. Cause it's not like beating the s.h.i.+t out of someone can cause heart failure.

2. Relations.h.i.+p damage: Doc Ock Raped Mary Jane, and no one at Marvel said s.h.i.+T or caught it! She and Doc Ock had a little relations.h.i.+p while he was in control, he knew she was the love of Peter's life and he creepily bragged about how he was going to bang her, and he did. If there was ever a time were Peter's spirit should have been strong enough to influence Doc Ock's actions then MJ should have been that Trigger, he could have even been like Your not touching her, and Bam! Peter Parker is back.

What he did some of the most f.u.c.ked up s.h.i.+t I'd seen in Marvel stories, after this I didn't even bother to watch the videos to see what was happening in the series, and only checked every once in a while if Peter Parker was Spider-Man again. I remember writing a comment on a Marvel site and some Dan Slott defender was trying to tell me that MJ wasn't raped, when I countered, If you were sleeping with someone you believed to be the love of your life, and then found out he was literally someone else, please tell me how that isn't ****, I think that guy blocked me.

And if raping her like that wasn't enough for the guy, he completely discredited MJ's connection with Peter and her strongly built character, this woman was able to tell, that out of all the Clones in that terrible saga that her Peter, the one she was having a child with was the real Peter Parker, and wouldn't you know it, she was right. Are you telling that the woman who was capable of that couldn't tell Doc Ock, one of Spider-Man's greatest foes was in control of her lover's body... ??? f.u.c.king terrible writing at it's worse and don't even get me on how the f.u.c.k Ben Riely managed to keep his story even though a huge chunk of his history is altered by ending MJ and Peter's marriage, things that can not happen without their marriage, such as him f.u.c.king existing, did you know Jackel made him just to screw with MJ and Peter's marital life.

3. After Peter got his body back I picked up a few issues here and there, I like the way it started out Peter sort of stumbling to find his way around his new life, patching up his relations.h.i.+p, but after a while, it started up again, Dan Slott loved Spider-Man but he hated Peter Parker, it showed in his writing, for most of his hero friends forgave him, and to those that didn't, are you f.u.c.king kidding me guy, after all the s.h.i.+t Spidey's has done and sacrificed, and forgiving them, they're not going to accept, Hey My worst villain was controlling me, and almost no one in his Personal life did, they scorned him, after reading through all the issues of the return of Peter Parker I saw a repeating pattern of stupid mistakes he only makes as Peter Parker.

4.He was off and on about knowing about his deal with Mephisto, for those that don't know about this he gave up his marriage with MJ to save Aunt May's life, not only does that f.u.c.k up the whole d.a.m.n timeline which creates so many inconsistencies throughout the rest of Dan Slott's time at Marvel, it spits in the face of everything we know about Peter Parker, he has always been about putting responsibility first, the Peter Parker I know would have taken responsibility for his actions, he would have chosen to let his Aunt May die, with her pa.s.sing away knowing that he was Spider-Man being proud that he saved so many people, it would have made for a tear touching scene. If he wanted to solve the problem about his unmasking, he could have gone to Prof. X to wipe his image of him removing his mask from the whole world, instead of making a deal with the G.o.d d.a.m.n devil.

5. Now the Spider-Island was almost a perfect event, it really showed what made Peter Parker, amazing, I even really loved the way he had MJ go through like this whole realization of what it was like to be Spider Powered, she finally could understand Peter like never before, but did Dan Slott do anything with this? NOPE! After Peter saved everyone from becoming giant spider monsters, MJ went right back to being unimportant, has this nice little moment with her and does nothing about it. I would have twisted the story so that she somehow got to keep the powers, or when Anti Venom cured her because she was the last to be cured, it did something else, she spent a lot of time with Peter if you know what I mean. Even carried his miscarried child, some of his genetics are inside her. The spider island event could have acted as a catalyst and turned her into Spider-Woman 2.0 but no another moment pa.s.sed up.

Now that this new guy is writing, and he put MJ and Peter back together and I shouted YES! I really hope he makes it stick too, I mean here's how I would fix Dan Slott's f.u.c.k-ups, the wish with Mephisto has gone haywire, because . . . . Dun Dun DAA Mayday Parker from the 616 universes is still alive, now no matter how powerful Mephisto is he can't just undo a life, for him to swing that kind of power he would have to be in his own realm where he has the powers of a G.o.d, or work out a deal with Death. This could be a really cool long-term plan by Doctor Strange to beat Mephisto, or some other magical ent.i.ty like Doom stealing her to train as his own, that would be really freaking cool, Doom order's Mayday Kill Spider-Man, and suddenly MJ and Peter have to become parents, it forces Peter to grow the f.u.c.k up and get his s.h.i.+t back together.

If you follow the work and know about MJ and Peter's first miscarriage then you know that it was left up in the air whether she died or survived by an evil plot from the Green Goblin.

For those who don't know the history here is a quick wiki of the 616 Maday Profile, The daughter of Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson-Parker, May Parker was delivered at New York Hospital by Dr. Folsome who convinced Mary Jane she had given birth to a stillborn baby. In reality, the child was stolen from her mother by Alison Mongrain who had posed as a labor and delivery nurse and was ordered by Norman Osborn to dispose of the child on her way to Europe.

I remember thinking something was freaking strange about Alison Mongrain scenes in general, every now and then she get these moments where it would so her caring for something in a crib presumably baby Parker, while the goblin toyed with Spider-Man's heart even after he had 'died' by leading him around all his villains to look for clues to find his daughter. At the end of it, Kaine tracks her down to discover that the thing she was taking care of was a cat, WHO THE f.u.c.k PUTS A CAT IN A CRIB. So if I were writing for Marvel right now, I would bring a 7 or 8-year-old Mayday Parker into the story and bring this Mephisto arc full circle. Have like this moment where her existence is threating to destroy all reality, and lead the moment up to having Peter to chose to save reality or kill his daughter, but he thinks back on all the mistakes he's made in his life and wouldn't let his daughter be another, so he does the whole self-sacrifice thing and wins MJ's secret Bet against the devil, thereby referencing and adapting a good novel Goethe's Faust into the work.

Finally, I hated seeing our favorite heroes constantly regressing thanks to constant retcons, and rewrites, I want one forward moving universe where your hero will grow up until the end of their story, a beginning, middle, and end. Let a new universe have its own conclusion, and end, I'll buy a completely new type of Spider-Man but let the ones we know have a proper ending, please. This is why I'm writing this one, I want to finish this and turn to refine it before turning it into Marvel, so sorry for the ones who want a Harem, but it's not happening, now I'm not saying there won't be some tension in their relations.h.i.+p, or some other universe Peter May have a Harem, like could even throw in some Spider Reference, but MJ is the Heroin of his story, and Peter is the Hero, I want a universe where we take all the content of Marvel and Pick one person to be the Main character for the material to focus around, from beginning to end have it all connect, I think I'll call it Marvel Unchained Universe. No more Retcons, it's time for our heroes to grow up.